presidential campaign

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Jindal on 2012 Run: No Thanks
 Jindal on 2012 Run: No Thanks 

Jindal on 2012 Run: No Thanks

La. governor plans re-election run in 2011

(Newser) - Republican rising star Bobby Jindal sought to quash speculation today that he's planning a presidential run in four years. The 37-year-old Louisiana governor said he has no interest in the White House and instead plans to run for re-election in 2011. The Indian-American called being governor "one of the...

Obama's Grassroots Army Ponders Next Move

Broad movement may dissipate if asked to work toward merely party-oriented goals

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s campaign bred a network of grassroots activists who subscribed to the “Obama brand,” not necessarily the Democratic party. As Obama prepares for office, his advisers are split, the Los Angeles Times reports: Should the powerful grassroots operation remain separate from the party’s, mobilized to...

Bill Ayers Will Appear on ABC Tomorrow

Campaign bogeyman will discuss path to '60s radicalism

(Newser) - After keeping a low profile through the presidential election in which he became a talking point, Chicago activist Bill Ayers will appear on Good Morning America tomorrow, ABC News reports. In the exclusive TV interview, Ayers will discuss his transformation into a 1960s radical and his memoir, Fugitive Days.

Election Predictors Who Got It Wrong

Many pundits ruled out Obama victory early

(Newser) - With the election over, what's more fun than calling out all those whose predictions were off—way off. Der Spiegel lists some highlights:
  • "He cannot win, Bill. He cannot win." Hillary Clinton, on Barack Obama
  • "We'll win Florida." Rudy Giuliani
  • "Virginians are really getting fired

Plouffe: the Other Big Winner in the Obama Victory

Campaign manager's unswerving strategy praised; administration role uncertain

(Newser) - Barack Obama, in his victory speech Tuesday, called campaign manager David Plouffe the effort’s “unsung hero,” and his steady strategy is earning praise from Democrats, Republicans, and academics, the Wilmington (Del.) News Journal reports. Plouffe, 41, said he’s not planning on a White House post,...

Foes Campaign 'Til the End
 Foes Campaign 'Til the End 

Foes Campaign 'Til the End

McCain makes swing to Colo.; Obama touts chances in Ind.

(Newser) - John McCain and Barack Obama both made final pushes today, trying to invigorate voters in battleground states, the Chicago Tribune reports. McCain hit Colorado, hotly contested, and told supporters. “I feel momentum, I feel it. We're going to win it.” Obama also went next door. “I think...

You Said You Wanted (Campaign) Revolution ...
You Said You Wanted (Campaign) Revolution ...

You Said You Wanted (Campaign) Revolution ...

2008 changes US elections forever

(Newser) - Campaign drama has overshadowed the fact that 2008 has permanently changed the way elections are fought in America, the New York Times reports. From now on, supporters will be organized in new ways and funds will be raised differently, due primarily to brave new media worlds. With the help of...

Multiple Storylines Muddle Mac's Message

(Newser) - President Bush once taught a top John McCain adviser how to sell a candidate: by telling a story. The problem for Steve Schmidt, now McCain's main strategist, was finding the right tale to sell "a stubborn patriot" to voters, Robert Draper writes in the New York Times. While...

The Makeover Palin Should Have Had
The Makeover Palin Should Have Had

The Makeover Palin Should Have Had

High-end duds totally at odds with GOP target (or Target) audience

(Newser) - That the GOP dressed up “a no-frills hockey mom” for her star turn is fine, but that they dressed her up in Neiman's, Saks, and Barneys is “mind-boggling evidence of a tin ear for the symbolism of popular culture,” style maven Robin Givhan wails in the Washington ...

Details of Palin's Union Membership Prove Elusive

McCain cited union tenure as evidence of running mate's ties to 'regular folk'

(Newser) - John McCain described Sarah Palin as a former union member when introducing his running mate in August, but was she? The Las Vegas Sun has been trying to find conclusive proof, but so far Palin’s union experience remains unclear. McCain officials were initially unresponsive, while her Alaskan office said:...

Mac Still Taking Weekends Off
Mac Still Taking Weekends Off

Mac Still Taking Weekends Off

But with 29 days to go, neither candidate is exactly galloping to the finish line

(Newser) - There are 29 scant days until Nov. 4, but you might not know there was a tight race for the White House given the leisurely schedules both candidates have been keeping—especially John McCain, reports Politico. McCain and Barack Obama have each been averaging barely more than one campaign event...

Alaskans Furious at No-Show Sarah
Alaskans Furious at
No-Show Sarah

Alaskans Furious at No-Show Sarah

Questions from state residents referred to McCain office 4,000 miles away

(Newser) - Alaskans seeking answers or help from their governor are sick and tired of being referred to John McCain's campaign headquarters 4,300 miles away, reports the Los Angeles Times. "Why did the McCain campaign take over the governor's office?" the Anchorage Daily News demanded in an editorial yesterday. "...

Obama Keeps Mum on Palin
 Obama Keeps Mum on Palin 

Obama Keeps Mum on Palin

Focuses on McCain, avoids fueling Palin fever

(Newser) - Barack Obama has maintained near-silence on the subject of Sarah Palin, a quiet amplified by his newfound willingness to aggressively attack John McCain, reports the Los Angeles Times. Her name is rarely mentioned outside of references to the McCain-Palin ticket; when asked directly about her, he switches the focus back...

5 Reasons Mac Is Now Ahead
 5 Reasons Mac Is Now Ahead 

5 Reasons Mac Is Now Ahead

(Newser) - Barack Obama's juggernaut rose on a (really) unpopular Republican presidency, an unpopular war, and a lousy economy. So why is John McCain suddenly ahead in the polls? Politico tracks five trends that have thrown the Democrats for a loop:
  1. McCain successfully established himself as a change agent, eroding Obama’s

Obama Blasts Mac's 'Phony Outrage' in Lipstick Flap

GOP distracting from issues with 'Swift Boat politics,' Dem charges

(Newser) - Barack Obama fired back today at a McCain campaign ad claiming he smeared Sarah Palin, calling the tactic "phony outrage and Swift Boat politics," the Washington Post reports. Obama used the phrase "lipstick on a pig" to describe John McCain's policies during a campaign stop yesterday, which...

McCain Takes Up Change Banner; Biden Says Malarkey
McCain Takes Up Change Banner; Biden Says Malarkey

McCain Takes Up Change Banner; Biden Says Malarkey

(Newser) - Talk shows were once again abuzz this morning, as both presidential campaigns entered the two-month sprint to the White House. A round-up of today’s highlights:
  • Obama revealed to ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that he’d once seriously considered joining the military, and rebutted Palin’s jabs at his community

How to Write a Rousing Acceptance Speech
 How to Write a Rousing
 Acceptance Speech

How to Write a Rousing Acceptance Speech

Radar provides the blanks, you inject your own story into a clichéd mold

(Newser) - For those whose daydream ambitions skew a little less rock-star and a little more presidential, Radar has a neat, automated form readers can use to produce their own nomination acceptance speech. Who doesn’t want to put their own stamp on clichéd, barn-burning oratory? But what, the discerning reader...

Obama Denies Connection to Palin Family Rumors

Candidates' private lives 'shouldn't be part of our politics,' Dem says

(Newser) - Barack Obama sharply denied today any connection to rumors about Sarah Palin’s family, the Chicago Tribune reports. A John McCain staffer said earlier sites with “Barack Obama's name on them” were among those spreading the rumor that Palin’s 17-year-old daughter was the real mother of her youngest...

Bloggers Ready to Roll at GOP Convention

(Newser) - Watch out, mainstream media: Bloggers have claimed a space of their own at this year’s Republican National Convention. All they got 4 years ago was a folding table for a dozen huddled writers; now more than 200 have credentials and an area to work in. Big-name anchors like Katie...

Errant Email Offers Insight in Dirty Politics
Errant Email Offers Insight
in Dirty Politics

Errant Email Offers Insight in Dirty Politics

Crude Limbaugh remarks have 'good YouTube potential'

(Newser) - An errant email from a Republican party staffer about a few Rush Limbaugh remarks shows how sleazy campaigning can be, Andrew Zajac blogs for the Chicago Tribune. On his radio show, Limbaugh imagined Obama asking Palin, "When you found out your baby would be born with Down syndrome, did...

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