public transportation

Stories 61 - 76 | << Prev 

Desire Named Streetcar Grips Cities

40 cities considering resurrecting the humble streetcar

(Newser) - Most American cities dismantled their streetcar lines over 50 years ago but a major comeback is gathering speed, the New York Times reports. Cincinnati, Houston, Denver, Salt Lake City and Charlotte have streetcar systems in the works to revive sagging downtown areas. A dozen cities already have streetcars and at...

US Driving Continues to Brake
 US Driving Continues to Brake 

US Driving Continues to Brake

Americans drove 29.8B fewer miles through May '08 than same span in '07

(Newser) - Driving in the United States continued to drop, the Washington Post reports, with May marking the steepest dip in vehicle-miles traveled for that month in the 66 years statistics have been tallied. Americans drove 9.6 billion fewer miles in May 2008 than May ’07; in the first five...

Beijing Launches Pollution Crackdown for Olympics

Officials scramble to clean the air for athletes

(Newser) - Beijing has launched tough new anti-pollution measures this week in a bid to clean the air for Olympic athletes in time for the games. Officials expect to force nearly half of the city's 3.3 million cars off the road, which will drive commuters onto already-crowded public transport, Reuters reports....

How to Vacation on a Dime
 How to Vacation on a Dime 

How to Vacation on a Dime

Stretch your vacation dollar with these tips

(Newser) - With airline and entertainment prices rising, “free stuff isn’t just a bonus, it can be a vacation-saver,” writes Jeryl Brunner in Travel + Leisure, which offers 11 ways to beef up your trip on a budget.
  1. House-swapping: Cancel the hotel, and vacation in someone else’s home

Where Will Cost of Gas Drive Us?
Where Will Cost of Gas Drive Us?

Where Will Cost of Gas Drive Us?

NYT writers ruminate on what the effects of spiraling prices will be

(Newser) - How does really expensive fuel affect you? The New York Times Op-Ed page asked 10 writers to ruminate on that question, and the responses are all over the map:
  • The lure of staying home could have workers demanding tax changes that benefit telecommuters, thinks Nicole Belson Goluboff.
  • Say goodbye to

Why Everyone in Berkeley Owns a Prius

Development of green political clusters starts at the beach

(Newser) - Nowhere in California is the power of green consumerism more apparent than the Prius-packed city of Berkley. The Economist takes a look at a "greenery by zip code" study that, somewhat unsurprisingly, places Palo Alto near the top and Bakersfield near the bottom of locales packed with certified green...

The New Generational Shift: Suburban Flight

After 50 years of sprawl, suburbanites gravitate toward cities

(Newser) - Changes in lifestyles, economic conditions, and demographics are leading to a reversal in urban flight, The Wall Street Journal reports. Four-dollar-a-gallon gasoline and the subprime crisis have driven many to cities from suburbs, where commutes are longer and houses have lost the most value. Boomers are simplifying their lives with...

More Riders, Pricier Fuel Stress Out Transit Agencies

Diesel expenses eat up shrinking budgets even as commuters abandon cars

(Newser) - The same agencies that stand to benefit as commuters turn to public transit to escape high gas prices are finding themselves hamstrung by rising fuel costs, the Wall Street Journal reports. Ridership is up by as much as 35% for some bus lines, but the cost of diesel has doubled...

Londoner Dies in Double-Decker Crash

Bus runs into tree, killing bystander and injuring 19

(Newser) - A double-decker bus crashed into a tree this morning near Tower Bridge, one of London's most famous landmarks, leaving one woman dead and 19 people injured. The victim was believed to be a pedestrian in her early 20s. Bystanders told the Times of London that the bus windows had been...

What Europe Can Teach Us About Gas
What Europe Can Teach Us About Gas

What Europe Can Teach Us About Gas

Dense, connected Berlin, not car-centric Atlanta, is better model

(Newser) - Gas costs more than $8 a gallon in Germany—a sum that might cause riots in the US but hardly ruffles most Europeans. Their secret is simple, Paul Krugman writes in the New York Times: They drive fuel-efficient cars, and they don’t drive very often. America can easily imitate...

High Gas Prices Fuel Transit Boom

Mass transit winning converts across the country as gas price soars

(Newser) - The soaring price of gas is driving people across America out of their cars and onto mass transit, the New York Times reports. Buses and trains are up 5% or more in cities like Boston and New York, where mass transit is already a popular alternative, but the biggest leap...

Assembly Sinks NYC Congestion Pricing Measure

Tolls for high-traffic areas had been mayor's pet project

(Newser) - New York state legislators today killed a plan that would have brought congestion pricing—higher fees at peak traffic hours—to parts of Manhattan, a major defeat for Mike Bloomberg, the Times reports. The mayor and a coalition of environmental groups backed the idea, but legislators from the city's outer...

Siemens Brings Trams to America
Siemens Brings Trams to America

Siemens Brings Trams to America

EU giant starts US plant, takes 200 rail orders from congested cities

(Newser) - Siemens is importing eco-friendly trams and light-rail transport to gas-guzzling America, Der Spiegel reports. The conglomerate has been making them in Sacramento for 2 years, and is seeing a brisk increase in demand from the almost 30 tram-loving US cities. The California plant has 200 orders already and expects more...

Mexico City Launches Women-Only Buses

They're sick and tired of being groped

(Newser) - Women in Mexico City will now have the option to ride buses that only allow female travelers after an outcry against groping and ogling by male passengers. The city already offers women-only subway cars during rush hour traffic, but bus travel is far more popular. Several cities around the world...

NY Romeo Finds His Subway Juliet Online

City rallied to track down mystery woman glimpsed on train car

(Newser) - New Yorkers eagerly took up the cause of Patrick Moberg, who spotted the woman of his dreams across a crowded subway car, lost her in the crowd when they both exited the train, and set up a website dedicated to finding her, Reuters reports. Thanks to a citywide outpouring of...

Flooding Halts NYC Mass Transit
Flooding Halts NYC Mass Transit

Flooding Halts NYC Mass Transit

(Newser) - New York City public transportation ground to a standstill early this morning after violent thunderstorms tore up trees, damaged cars, and flooded underground train tracks, halting or delaying every single subway line, reports the New York Times. Flights at all three major airports in the metropolitan area were pushed back...

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