Christian conservatives

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'Jesus Sat With Sinners, So He's Going to Sit With Trump'

Support for former president remains with evangelicals, other Christian conservatives

(Newser) - As Donald Trump increasingly infuses his campaign with Christian trappings while coasting to a third Republican presidential nomination, his support is as strong as ever among evangelicals and other conservative Christians. "Trump supports Jesus, and without Jesus, America will fall," said Kimberly Vaughn of Florence, Kentucky, as she...

Johnson Cites 'Misunderstanding' on Separation of Church, State

Christian conservative speaker claims religious influence on public life was meant to be protected

(Newser) - The new House speaker has thrown his support behind former President Trump while aiming to correct what he claims is a "misunderstanding" about a core principle of US government. According to Mike Johnson, the Founding Fathers very much wanted faith to influence public life, despite the First Amendment prohibiting...

Bernie Sanders Speaks ... to Evangelicals

Gets 'polite, if tepid' applause from students

(Newser) - Bernie Sanders may be running for the Democratic presidential nomination, but that didn't stop him from addressing a group of Christian conservative students today. Sanders appeared at Liberty University, the Virginia evangelical college founded by Jerry Falwell, the Hill reports. "A Southern evangelical university is an unlikely place...

Bible Forbids Gay Marriage? Get Real
Bible Forbids Gay Marriage?
Get Real

Bible Forbids Gay Marriage? Get Real

Its spirit of compassion does no such thing: CS Pearce

(Newser) - Conservative Christians make the case that the Bible forbids gay marriage, so why have so many middle-of-the-road churchgoers changed their minds to support the idea? Because a familiar pattern on church matters is repeating itself, writes CS Pearce in the Los Angeles Times . It starts when more conservative members cite...

Pat Robertson: Wait, Women Like Porn?!

'700 Club' host can't wrap his head around '50 Shades of Grey'

(Newser) - You are never going to believe this, dear readers, but some women like porn—a bit of news that came as a major shock to Pat Robertson. "I mean, the thing that shocks me—shocks me—we always thought this was a male thing. A boy thing. A guy...

Married Pundit D'Souza Takes Heat for New Fiancée

Anti-Obama author brought her to Christian conference

(Newser) - Last month, anti-Obama author and filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza shared a room with his fiancee at a Christian conference; the event was to feature "high-profile Christians" who would "speak on defending the faith and applying a Christian worldview to their lives." Thing is, D'Souza already has...

Anti-Gay Christian Pretends to Be Gay for a Year

Timothy Kurek eventually wrote a pro-gay book about it

(Newser) - For Timothy Kurek, gays were nothing more than "fags" destined to burn in hell. A conservative Christian living in Nashville, Kurek was surprised when a friend came out to him as a lesbian. He was also moved—and decided to spend a year living under cover as a gay...

150 Christian Conservatives Back Santorum

Texas evangelicals spurn hometown favorite Newt Gingrich

(Newser) - Rick Santorum's quest to emerge as the conservative alternative to Mitt Romney received a boost today from a group of evangelicals and others who voted to back his candidacy in a last-ditch effort to stop the front-runner's march to the nomination. About 150 social conservatives meeting in Texas...

VIDEO: Rick Perry's New Campaign Ad 'Must Be Seen to Be Believed,' Mitt Romney's New Ad Takes Swing at Newt Gingrich

 Perry's New Ad 
 'Must Be Seen 
 to Be Believed' 

Perry's New Ad 'Must Be Seen to Be Believed'

Plus: Mitt finally takes a swing at Newt

(Newser) - To say that Rick Perry's new campaign ad is eliciting some strong reactions may be a bit of an understatement. In the Washington Post , Alexandra Petri writes that the ad—which "must be seen to be believed"—fills her "with despair" and "scrapes the bottom...

GOP Hopefuls Woo Homeschoolers

Support of seasoned activists could make the difference in Iowa

(Newser) - People who teach their children at home helped Mike Huckabee beat Mitt Romney in 2008's Iowa caucuses, and there's plenty of competition for the help of homeschoolers this time around, Reuters finds. In Iowa, homeschoolers are mainly Christian conservatives, and the group can provide the right candidate with...

Dominionism— the Scary Bond Between Perry and Bachmann

Both candidates tied to movement that calls for Christian world rule

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry are far more than just two hard-right Christian candidates angling for the GOP presidential nomination—both have ties to a scary, theocratic movement called Dominionism, writes Michelle Goldberg at the Daily Beast . While many have pooh-poohed those worrying about a Christian sect bent on world...

Texas' Jewish House Speaker Faces Christian Revolt

GOP official says 'Christian conservatives' do the best job

(Newser) - A story about internal Texas politics (and religion) is percolating up to the national wires: A member of the state's Republican Executive Committee defends the movement to dump current state House speaker Joe Straus and says it's largely because of his pro-choice politics. But it apparently doesn't help that Straus...

Christine O'Donnell: 'Very Useful Idiot'
 Christine O'Donnell: 
 'Very Useful Idiot' 

Christine O'Donnell: 'Very Useful Idiot'

Lends 'populist cover' to billionaire-backed movement

(Newser) - Christine O'Donnell's fictional resume and anti-masturbation antics may have liberals laughing , but she's no joke, writes Frank Rich in the New York Times . Her ascent is a pure "godsend" for the GOP. Unlike Rove and the Republican old guard, O'Donnell is more than willing to "play the role...

Beck to Michelle: 'Get Away From My French Fries'

He mocks anti-obesity efforts, has crude suggestion for carrot stick

(Newser) - Glenn Beck rallied the right at an event in Illinois over the weekend, invoking God, the Constitution, Thomas Jefferson—and deep fried potatoes. Speaking to a crowd of some 300, Beck mocked Michelle Obama's healthy heating campaign , reports the Chicago Sun Times . "Get away from my french fries,...

Angle to Rape Victims: Don't Abort, Trust 'God's Plan'

Reid's opponent also gives first interview to mainstream media

(Newser) - A little thing like rape isn't a good enough excuse for an abortion, as far as Sharron Angle's concerned. Harry Reid's conservative, Tea Party-backed opponent gave an interview in January, in which she told conservative host Bill Manders that rape victims need to trust in God's plan. “Is there...

Glenn Beck Audience Plunges 30%

Bloom is off the mouth, but Fox still sitting pretty

(Newser) - Glenn Beck's TV audience has plunged nearly 30% since the beginning of the year—but his Fox News home is still sitting comfortably on top of the ratings heap. Beck's continued viewership slippage was revealed in the latest audience figures on cable news operations. Fox News averaged some 1.9...

Pastors: Lawmakers' House 'Masquerading as Church'

C Street Center illegally giving lawmakers too-low rent, they say

(Newser) - Lawmakers such as Bart Stupak and John Ensign are getting a big and possibly illegal financial break by renting rooms at a DC boarding house "masquerading as a church," say a group of Ohio pastors. In two complaints filed with the IRS, the pastors charge that the C...

Bishop's Holocaust Denial Boosts UK Church's Fame

Richard Williamson a headache for St. Pius Society

(Newser) - The London-based Society of St. Pius X has done its best to hide away Richard Williamson since his infamous pronouncement last year that no Jews were killed in Nazi gas chambers. “We have lost one of our four bishops,” laments the group's leader, Bernard Fellay. “We can't...

Culture Wars Took 2009 Off
 Culture Wars Took 2009 Off 

Culture Wars Took 2009 Off

Conservative protests were largely secular, writes EJ Dionne

(Newser) - America called a ceasefire in the culture wars this year as the economy and debate on the role of government pushed battles over religion and culture to the back burner, writes EJ Dionne. The change was most apparent on the right, where the loudest voices of protest came from the...

Found in Nazareth: A House Like Jesus'

Archaeologists discover home from biblical time

(Newser) - For the first time, archaeologists have found a house from the time of Jesus in the town of Nazareth. The small house, which consists of two rooms, a courtyard, and a cistern for water, is considered a typical home for the inhabitants of Nazareth, were Jesus is believed to have...

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