Susan Collins

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Congress Considers Expanding Draft to Women

Proposal is unlikely to become law amid pushback from Republicans

(Newser) - Congressional lawmakers are considering a proposal to update mandatory conscription to include women for the first time. With fewer than 1% of US adults serving in active duty combat roles and the Pentagon facing recruitment challenges, military experts in 2020 recommended Congress include women in the draft "in the...

Maine Lawmaker Does U-Turn on Assault Weapons Ban

Democratic Rep. Jared Golden says 'misjudgments' led him to oppose ban

(Newser) - As the manhunt continued for the suspect in this year's deadliest mass shooting in the US, a Maine congressman reversed his position on an assault weapons ban. US Rep. Jared Golden, a Democrat whose district includes Lewiston, where 18 people were killed in Wednesday night's shooting , said "...

Fetterman Takes On Senate Dress-Code Fury With Boebert Jab

Republicans are pushing back at relaxing what senators wear on Capitol Hill

(Newser) - While some are celebrating the Senate's decision to no longer enforce its unwritten dress code —previously, shirts and ties for the guys, covered arms for the ladies—Republicans aren't as thrilled. "Terrible," Sen. Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia commented on the change, per NBC...

Collins on Roe Ruling: 'I Feel Misled'

GOP senator, Dem Sen. Manchin say Kavanaugh, Gorsuch assured them this wouldn't happen

(Newser) - As reaction continues to the Supreme Court's landmark decision Friday to overturn Roe v. Wade, two big names in government are expressing their unhappiness about it—partly because they feel personally bamboozled by two of the high court's conservative justices who voted with the majority. "I...

Murkowski: Leak 'Rocks My Confidence in the Court'

Collins, Murkowski speak out on leaked SCOTUS abortion opinion

(Newser) - The stunning leak of a draft Supreme Court opinion overturning Roe v. Wade has shocked and dismayed abortion rights supporters nationwide—including at least two Republican senators. Sens. Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski both supported the nominations of Supreme Court justices who voted to strike down the 1973 decision in...

Ketanji Brown Jackson Has Secured One GOP Vote

She has the backing of Susan Collins of Maine

(Newser) - Ketanji Brown Jackson will have the backing of at least one Republican senator. Susan Collins of Maine confirmed that she has "decided to support the confirmation of Judge Jackson to be a member of the Supreme Court." The New York Times reports that the GOP senator made up...

Jackson's Nomination Just Got a Huge Lift

Sen. Joe Manchin, a potential swing vote, confirms his support

(Newser) - Ketanji Brown Jackson is all but guaranteed to become the first Black woman on the Supreme Court, CNN reports, after Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin threw his support behind her Friday. Axios also says Manchin's move "essentially guarantees" she's in. "After meeting with her, considering her record,...

Senators Go to Bat for Sinema Over 'Sexist' NYT Coverage

Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Jeanne Shaheen slam paper for focusing on Ariz. senator's clothes

(Newser) - Kyrsten Sinema has become known for her "penchant for patterns and bold colors" in a Senate chamber that's "still largely buttoned up," as the Hill puts it. That's a problem, though—not the Arizona senator's choice of clothing, but the plethora of headlines about...

Romney Called 'Deep State' Agent in Censure Motion
Romney Called 'Deep State'
Agent in Censure Motion
the rundown

Romney Called 'Deep State' Agent in Censure Motion

However, GOP leaders in Utah come to his defense

(Newser) - To get a sense of the debate now underway within the GOP, look no further than Utah. Some state Republicans are circulating a motion online calling for Mitt Romney to be censured for voting to convict former President Trump in his second impeachment trial . At the same time, however, party...

Republicans Back Home Don't Take 7 Votes Well

Louisiana GOP censures Cassidy

(Newser) - Republican senators who voted to convict former President Trump in his impeachment trial are hearing about it from party officials back home. Sen. Bill Cassidy was promptly censured by Louisiana party leaders, the Hill reports. The state party condemned Cassidy's vote in a tweet , adding, "Fortunately, clearer heads...

Republicans Take Their Relief Plan to Biden

Collins says they'll keep talking, but Democrats are setting up passage of president's proposal

(Newser) - Republican senators who presented their own, much smaller, coronavirus relief package to President Biden on Monday night said the two sides will keep working together—but there's no deal yet. The president met with 10 GOP senators in the Oval Office for almost two hours, the Washington Post reports....

GOP Senators Put Together Smaller Relief Package

Group calls for bipartisan effort to pass COVID relief legislation

(Newser) - A group of 10 Republican senators appealed Sunday to President Biden's desire for unity, proposing a smaller COVID relief plan. "We want to work in good faith with you and your administration to meet the health, economic and societal challenges of the covid crisis," the senators wrote....

Mar-a-Lago Meeting Bodes Well for Trump's Influence

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is visiting the former president at his resort

(Newser) - A meeting on Thursday between former President Trump and the most powerful Republican in the House is widely seen as a sign of Trump's continued clout within the GOP. Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is visiting Trump at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, and a report at CNN casts it...

Trump Sons Demand Republicans Step Up

Lindsey Graham and Ted Cruz among those defending president's claims

(Newser) - On Thursday, President Trump's eldest sons complained that too few Republicans were backing their father and his claims of a stolen election. "The total lack of action from virtually all of the '2024 GOP hopefuls' is pretty amazing," tweeted Donald Trump Jr., per the Hill . "...

Murkowski: I've Decided About My Barrett Vote

The Alaska Republican explains her rationale

(Newser) - Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett won crucial backing Saturday when one of the last Republican holdouts announced her support for President Trump's pick ahead of a confirmation vote expected Monday, the AP reports. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, said during Saturday's session that while she opposed her party'...

Murkowski: 'My Position Has Not Changed' on Court Vacancy

The Alaska Republican opposes drive to fill Ginsburg's seat before Nov. 3

(Newser) - First, Sen. Susan Collins . Now Sen. Lisa Murkowski says she's also against filling the Supreme Court vacancy before the election—a hotbutton issue that has America's political temperature in the red, the New York Times reports. "For weeks, I have stated that I would not support taking...

Trump Clashes With Susan Collins Over Supreme Court Pick

And he says his nominee will 'mostly likely' be female

(Newser) - President Trump said Saturday that his pick to fill the Supreme Court vacancy created by the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg would probably come in the next week and would "most likely" be a woman, the AP reports. He also disagreed with a Republican who broke ranks, Sen....

Trump Fired Sondland Despite Warnings From GOP Senators

Collins and others feared a backlash over ousting impeachment witness

(Newser) - Gordon Sondland, ambassador to the EU, was in talks to head off into the sunset with the impeachment trial over. Leave it at that, several Republican senators urged President Trump: Let him leave quietly to avoid looking like you're purging the administration of House impeachment witnesses. The senators lost...

Collins Confirms She Will Vote to Acquit Trump

Mitt Romney is only remaining GOP question mark

(Newser) - It is still technically possible for President Trump to be convicted and removed from office Wednesday—but bookies are giving better odds on Elvis Presley being found alive. Acquittal by a vote along party lines is widely expected when the Senate votes at 4pm, though there is still a "...

Will Bolton Testify? 3 Key Senators Are Noncommittal

Moderates including Mitt Romney not saying whether they'd join vote to subpoena him

(Newser) - John Bolton shook up the in-limbo impeachment process Monday by saying he would testify in a Senate trial if subpoenaed. A day later, we have little clarity on whether that will actually happen. By the math at Politico , Democrats would need four moderate Republicans to join them in voting for...

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