
Stories 21 - 39 | << Prev 

Sorry, Jimmy: Race Ain't the Only Card in the Deck

Obama anger not just about skin color: Rich

(Newser) - Jimmy Carter and other Obama defenders playing the race card must remember that it’s just one in a deck that’s driving the I’ve-had-it-up-to-here rhetoric of Joe Wilson and Glenn Beck, Frank Rich writes in the New York Times. “There is a national conversation we must have...

Obama: Anger Not About Race
 Obama: Anger Not About Race 

Obama: Anger Not About Race

He says anti-government feeling, fear of change fuel rage

(Newser) - Fear of "big changes" and hostility to the growth of government—not racism—are what's driving angry criticisms about his health care agenda, President Obama said in a series of network television interviews that will air tomorrow morning. "Are there people out there who don't like me because...

America: Why So Furious?
 America: Why So Furious? 

America: Why So Furious?

Terrorism, recession, economy drive nationwide rage

(Newser) - With town halls gone mad and anti-Obama protesters toting guns, this is America’s angriest summer in recent memory, McClatchy reports. The fury of voters has deep roots, from a long history of hate groups to anti-Vietnam marches to rage against George W. Bush when he left office—but it’...

Why Such Rage at Obesity? Start With 'Self-Loathing'

(Newser) - If so many people are fat in this country, why is there so much venom against the overweight? Part of it can be chalked up to "self-loathing," write Kate Dailey and Abby Ellin in Newsweek. We're conditioned to consider extra pounds unattractive, and we get ticked off when...

Ads Tap Into US Bitterness
 Ads Tap Into US Bitterness 

Ads Tap Into US Bitterness

Commercials get angry at CEOs, uppity lifestyles

(Newser) - Seeking to key into the national mood, the latest spots from Madison Avenue are uncharacteristically angry, the New York Times reports. “We’re turning up the volume in relation to what our customers are feeling,” says the marketing head at Kodak, whose new printer ads slam the “...

Got a Temper? Blame Your Genes

(Newser) - Why some people get steamed while others stay cool depends on which version of a certain gene they carry, the Daily Telegraph reports. German scientists isolated a gene that affects dopamine levels. In a study, people with the least common variation showed little anger. Those with the other two mutations...

Now I Know Why Lefties Hate Me Too: Milbank
Now I Know Why Lefties Hate Me Too: Milbank

Now I Know Why Lefties Hate Me Too: Milbank

Columnist deciphers rage by reading online comments

(Newser) - On the advice of a colleague, columnist Dana Milbank diligently read the comments left by some 1,800 readers last week. And he discovered some fascinating things. “On Tuesday, I learned that I am a right-wing hack. I am a certified idiot. I am Republican flack,” he writes...

Anger, Depression Boost Heart Risks: Studies

It's 'what we have all known,' says expert

(Newser) - Anger, hostility, and depression can up the risk of heart disease, new studies suggest. Women with major depression could be more than twice as likely to suffer sudden cardiac death; and “chronically angry or hostile” people with no history may be 19% more likely to get heart disease, WebMD...

Study: Rage Can Be Fatal
 Study: Rage Can Be Fatal  

Study: Rage Can Be Fatal

Anger shown to cause irregular heartbeats with the potential for cardiac arrest

(Newser) - Anger really can kill you, a new study suggests. Researchers monitored the heart patterns of patients suffering from heart conditions and discovered that electrical instability in the heart increased when the patients were asked to relive angry episodes. Those who had the strongest reactions were 10 times more likely to...

Bale Sorry for 'Ugly' Outburst

'I acted like a punk,' actor says of Internet sensation tirade

(Newser) - Christian Bale apologized today for his spectacular explosion on the set of Terminator Salvation, People reports. “I was out of order, beyond belief. I acted like a punk,” the actor said of the expletive-laden outburst that's generating massive traffic online. “It is inexcusable.” Asked about criticism...

I'd Rather Say I'm in Porn: Shunned Wall Streeter

Financial types feel they're unfairly 'vilified' in crisis

(Newser) - Working on Wall Street used to have glamor to it—but now, saying you work at JPMorgan or Goldman Sachs immediately establishes you as “one of them,” the New York Times reports. Wall Streeters are facing a new pariah status, and many believe they’re taking an unfair...

Livid Softball Dad Jailed for Tirade

Ill. man also spat at deputy, earning battery charge

(Newser) - Parents, take note: An Illinois man who exploded at an umpire during his daughter's softball game was sentenced to five days in jail and anger-management classes for battery and assault, the Chicago Tribune reports. Michael Beck, 47, also spat sunflower seeds on the deputy who responded to a worried...

In Berkeley, Foodie Heaven Comes With Side of Fisticuffs

Shoppers brave adverse conditions for their pick of 40 types of tomato

(Newser) - No risk, no reward, right? That’s the mentality of those who brave critical, even violent, fellow shoppers and draconian rules to browse the famed produce section at Berkeley Bowl, the most popular grocery store in the colorful California college town. Cart fender-benders are frequent as shoppers bolt down packed...

Bill: Obama Can 'Kiss My Ass'
 Bill: Obama Can 
 'Kiss My Ass' 

Bill: Obama Can 'Kiss My Ass'

Former president said to be still furious with future Democratic nominee

(Newser) - Barack Obama and Bill Clinton spoke on the phone this morning, but earlier the ex-president privately told friends the future Democratic nominee must “kiss my ass" to win his full support, the Telegraph reports. Clinton remains “very unhopeful” Obama can win in November, another source says, and is...

Why Are Londoners So Angry?
 Why Are Londoners So Angry? 

Why Are Londoners So Angry?

London Times writer wonders what's eating her angry city

(Newser) - Most Londoners are living comfortable, even enviable lives, yet they seem to be getting angrier and angrier, Janice Turner writes in the London Times. Minor stresses of everyday life boil over into violent disputes with alarming regularity, reminiscent of pampered resort guests flying off the handle over tiny inconveniences.

Peggy Noonan, for One, Is Not Offended
Peggy Noonan, for One,
Is Not Offended

Peggy Noonan, for One, Is Not Offended

Rev. Wright merely latest, most-publicized participant in Whitman's 'barbaric yawp'

(Newser) - Peggy Noonan wonders if there's something wrong with her for not being upset over Jeremiah Wright’s extremist sermons. No, she decides in the Wall Street Journal, she just doesn’t “think his views carry deep implications for our country”—and indeed understands the bitterness, drawing on the...

21st-Century Campaign Trail Bumpier Than Bill Recalls

Gaffe-focused press second only to Obama among Clinton's peeves

(Newser) - With an assist from a pesky, unforgiving press, Bill Clinton has turned into a faux pas machine—making him seem more a liability than an asset for his wife. But the former president is in truth the most convincing person on the campaign trail, and is animated by a deep-seated...

The Wrath of McCain
 The Wrath of McCain 

The Wrath of McCain

Insiders debate the hopeful's temper, which he claims is gone

(Newser) - John McCain's temper is fiery and infamous—no one is arguing that. But opinions differ on whether his quickness to rage (or passion, some call it) suggests a talent for effective leadership or a risky personal weakness. The Washington Post looks at the history of McCain's short fuse and what...

And He's Not Going to Take It Anymore

'Mad Money' madman Cramer snaps, beseeches Bernanke to cut rates

(Newser) - In YouTube's most watched video today, CNBC's Jim Cramer blasts Fed chairman Ben Bernanke for signaling that he won't cut interest rates, calling the present stay-the-course market situation "Armageddon." As his dumbfounded interlocutor looks on, the "Mad Money" host pounds the table and thunders that the "...

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