
Read the latest news stories and cases of cyberbullying on

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US Girls Self-Harming, Trying Suicide at Increasing Rate

Experts: Cyberbullying, substance abuse, economic stress may be contributing to trend

(Newser) - Attempted suicides, drug overdoses, cutting, and other types of self-injury have increased substantially in US girls, a 15-year study of ER visits found. It's unclear why, but some mental health experts think cyberbullying, substance abuse, and economic stress from the recent recession might be contributing, the AP reports. The...

Alarming Trend Among Teens: &#39;Digital Self-Harm&#39;
Alarming Trend Among Teens:
'Digital Self-Harm'

Alarming Trend Among Teens: 'Digital Self-Harm'

6% of children surveyed said they'd engaged in 'self-cyberbullying'

(Newser) - Cyberbullying is a huge problem among teens—and an alarming new study finds that sometimes, kids inflict the bullying on themselves. Researchers surveyed almost 5,600 US students between the ages of 12 and 17, and around 6% reported they had engaged in what researchers are calling "self-cyberbullying" or...

New 'Nice' App Turns Tables on Trolls

No. 1 app tbh only allows positive messages

(Newser) - The latest social media app that all the kids are crazy about comes with a twist—it's nice. Far from cyberbullying, the tbh app—short for "to be honest"—is all about "improving the mental health of millions of teens," co-founder Nikita Bier tells Tech...

Melania Trump Tweets Message to Chelsea Clinton

A note of thanks after former first daughter came to Barron Trump's defense

(Newser) - While the tension between certain Clintons and Trumps continues to get press , other members of the two families are supporting and praising each other. Chelsea Clinton took to Twitter Monday to defend 11-year-old Barron Trump from harsh criticism of his clothing choices by a conservative website, which was soon followed...

Secret Messaging App Both Adored and Feared

Sarahah lets users send messages anonymously

(Newser) - Imagine being able to hear exactly what family, friends, and coworkers think of you without knowing who is behind each comment. It's enticing to the millions of people who've downloaded the massively popular new app Sararah since it was released in June. Adweek reports that it's currently...

Parents Sue School After Bullied Daughter, 12, Kills Self

They say school didn't do enough to stop the harassment

(Newser) - Mallory Grossman was just 12 years old when the New Jersey sixth grader killed herself in June. Now her parents are suing her school district, alleging Mallory's cyberbullying at the hands of her classmates at Copeland Middle School pushed her to take her own life—and that the school...

Student Gives Ex's Apology a D-. College Gives Him a Suspension

College says Nick Lutz's viral tweet violated its student code of conduct

(Newser) - “Long intro, short conclusion, strong hypothesis but nothing to back it up,” Nick Lutz wrote in red pen on a four-page apology letter his ex-girlfriend left on his car. The 21-year-old college senior graded the letter—giving it a D- but stating his ex could revise it for...

Twitter Not Suspending Trump's Account Over CNN Tweet

Many are calling for president to be banned from the social media service

(Newser) - Following President Trump's latest tweet controversy, many are flocking to Twitter to suggest the POTUS be banned from the social media service, Elite Daily reports. Users are suggesting that Trump's tweets, including the recent one showing a WWE wrestling video in which he appears to clobber "CNN,...

Sisters Allegedly Try Internet Scam on Nigerian Billionaire
Sisters Allegedly Try Internet
Scam on Nigerian Billionaire
in case you missed it

Sisters Allegedly Try Internet Scam on Nigerian Billionaire

And yes we recognize the irony

(Newser) - Someone alert Alanis Morissette because a Nigerian billionaire is apparently on the receiving end of an alleged internet scam. The Toronto Star reports the ironic situation is unfolding around two sisters from Toronto—Jyoti and Kiran Matharoo—recently arrested in Lagos, Nigeria. The sisters Matharoo were "fixtures in the...

Avril: Zuckerberg an Online Bully for Nickelback Crack

'#TheJokeIsOld' she posted on Twitter in note to Facebook co-founder

(Newser) - Making us feel guilty this week for every Nickelback crack we've ever made is Avril Lavigne, but she's not going after us—she's going after Mark Zuckerberg, People reports. The Facebook co-founder showed off Jarvis, his new AI home assistant voiced by Morgan Freeman, in a video...

Internet Fights for TV Host's Right to Wear 'Granny Panties'

Samantha Armytage was publicly shamed by the 'Daily Mail Australia'

(Newser) - Women are taking to social media to defend their right to wear granny panties—and also their right not to be cyberbullied by the media while just trying to buy some dang groceries. The paparazzi snapped a few photos of Australian morning show host Samantha Armytage running errands recently, the...

Trump Accused of &#39;Cyberbullying&#39; Union Chief
Trump Slammed for 'Dark,
Disturbing' Twitter Attacks

Trump Slammed for 'Dark, Disturbing' Twitter Attacks

'It is cyberbullying. This is a strategy to bully somebody who dissents'

(Newser) - Using Twitter to attack a private citizen is about as presidential as firing spitballs, Donald Trump's critics said after he took to social media in a feud with a union chief. The president-elect is being accused of cyberbullying Chuck Jones, the United Steelworkers Local 1999 leader who criticized how...

Media Points Out Melania Trump's Ironic Goals as First Lady

She'd focus on cyberbullying

(Newser) - Melania Trump gave a rare campaign speech Thursday—her first since the Republican National Convention—that Jezebel notes was "rich with apparently unnoticed irony." Talking about what she'll focus on as first lady, Trump said she wants to stop bullying on social media and be an "...

Before Suicide, Firefighter Was Harassed Online

Nicole Mittendorff targeted by users claiming to be colleagues

(Newser) - Authorities are investigating whether anonymous posts in an online forum pushed Virginia firefighter Nicole Mittendorff to suicide . In a thread for emergency workers on website Fairfax Underground in December, the 31-year-old was called derogatory names including "slut," Fairfax Fire Chief Richard Bowers tells the New York Daily News...

Teen Bullied as 'Fat Whale' Now Raising Cash for Whales

'I can take someone's hate and use it to spread love': 16-year-old Dee McMillan

(Newser) - When Dannie "Dee" McMillan first started noticing odd looks and snickers in the hallways of her Texas high school, she wasn't sure what was going on, the New York Daily News reports. But the 16-year-old's friends soon started sending her screenshots of a Twitter page that horrified...

New Social App Triggers 12 Police Investigations

Burnbook members post threats anonymously, police say

(Newser) - Think Facebook gets nasty? Then check out Burnbook, a popular app where users are anonymously posting gossip about colleges and high schools—and creating serious trouble, Vocativ reports. Just this month, Burnbook posts have triggered at least 12 police investigations involving high school students, including alleged gun threats, bomb threats,...

Cops Make Arrest in Cyberbullying Suicide

Netherlands man, 35, allegedly blackmailed Canadian teen Amanda Todd

(Newser) - Netherlands police have arrested a 35-year-old man who allegedly blackmailed a Canadian teenager over nude photos before she killed herself , reports the CBC . Amanda Todd's case drew international headlines because of a YouTube video the 15-year-old posted before her death in 2012 detailing her ordeal. A Netherlands report says...

ObamaCare Girl: Stop the Cyberbullying's Adriana: 'I didn't make it fail'

(Newser) - A mystery no more: The woman whose face once adorned the ObamaCare website is finally speaking out in an interview with ABC News . Having faced anger over the site and the ridicule of comedians and Photoshop artists, "I'm here to stand up for myself and defend myself and...

2 Girls Arrested After Bullied Girl Kills Herself

Girls charged with felony stalking in Rebecca Sedwick case

(Newser) - Two girls have been arrested in the death of a 12-year-old central Florida girl who authorities say committed suicide after being bulled online for nearly a year, a sheriff said. The girls are 12 and 14, and they have been charged with felony aggravated stalking, Polk County authorities say. Officials...

Teen Kills Himself Over 'Skype Blackmail': Mom

Perpetrators allegedly threatened to reveal chats to his family

(Newser) - Police are looking into the death of a Scottish teenager who appears to have killed himself after being blackmailed online, the Guardian reports. Daniel Perry, 17, chatted with someone on Skype who he thought was an American girl. His mother said police have learned that blackmailers threatened to show his...

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