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Here's Samsung's 'Ultra HD' TV for ... $20K

It's a 'statement piece,' says company

(Newser) - Samsung has revealed a TV to make your HDTV look old-hat. At the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, the tech giant is displaying its 85-inch Ultra HD TV, which analysts expect will run you a mere $20,000 when it ships later this year. Ultra HD—likely the future...

Apple's Pinch-Zoom Patent Thrown Out

Patent was at heart of Samsung cases

(Newser) - It turns out one of the key patents Apple was using in its case against Samsung might not be valid. In a preliminary ruling yesterday, the US Patent and Trademark Office rejected all 20 claims in Apple's "pinch-to-zoom" patent, saying that other patents already covered the same innovations,...

Court to Apple: Sorry, No Ban on Samsung Gadgets

Plus: South Korean firm nixes Europe injunctions

(Newser) - A victory for Samsung in its long-running feud with Apple : A judge has refused to ban 26 of the South Korean firm's smartphones, as Apple wanted. A jury this summer found that Samsung had knowingly infringed on Apple's patents, but that's not sufficient grounds for a ban,...

Samsung's Next Gamble: Bendable Screens

It's working on flexible phones

(Newser) - Have you ever looked at your phone and thought, "This is cool and all, but why can't I roll it up?" Well, Samsung has. That's why its display arm, Samsung Display Co., is moving forward on a plan to mass-produce screens made out of flexible plastic, which...

UK Court Unamused With Apple Note, Orders Rewrite

'I'm at a loss,' says judge of Samsung post

(Newser) - A British court wants Apple to take another crack at writing a public notice saying that Samsung isn't a copycat, and this time it's being ordered to hold the snark. The weirdness started in July, when a British court ordered Apple to post a note on its website...

Apple's Samsung Apology Mocks 'Not as Cool' Tablet

Uses judge's own words in public posting

(Newser) - Remember when Apple was ordered to post an embarrassing mea culpa on its UK website, proclaiming publicly that Samsung didn't copy the iPad? Well, Apple has complied —and in the court-ordered 14-point font —but with a distinct lack of contrition, quoting extensively from the judge's ruling...

Feds Investigate Samsung's Use of Patents

First reveal of the inquiry comes from ... Apple

(Newser) - The latest volley in the Apple-Samsung wars : Apple has revealed that the Justice Department is investigating its rival over the possible misuse of Samsung patents. The news came in a legal filing by Apple with the US International Trade Commission, but the Dow Jones news service confirms that the inquiry...

Apple Loses Appeal Vs. 'Not as Cool' Samsung

UK court rules Samsung did not copy iPad

(Newser) - The latest development in the ongoing battle between Samsung and Apple should put the matter to rest in Europe: A British court has denied Apple's appeal of the court decision ruling that Samsung did not copy the popular iPad when it designed its Galaxy tablet, reports Reuters . There were...

Maybe Samsung Wasn&#39;t Ripping Off iPhone
 Maybe Samsung 
 Wasn't Ripping 
 Off iPhone 
court documents

Maybe Samsung Wasn't Ripping Off iPhone

And 'NYT' looks at a patent system that's out of date in digital world

(Newser) - Not long after Samsung was ordered to pay Apple $1.05 billion over patent infringement, unredacted court documents are telling a different story. A perusal of the materials reveals that Samsung bosses apparently called on employees to "make something like the iPhone"—not to copy its design, notes...

Samsung Drags iPhone 5 Into Patent War

On the same day the Galaxy Tab 10.1 is unbanned

(Newser) - Apple's newest handset hasn't escaped its bitter patent war with Samsung. The Korean manufacturer filed a complaint against the iPhone 5 yesterday, claiming it violates all the same patents that earlier iterations did, ZDNet reports. So far the only casualties of the patent war have been older products,...

Google, Apple CEOs Holding Secret Peace Talks?

Tim Cook, Larry Page have had at least one conversation

(Newser) - While the smartphone patent wars rage on, the CEOs of Apple and Google have been quietly communicating with each other in an attempt to resolve a range of intellectual property issues, sources tell Reuters . Apple's Tim Cook and Google's Larry Page had a phone conversation last week and...

Japan Hands Samsung Win in Apple Patent Wars

Sync tech no infringement; Apple ordered to pay court costs

(Newser) - Samsung may have lost a major battle with Apple last week, but the patent wars go on—and the latest victory is Samsung's. Samsung scored a win versus Apple in a Japanese court today, this time in a case over the tech that synchronizes music and video data with...

Samsung's New Line Rolls Dice on Windows

Phonemaker unveils new phone, tablet using Microsoft OS instead of Android

(Newser) - Samsung unveiled a slate of new products today, including some that (gasp!) don't run on Android. The electronics company showed off a new line of Windows 8-based products, including a 10.1-inch tablet and a 4.8-inch smartphone, the Wall Street Journal reports. "It's highly likely...

Samsung Issues Single Sentence on Ban

Will do whatever it takes to keep its phones in your hands

(Newser) - Yesterday, Apple filed papers asking a court to extend a ban on US sales of Samsung's cell version of the Galaxy. Samsung's response, issued today, required only a single sheet. "We will take all necessary measures to ensure the availability of our products in the US market,...

Apple Demands Ban on US Sales of Galaxy

Tech giants continue to duke it out in court

(Newser) - As Samsung's stock plummeted crazily today, Apple was busy kicking its rival while it's down a billion dollars or so: The Cupertino tech giant today filed papers asking a court to extend a ban on US sales of Samsung's cell version of the Galaxy, reports Bloomberg , in...

In Wake of Big Court Win, Brace for 'Apple Tax'

If Samsung and others must pay for licenses, consumers could pay more, too

(Newser) - Apple's patent victory will cost more than just the $1.05 billion judgment against Samsung—expect non-Apple smartphones to cost more as manufacturers begin to pay Apple for a variety of new licenses, reports the Wall Street Journal . Samsung was found guilty of infringing on seven patents, including those...

Apple Wins $1B Verdict Over Samsung

Jury decides huge patent infringement case

(Newser) - After a year of scorched-earth litigation, a jury decided today that Samsung ripped off the innovative technology used by Apple to create its revolutionary iPhone and iPad. The San Jose jury ordered Samsung to pay Apple $1.05 billion in the latest skirmish of a global legal battle between the...

S. Korean Court to Apple, Samsung: You're Both Guilty

3-judge panel makes both companies pay minor fine

(Newser) - Samsung did indeed violate one of Apple's patents in making its Galaxy mobile devices—but Apple violated two of Samsung's patents right back, a South Korean court concluded today. A three-judge panel awarded both companies damages that were a lot lower than what they were asking for, and...

Juicy Apple Details Emerge in Samsung Trial

Witnesses reveal inside info on Apple's product design, strategies

(Newser) - Tweeters, start your engines: Apple fans and foes are buzzing about some surprising revelations during the first days of the secretive tech giant's patent trial against competitor Samsung . Among the inside info provided by witnesses and court docs, per the Wall Street Journal : Apple considered releasing a 7-inch tablet,...

Judge Hands Apple Really Embarrassing Punishment

Must run 'Samsung didn't copy us' ads in UK

(Newser) - It's the high-tech version of the old "carry an embarrassing sign around" punishment: A British judge yesterday ordered Apple to run notices on its UK website stating that Samsung didn't copy the iPad. The notices—which effectively act as ads for Samsung, points out a lawyer for...

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