gender roles

Stories 41 - 55 | << Prev 

Men Are the New Old Maids
 Men Are the 
 New Old Maids 

Men Are the New Old Maids

Women take practical, less romantic view, author writes

(Newser) - Forget single women—men are the real hopeless romantics, writes Liz Hoggard in the UK's Evening Standard. "Trust me, men are the new spinsters," she says. "They dream of being married to The One," but that "one" must be a mother, a wife, and a...

Critics Rip Pope's 'Homophobic' Speech

Pontiff's call for defense of gender roles seen as stoking homophobia

(Newser) - Gay and Christian groups have slammed Pope Benedict XVI's remarks that defending the “natural order” of man and woman is as important as protecting the rainforests, the Times of London reports. British Catholic leaders have countered that the pontiff didn’t explicitly mention homosexuality in his annual Christmas speech,...

Pope: Save Rainforest —and Heterosexuality, Too

Benedict's Christmas message decries erosion of 'traditional' gender roles

(Newser) - Pope Benedict XVI used a Christmas address today to call for a defense of heterosexuality, which he suggested was as endangered as the rainforest.  He called homosexuality and deviance from gender norms "a destruction of God's work." The pontiff said "the tropical forests do deserve our...

Salary Gender Gap May Be All in Your Head

Traditional-minded men outearn supporters of equal pay

(Newser) - Not only is the gender gap in pay persistent, it affects men as well as women. Men with traditional views on a woman's place in the world earn, on average, $12,000 more per year than men who believe in egalitarian business practices, the Washington Post reports. Traditionally minded women...

Single Men Seek Fatherhood, Partner Optional

Unattached males are choosing solo parenthood over childless lives

(Newser) - The ranks of do-it-alone dads are increasing, and many of these men are becoming single fathers by choice, reports the New York Times. There are no specific statistics, but evidence suggests that both gay and straight single men are increasingly seeking fatherhood. “I absolutely would want a partner, but...

'Radical' Muslim Woman Can't be French Citizen

Officials say religion doesn't jell with French values like sex equality

(Newser) - France has rejected a Muslim woman’s application for citizenship because her “radical practice of her religion” doesn’t fit French values, especially in terms of gender equality, the Guardian reports. Faiza M., who wears a burqa, speaks French and lives in Paris with a French national husband and...

Facebook to Ask Users to Specify Gender

But site remains sensitive to those who find gender limiting

(Newser) - Facebook announced a seemingly minor change today: Users will soon be prompted to specify a gender for their “mini-feed” updates. The site has been using the awkward “themself” to avoid gender specificity, but Facebook managers say that doesn’t work so well when the site is translated into...

Why White Men Are Warming Up to Hillary
 Why White Men Are
 Warming Up to Hillary 

Why White Men Are Warming Up to Hillary

Is Clinton drawing more male voters because she's jumped the gender divide?

(Newser) - When a woman makes it to the White House, it will be thanks largely to Hillary Clinton's demonstration of late that she could move beyond annoying stereotypes of the strong female, writes Susan Faludi in the New York Times. Instead of being a goody-goody rules-pusher—"the purse-lipped killjoy who...

Japanese Women Turn to 'Geisha Guys'

Hot 'accessories' earn their pay with flattery, companionship

(Newser) - A new breed of companion is the rage in Japan, entertaining women with lavish compliments, conversation and undivided attention—the male geisha. Businesswomen pay upwards of $1,000 a night for these men, CNN reports—with, industry reps say, nothing physical being exchanged. Hundreds of such services have sprouted across...

She Does All the Talking, Ergo, He's Not a Man

We don't like couples that break with gender roles, study finds

(Newser) - The fairer sex should also be the quieter, according to a new study that found both sexes look more harshly upon couples in which she does the talking. Gender equality be danged, "We have these gender stereotypes where we expect men to be dominant," the lead researcher told...

Boys Drool, Chicks Rule Fall TV
Boys Drool, Chicks Rule Fall TV

Boys Drool, Chicks Rule Fall TV

(Newser) - Gone are the days of Magnum PI and McGuyver. This fall's primetime lineup is dominated by female characters who are successful, tenacious, and confident—while male counterparts are almost universally sniveling in the corner. But even as she applauds the turning of TV's gender tables, Salon's Rebecca Traister questions the...

Dutch Gov't Courts More 9-to-5 Women

Daycare program aims to get moms working; won’t conquer guilt

(Newser) - The Dutch government is working to get women working. A new law mandating that schools must provide afternoon childcare is meant to raise the number of mothers in full-time jobs, the Economist reports. At 66%, the Netherlands has a higher than average female workforce among European countries, but 61% of...

China to Punish Parents Who Abort Girls

Families' desire for boys is creating gender imbalance

(Newser) - China is designing new rules to stop parents from aborting female fetuses, the BBC reports. Parents are currently allowed only one child and often abort girls, worried that they won't be able to support the family. This back-room practice is creating a growing gender imbalance: Now Beijing plans stricter punishments...

Girls Think Pink, Naturally, Study Finds

Women's attraction to redder hues linked to evolution

(Newser) - Shocking news: Girls love pink. That love might not just be cultural—but linked to evolutionary development, researchers  in a new study have concluded. Pink may have helped ancient women recognize ripe fruit and healthy men with ruddy faces, while both genders yearned for the blue of open skies and...

Dads Move in on Baby Market
Dads Move in
on Baby Market

Dads Move in on Baby Market

As fathers get more hands-on, baby gear is getting less female

(Newser) - As fathers continue to take a more active role in raising their children, the market for baby gear has become less mom-centric, the New York Times reports. And it's not all fishing vests with hidden diaper changing pads. Recent dad-born inventions include computerized baby timers and a nipple adapter that...

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