Technology / George Zimmerman Zimmerman Tweets Photo We Didn't See Coming 'Z-Man is a one man army' accompanies sad photo By Neal Colgrass Posted Sep 28, 2015 2:46 PM CDT Updated Sep 28, 2015 3:00 PM CDT Copied George Zimmerman gestures during his testimony at a hearing for accused shooter Matthew Apperson, Tuesday, Sept. 22, 2015, in Seminole circuit court in Sanford, Fla. (Joe Burbank/Orlando Sentinel via AP, Pool) George Zimmerman's Twitter feed attracted a little attention Sunday when he retweeted a photo of Trayvon Martin's dead body—along with the words "Z-Man is a one man army." He soon took down the tweet, which was originally posted by @SeriousSlav, an apparent admirer, but this was just one example of the provocative messages that Zimmerman's been tweeting. Per the Huffington Post, KFOR, and New York Daily News: Calling President Obama an "ignorant baboon": "the # of people who die from gun-related incidents around this country dwarfs any deaths that happen through terrorism," - Ignorant Baboon—George Zimmerman (@TherealGeorgeZ) August 26, 2015 Linking Vester Lee Flanagan, who killed a news reporter and her cameraman, to Obama: If Obama had a son…—George Zimmerman (@TherealGeorgeZ) August 27, 2015 Pansy Fester lee Flanagan [sic], too much of a daisy to deal w/racism. Murders 2 whites. Hate crime, 100%. Racist Obama says nothing condeming.—George Zimmerman (@TherealGeorgeZ) August 26, 2015 And more: I dont have a house, I have hundreds of homes that supporters have welcomed me into.—George Zimmerman (@TherealGeorgeZ) August 27, 2015 We all know how it ended for the last moron that hit me. Give it a whirl cupcake.—George Zimmerman (@TherealGeorgeZ) August 27, 2015 As much as I love owning all you trolls I have to work... On my tan! Tell "Karma" she's worthless, God protects me.—George Zimmerman (@TherealGeorgeZ) August 27, 2015 Along with this "online lunacy," as the Daily News calls it, Zimmerman has painted a Confederate battle flag that he uses as his Twitter profile pic, directed "media enquiries" to the phone numbers of an auto worker in Tennessee who has apparently received thousands of calls, and of course provoked much fighting on Twitter. But not everyone is taking the bait, it seems: "Trying hard to make us snap but we, POC continue to rise," tweets Trinia Alexander. (More George Zimmerman stories.) Report an error