
7 Stories

'Work From Anywhere' Works Best in These US Cities
Digital Nomads,
Get Thee to Miami

Digital Nomads, Get Thee to Miami

It's the best US city if you're a remote worker, according to a Hostinger analysis

(Newser) - If you're a freelancer, consultant, or full-fledged employee whose company allows you to work remotely, you can potentially punch the clock from anywhere in the world—a perk that many such "digital nomads" take advantage of. In fact, nearly 40% of millennials work untethered to a physical office...

Freelancers Are 35% of US Workforce—and Growing

So why do politicians ignore them?

(Newser) - America's freelancers work more hours than the average American and are earning more money than ever while doing it, Yahoo reports. The average American workweek in September was 34.4 hours—an increase of 0.1 hour that one analyst says is a good sign for the economy. But...

Make Starbucks Your Office Without Being a Jerk

Expert tips for using free wireless without irritating others

(Newser) - Now that Starbucks has free WiFi , nothing's keeping you from making the local branch your away-from-home office—except perhaps money and social conventions. Om Malik of GigaOm , a successful startup that incubated at a Starbucks, offers some pointers:
  • Buy something: And not just one tall black coffee per 8-hour shift—

ESPN Cans Paul Shirley Over Haiti Comments

Ex-NBA player no longer welcome to contribute after diatribe

(Newser) - Apparently, Paul Shirley did some work for ESPN , but after his much-reviled comments on the Haitian earthquake that position is no longer open to him. The ex-NBA player “was a part-time freelance contributor,” the network says in a statement. “The views he expressed on another site of...

Freelance Jokesters Pen Late-Night Laughs

WGA miffed by non-union writers

(Newser) - Late-night hosts don’t get all their gags in-house—scores of wannabe comedy writers bombard the likes of Jay and Dave with their one-liners, the Los Angeles Times reports, then anxiously wait for the show to air "to find out if you got a joke on or not,”...

Web Content Breathes Life Into Magazines

New model uses online submissions to fill pages

(Newser) - Circulation is down and Web content is taking over: what's a magazine to do? Milk the Internet for all it's worth and gather a plethora of content on the cheap, Newsweek reports. Publisher 8020 fills its travel and photography magazines with content submitted by readers via the web; its JPG...

Google Wants You To Map Businesses
Google Wants You To Map Businesses

Google Wants You To Map Businesses

Search giant will hire everyone to collect data at $10 a pop

(Newser) - Google is hiring—and you don't even need to know html. The search giant wants locals to visit pizza joints, ice cream parlors, drugstores, and other businesses as part of a Herculean effort to build a commerce database. An army of freelancers will collect the data, snap a digital photo,...

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