Christian conservatives

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Right Should Stop Slandering Gay Marriage
Right Should Stop Slandering Gay Marriage
Richard Cohen

Right Should Stop Slandering Gay Marriage

It's not recipe for promiscuity, it's a vote for family

(Newser) - You know you’ve got a problem when the only way a guy who was "antisocial, a misfit, an incompetent psychiatrist and a likely Islamic fanatic" could get out of the military is if he was gay, writes Richard Cohen. The military should get its priorities straight, he writes...

Shirt's Message: Pray for Obama's Death

Verse reads, 'Let his days be few' and 'let his children be fatherless'

(Newser) - A seemingly innocent shirt asking readers to pray for the president has ulterior motives. Shirts and bumper stickers are cropping up with the phrase "Pray for Obama Psalm 109:8." As Gawker points out, the verse in question reads in part, "Let his days be few; and...

Dem Agenda Hijacked by Christian Conservatives
Dem Agenda Hijacked by Christian Conservatives

Dem Agenda Hijacked by Christian Conservatives

Shadowy 'Family' behind Stupak-Pitts abortion amendment

(Newser) - The US Council of Catholic Bishops is getting credit for the 11th-hour inclusion of the Stupak-Pitts Amendment in the House health bill last weekend, but the real force is the shadowy alliance of evangelicals and Democratic lawmakers called the Family, Jeff Sharlet writes on Salon. Though Stupak—a Dem and...

Episcopal Church Lifts Ban on Gay Bishops

Deeper rift with conservatives looms

(Newser) - Leaders of the Episcopal Church voted overwhelmingly yesterday to allow the ordination of gay and lesbian bishops, risking further fissures with conservative parishes and the Anglican Communion. The new policy reverses a 2006 compromise that prohibited the consecration of homosexual clergy, in line with other Anglican churches. Episcopalians will vote...

Religious Right Sets Phasers to 'Stun Obama'

Coalition takes a page from Enterprise's book

(Newser) - The religious right is going Star Trek, Dana Milbank writes for the Washington Post. “Individual, national, multi-ethnic and transgenerational organizations” have joined forces to create the Freedom Federation to promote “faith, moral values, and freedom” and equality, says the organization’s statement. But rather than targeting Nero the...

Conservative Christians Fight Hate-Crimes Law for Gays

(Newser) - With Congress set to pass strengthened hate crime legislation this summer, Conservative Christian leaders are ratcheting up their opposition to a bill that would extend those protections to gays and lesbians, USA Today reports. Conservative leaders say they’re worried that clergy who preach against homosexuality could end up liable...

Christian Silence on Torture Speaks Volumes
Christian Silence on Torture Speaks Volumes

Christian Silence on Torture Speaks Volumes

(Newser) - The silence emanating from the Christian right on torture has been deafening, writes Cynthia Tucker of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. One prominent Christian conservative finally came out against the practice, saying it “violates everything we stand for,” but he is conspicuously alone and was conspicuously silent during the Bush...

There's Method to Andrew Sullivan's Madness
There's Method to Andrew Sullivan's Madness

There's Method to Andrew Sullivan's Madness

... But conservatives, gays can't figure it out

(Newser) - At age 8, Andrew Sullivan asked his mother if God really was omniscient. Her affirmative reply terrified him: “Then there’s no hope for me, Mum.” Despite his success, conservatives, Catholics, and gay activists might agree—even though he belongs to each of their constituencies, Johann Hari writes...

GOP States Buy More Porn
 GOP States Buy More Porn 

GOP States Buy More Porn

(Newser) - Church-going Republicans are more likely than liberals to buy pornography online, New Scientist reports. In a nationwide study of purchases at an adult entertainment company, researchers found that eight in 10 of the most porno-consuming states voted for John McCain last year. "One natural hypothesis is something like repression:...

Focus on the Family Chair Dobson Resigns

Promises to continue preaching conservative views on his own

(Newser) - James Dobson is stepping down from his perch atop Focus on the Family, the AP reports, saying he wants to “lessen his administrative burden.” The conservative evangelist said he’ll keep playing a big role in the organization he founded, and will keep pushing his political agenda. Though...

Website Seethes Over Newly PC Christmas Carols

(Newser) - A British website is accusing churches of political correctness after they made changes to age-old Christmas carol lyrics, the Telegraph reports. Vicars say the edits aim to remove gender-specific or racially charged words, but the editor of a Christian site calls it "a festive car crash. Half the congregation...

The GOP Has a God Problem
 The GOP 
 Has a God 


The GOP Has a God Problem

Parker: It's time for a break-up with the Christian Right

(Newser) - After getting death threats for dissing Sarah Palin, Kathleen Parker is stirring up trouble in the right-wing ranks again. The Republican Party is going to go the way of the Shakers if it doesn’t lose some of that old time religion, she writes in the Washington Post. The party’...

Atheists Offer 'Reason's Greetings' in Marketing Blitz

With fewer Americans claiming organized religion, nonbelievers step up campaign

(Newser) - It just isn’t the holiday season in America until nonbelievers and the devout begin sparring. This year, the godless are on the offensive, launching a marketing campaign to capitalize on the loosening grip of organized religion, telling neighbors, “We’re just like you,” the Wall Street Journal...

Evangelical Dobson Softens on McCain

Given Obama 'threat,' Republican appears to be lesser of two evils

(Newser) - James Dobson still won’t formally endorse John McCain, but the evangelical leader voiced support for the Republican candidate in a radio broadcast today, the AP reports. “Barack Obama contradicts and threatens everything I believe about the institution of the family and what is best for the nation,”...

Huckabee Ad Trumpets Christian Ties

He and Romney duke it out in a tight Iowa race

(Newser) - Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney battled to the wire in a tight Iowa race, with Huckabee releasing a new campaign ad yesterday designed to appeal to Christian conservatives, CNN reports. Romney, meanwhile, attacked Huckabee's recent criticism of President Bush as in "bad taste," the Boston Globe reports.

Huckabee Tests Limits of Faith
Huckabee Tests Limits of Faith

Huckabee Tests Limits of Faith

Preaching prompted a backlash in Arkansas; in Iowa, will Christian soldiers come out?

(Newser) - Mike Huckabee is banking on his deep Christian faith drawing voters to him in the presidential primaries, but that same passion has proven a liability in the past. As Arkansas governor, Huckabee made several religious molehills into mountains big enough for Moses, the LA Times reports in an examination of...

Norris Credited With Huck Boost
Norris Credited With Huck Boost

Norris Credited With Huck Boost

Action star a multi-generational icon, but also a true Christian conservative

(Newser) - Like the last shrewd Arkansas politician before him, Mike Huckabee isn't discounting the punch of star power—particularly when it's coming from martial arts tough guy Chuck Norris. Seriously, says Newsweek’s Howard Fineman. Not only did the action hero provide needed publicity, but he’s a known born-again Christian...

Poll: Iowa Loves Huckabee
Poll: Iowa Loves Huckabee

Poll: Iowa Loves Huckabee

Eclipses rivals to challenge GOP front runner

(Newser) - Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee is making a come-from-behind surge in Iowa, sweeping past Rudy Giuliani, Fred Thompson and John McCain to challenge front runner Mitt Romney. Huckabee has tripled his support in Iowa since July, reports the Washington Post. His drive is being fueled by support from Christian conservatives,...

Thompson Lacks Zeal, Charge Conservatives

Senate record reflects possible lack of passion for politics

(Newser) - Fred Thompson was supposed to be the conservative movement’s savior in the presidential campaign. But now, less than a month after entering the race, many on the right question his devotion to their causes and passion for politics, the New York Times reports. His record in the Senate reflects...

Bush's True Base Isn't the Right, It's the Rich

Business and wealthy have hijacked the GOP, argues new book

(Newser) - Don’t be fooled by the lip service to Christian conservatives: the interests the Bush administration serves are economic, not religious, Jonathan Chait writes in the “The Big Con,” a book that the Washington Monthly’s Kevin Drum calls the best on the long list of recent  Bush-bashers....

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