Clinton Presidential Library

11 Stories

33K Pages of Clinton Files Are Still Hidden —Why?

Withholding period ended in January 2013

(Newser) - It's been more than a year since the legal justification for secrecy expired on a collection of roughly 33,000 pages of documents from the Clinton presidency. But the files in question—which are held at the Clinton Presidential Library and are reportedly related in part to scandals such...

Clinton-Era Emails Show a Political, Blunt Kagan

Clinton's library releases 78K pages of correspondence

(Newser) - Elena Kagan shows herself to be hands-on, political, and more than a little, shall we say, blunt, in thousands of pages of emails released by Bill Clinton's presidential library. The release is the third and final handed over for Senate scrutiny ahead of her confirmation hearings, and reveals "There...

First Lady Skeds Were Sanitized
 First Lady Skeds Were Sanitized

First Lady Skeds Were Sanitized

Very little remains in Clinton's calendars for historians, or foes

(Newser) - Schedules from Hillary Clinton’s time as first lady don’t reveal much, Newsweek reports. The mound of documents consists only of her public engagements, rather than her private calendar, meaning many potentially revealing details are left out. The thousands of pages don’t, for example, mention her four-hour Whitewater...

Papers Show First Lady Away at Key Foreign Policy Moments

Mining schedule may highlight Hillary's role

(Newser) - As historians and political strategists pore over newly released documents from Hillary Clinton’s years in the White House, the Guardian jumps in with a first look at whether she was present when big foreign policy decisions were reached. Clinton has made her role in the administration a central peg...

Clinton to Release First Lady Schedules

All 11,046 pages of them

(Newser) - The public can finally get a look at Hillary Clinton’s record as first lady—all 11,046 pages of it. The National Archives will release all of Clinton's daily schedules, it announced yesterday, responding to a Freedom of Information Act request made almost a year ago. The documents detail...

Obama, Clinton Camps Spar on Records

'What is Sen. Clinton hiding?' asks spokesman

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama took the day off, but their campaigns took time today to exchange fire on issues of disclosure and statements by disgraced staffers. In a conference call with reporters, the Obama campaign called on Clinton to release documents from her years in the Senate and from...

Who's Funding Bush's Library?
Who's Funding Bush's Library?

Who's Funding Bush's Library?

Money coming in during presidency raises concerns over quid pro quo

(Newser) - President Bush's coy refusal to name the mystery donors helping to erect his $200 million presidential library is problematic, writes David Corn in Mother Jones' MoJo blog. Though the law doesn't require him to reveal names, his actions raise serious ethical questions. "What's problematic is the prospect of a...

George W. Bush Library Finds a Home in Texas

SMU will host presidential library, think-tank

(Newser) - George W. Bush's presidential library will be built at Southern Methodist University, the Dallas Morning News reports. The First Lady's alma mater has had its eyes on that prize since just after Bush took office. "It took us 71 days to find a football coach, so we don't like...

GOP Will Lose, Unless Hillary Faces McCain
GOP Will Lose, Unless Hillary Faces McCain

GOP Will Lose, Unless Hillary Faces McCain

'Billary' could mean Dems' demise, writes Frank Rich

(Newser) - Despite a crippled GOP, the Dems could still lose the White House in '08, Frank Rich writes in the New York Times: All they need is for Clinton to face McCain. 'Billary' alone would provide "two fat targets" to unite Republican rage. Plus a vetting of donors to Bill's...

Clintons Keep White House Papers Buried

Hillary's documents unlikely to see daylight before 2008 election

(Newser) - People curious about Hillary Clinton’s role in her husband’s White House won’t find anything helpful in his presidential library, Newsweek reports. Less than 1% of the 98 million documents and emails there are public, though all are subject to the Freedom of Information Act. Bill Clinton instructed...

Prying Eyes Won't Get to Hillary’s Papers

Rivals refused access to first lady's records in Clinton Library

(Newser) - Nearly 2 million pages of documents from Hillary Clinton’s years as first lady are sealed at the Clinton Presidential Library, and an eager opposition is chomping at the bit to get to them. Archivists say the documents—including appointment logs and memos—won’t be released before next year’...

11 Stories
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