
Stories 21 - 38 | << Prev 

Holocaust Survivors Live Longer—Among Men

Study looked at 55K emigrants from Poland to Israel

(Newser) - Think Holocaust victims suffer from survivor's guilt? Maybe, but according to a new study, Holocaust survivors live an average of 6 months longer than those who avoided the Nazi menace, Pacific Standard reports. Among 55,220 emigrants from Poland to modern-day Israel, men who lived in Europe between 1939...

A Secret to Women&#39;s Longer Life Revealed
 A Secret to Women's 
 Longer Life Revealed 
new study

A Secret to Women's Longer Life Revealed

New study finds that women's immune systems decline more slowly

(Newser) - Why do women typically walk the Earth longer than men? According to a new Japanese study, the immune system is to thank—or blame, depending on your gender. It found that men's immune systems weaken more quickly than women's, leaving males more susceptible to disease, the BBC reports....

Performers Live Shorter Lives Than Other Celebs

They can expect to live to 77: study

(Newser) - If you crave a long life in the spotlight, become a ... CEO. Researchers perused 1,000 New York Times obituaries from between 2009 and 2011 in a bid to glean some conclusions about the life expectancy of celebs, the BBC reports. What they found, in terms of average life expectancy:...

Rich? You&#39;ll Probably Live Longer, Too
 Rich? You'll Probably 
 Live Longer, Too 
studies show

Rich? You'll Probably Live Longer, Too

Studies show link between life expectancy, income gap

(Newser) - Research shows a disturbing trend in the US: As life expectancy goes up, the life expectancy gap between rich and poor is widening. While US life expectancy hit 78.5 years in 2009, most gains went to those whose income is the highest. To illustrate the trend, the Washington Post...

Life Expectancy Declining for Many US Women

It's just the latest study to find disturbing trend

(Newser) - A new study offers more compelling evidence that life expectancy for some US women is actually falling, a disturbing trend that experts can't explain. The latest research found that women age 75 and younger are dying at higher rates than previous years in nearly half of the nation's...

Pessimistic? You Might Live Longer
 You Might 
 Live Longer 

study says

Pessimistic? You Might Live Longer

Study cites dangers of being 'overly optimistic'

(Newser) - Here's a bit of a surprise: Pessimistic people actually appear to live longer than their sunnier peers, a study suggests. Researchers reviewed 40,000 subjects over a 10-year period and found that "being overly optimistic" was linked to "a greater risk of disability and death within the...

Keys to Longer Life: Puppy, Spouse

Finding love later in life still counts

(Newser) - The ticket to a longer life: happiness, reports the Daily Mail . In 1940, Harvard researchers reviewed 200 young, white, healthy men; they checked back in on that group every two years. They found that happiness (stemming from factors like marriage, puppies, and friendships) had more of an impact than social...

Genes From Mom Give Females Edge on Long Life

Mutations that hurt males still get passed along

(Newser) - Natural selection usually eliminates the most dangerous mutations in our DNA—but one "loophole" ends up being a raw deal for males, LiveScience notes. It involves mitochondrial DNA, which typically comes entirely from the mother. Over time, moms weed out harmful mutations instead of passing them along to offspring....

Scientists Zero In on Red Wine&#39;s Health Secrets
Scientists Zero In on 
Red Wine's Health Secrets
study says

Scientists Zero In on Red Wine's Health Secrets

Resveratrol boosts cell power, says study

(Newser) - Scientists have unlocked the mystery of a special ingredient in red wine that could increase lifespan and promote health in humans. The organic compound resveratrol aids the body by jump-starting the activity of mitochondria—the power suppliers of cells, reports the Daily Mail . Resveratrol, which occurs naturally in red wine,...

How Long Will You Live? $700 Blood Test Has Answer
How Long Will You Live?
$700 Blood Test Has Answer
in case you missed it

How Long Will You Live? $700 Blood Test Has Answer

Telomeres test will soon be offered over the counter in Europe

(Newser) - Want to know when you're going to die? A blood test soon to be offered over the counter in Europe can give you a good estimate. The Life Length test, which will cost around $700, measures the length of a person's telomeres, structures on the tips of chromosomes...

Why Women Live Longer Than 'Disposable' Men

Females built to last for reproductive success: scientist

(Newser) - Women have their hardworking cells to thank for the fact that they tend to live longer than men, argues a scientist. Experts believe aging is caused by tiny problems in the body, and we die when our bodies stop repairing these issues, the Daily Mail reports. Women, suggests the UK...

Scientists Find Genes That Predict Longevity

But they worry what insurance companies might do

(Newser) - Researchers say they've found 150 genetic markers that can predict with 77% accuracy whether someone is likely to live a century or so. The scientists at Boston University made the discovery in a detailed study of the genomes of more than a 1,000 centenarians, reports the Guardian . Just don't...

Half of US Babies Will See 100
 Half of US Babies Will See 100 

Half of US Babies Will See 100

Upward life expectancy trend shows no signs of slowing

(Newser) - More than half of the children born today in wealthy developed countries will live to see their 100th birthday. New research coming out of Denmark also suggests life expectancy in general has increased dramatically as medicine and diagnosis of diseases afflicting the elderly have improved. Since the 1950s, the BBC...

'Dog Years' Just Don't Add Up
 'Dog Years' Just Don't Add Up 

'Dog Years' Just Don't Add Up

The '7-year' rule is too simplistic, veterinarians say

(Newser) - A human year is 7 dog years, right? That ubiquitous formula has been driving veterinarians and dog enthusiasts nuts for decades. If it were accurate, some pooches would live to the equivalent of age 150 or so, Carl Bialik writes in the Wall Street Journal. For those who must convert,...

Madagascar Chameleon Has Shortest Life on 4 Legs

Furcifer labordi dies about a year after it's conceived—and 16-20 weeks out of shell

(Newser) - A small chameleon native to Madagascar looks to own the world record for shortest life span for a creature with four legs and a backbone, the New York Times reports. The Furcifer labordi dies about a year after conception, with just 16-20 weeks on earth after it leaves its shell....

To Cheat Death, Eat Less
 To Cheat Death, Eat Less 

To Cheat Death, Eat Less

15% reduction in your diet at age 25 could add 4½ years to your life, researchers think

(Newser) - Call it the Refrigerator of Youth: Eating less could add nearly 5 years to your lifespan, LiveScience reports. Even scholars dismissive of anti-aging hype concede that a more moderate eating approach could bear fruit. "There is plenty of evidence that calorie restriction can reduce your risks for many common...

Let Them Eat Less Cake, Live Longer

Boomers radically restricting calories to live longer

(Newser) - Once a fringe theory, calorie restriction is now the latest front in the boomer battle for never-ending youth. Increasing numbers of people are restricting their diet to a quarter of what they theoretically need in an effort to increase lifespan. "You have to be willing to stick to it,...

Why Do New Yorkers Live Longer?
Why Do New Yorkers Live Longer?

Why Do New Yorkers Live Longer?

Could it be fast walking? Peer pressure? Sheer stubbornness?

(Newser) - New Yorkers are living longer, and New York magazine wants to know why. Department of Health figures show the average Gothamite lives longer than the average American. It could be thanks to more and faster walking, the magazine says, but ultimately has more to do with the fact that the...

Stories 21 - 38 | << Prev