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10 Ways to Play the Fool at Work
10 Ways to Play the Fool at Work 
it's april 1

10 Ways to Play the Fool at Work

The most memorable April 1 office hoaxes

(Newser) - A good April Fools' prank can really liven up the office, and 32% of us have been on the giving or receiving end. CNN draws 10 of the best workplace gags from an annual CareerBuilder survey.
  1. Put pants and shoes in a men’s room stall to make it look

Stay Heart Healthy at Work
Stay Heart Healthy at Work

Stay Heart Healthy at Work

Forbes suggests ways to keep workplace calm, healthy

(Newser) - Stressing out at work can negate the effects of that heart-healthy oatmeal you had for breakfast, Forbes reports. To avoid being that one of every three Americans with cardiovascular disease, adopt these work-day habits:
  1. Drink water instead of cola, coffee, or tea.
  2. Take the stairs; walk a few blocks at

Hate Your Computer? Don't Bully Tech Support

Your frustration, the tech guy's misery

(Newser) - We've all done it: The computer misbehaves and we vent our frustration on tech support. But the ugliest of these confrontations can have real consequences, ABC reports. What the user sees as just blowing off steam, the tech support pro might experience (and report to superiors) as bullying. Aggravating the...

Worker Axed Over Dilbert Zinger
Worker Axed Over Dilbert Zinger

Worker Axed Over Dilbert Zinger

'Drunken lemurs' not laughing, but worker wins benefits

(Newser) - Bosses at the Catfish Bend Casino in Iowa suffered a sense of humor failure after a Dilbert cartoon referring to decision-makers as "drunken lemurs" appeared on a workplace bulletin board. They checked the security cameras to find the culprit and fired the employee who posted the strip, reports the...

Have You Heard the Latest on Pet Peeves?

Gossip, 'reply all' abuse are driving your co-workers nuts

(Newser) - "MYOB" is great advice, say office workers who blame poor manners for making cubicle life so bad. Gossip was the biggest annoyance for 60% of people surveyed in a new Harris Interactive poll. More than half complained of co-workers misusing work time with personal calls and web surfing, and...

Kill Your Chances With These Job Interview Moves

(Newser) - Don't shoot yourself in the foot in your next job interview. A Fortune poll of hiring managers uncovered some anecdotes about the dumbest pitches they'd heard: The interviewee:
  1. "...told me to hire him because he was allergic to unemployment."
  2. "... said that we should hire him because he

Employees Go Lean for Green
Employees Go Lean for Green

Employees Go Lean for Green

Forget the vegetables: people lose weight to fatten their wallets, study finds

(Newser) - A new study shows that paying people to lose weight works, a possible boon to employers and employees beset by the high costs of obesity. Researchers separated participants, who weren’t given a specific weight loss program, into three groups—two of which would be paid either $7 or $14...

Temp Workers Get the Ax
Temp Workers Get the Ax

Temp Workers Get the Ax

Seen a sign of things to come for full-time staffers

(Newser) - Temporary employment in the US has fallen in each of the last six months and in July was 2% down from the start of the year, the Wall Street Journal reports. The rate of temporary employment is often used as a bellwether for the overall employment picture because temporary workers...

Kick-Ass Jobs of the Future
Kick-Ass Jobs of the Future

Kick-Ass Jobs of the Future

(Newser) - Doctors and lawyers are so old-school—CNNMoney lists the movers and shakers of the future:
  • Disease Mapper: Use satellite technology to track and predict epidemics.
  • Robot Programmer: Today's robots can analyze blood samples and mix cocktails—if someone shows them how.

Smoking Clouds Workplace Productivity

Lighting up means poorer health, poorer work, researchers say

(Newser) - Employees who smoke also call in sick more frequently and demonstrate poorer productivity, to the tune of $92 billion in annual losses, a Swedish researcher says. All that huddling by the loading dock translates to startling hard numbers, reports: In a study of 14,000 workers, smokers took,...

Don't Call Us, We'll Call You
Don't Call Us, We'll Call You

Don't Call Us, We'll Call You

How to tell it's time to move on with your employment search

(Newser) - BusinessWeek gives job-seekers seven signs that you're getting the brush-off:
  1. Your calls to the recruiter generate nothing but silence.
  2. You miss the first phone screen; that ship has sailed.
  3. Musical interviewers; someone else has landed the job.

Keep Those Really Junior Execs Happy

The office isn't the only option for parents whose kids are at loose ends

(Newser) - Can't find a babysitter? Bringing your kid to work may seem the simplest solution—but first, consider these suggestions from Forbes.
  1. Check out employer-provided child care. Many places don't have on-site care, but they may have backup services.
  2. Work from home. Your boss and co-workers will thank you.

Don't Get Mad, Get Even (Financially)

Showing anger in the office boosts men, hurts women

(Newser) - Women who show anger in the workplace undercut their professional standing, but their male counterparts may well be admired for their office rage, says a new study. And public temper tantrums affect more than just co-workers' respect, Reuters reports—test subjects assigned far higher salaries to angry men than to...

Sell Yourself: 5 DIY PR Tips
Sell Yourself: 5 DIY PR Tips

Sell Yourself: 5 DIY PR Tips

Raise your business' profile on the cheap

(Newser) - Most of us can't afford to hire a PR firm. Forbes offers tips for self-promoting with the best of them.
  1. Know your audience. Spend some time researching the best way to put yourself out there.
  2. Make a (useful) press kit. Not just more fodder for the recycling bin.

You're Right to Feel Abandoned If...

10 indicators the holiday-week fun has passed you by

(Newser) - The office is oddly quiet, your favorite parking spot is always free and your boss isn't lurking in the usual matter. What's going on? Here, the Boston Globe's list of 10 signs that you've been abandoned.
  1. You've rearranged your manager's office furniture and made a chalk outline of a body—

Ten Worst Jobs in Science
Ten Worst Jobs in Science

Ten Worst Jobs in Science

The less glamorous side of research, from toxic waste to whale feces

(Newser) -
  1. Hazmat diver: They swim in sewage, toxic spills and other undesirable liquid environments.
  2. Oceanographer: With the coral reefs dying, pollutants rising, and overfishing it's just one long stream of bad news.
  3. Elephant vasectomist: With a testicle a foot in diameter, it isn't exactly a walk in the wildlife preserve.

Study: Men Work Hard, Too
Study: Men Work Hard, Too

Study: Men Work Hard, Too

(Newser) - Men and women work about the same number of hours—if you count labor at home as well as on the job, a new study claims. Despite the popular wisdom that women do more heavy lifting, a broad survey of 25 countries, spanning the economic spectrum,  found that both...

Wal-Mart Drops The Smock
Wal-Mart Drops The Smock

Wal-Mart Drops The Smock

Company hopes a preppier look will help attract more upscale customers

(Newser) - Wal-Mart employees are about to ditch their frumpy frocks in favor of a preppier look—khaki pants and dark-blue polos. It's part of a broader initiative to streamline and modernize the megastore's image to attract a new, wealthier customer base, Business Week reports. Other recent upscaling: vinyl wood floors and...

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