
Stories 461 - 480 | << Prev   Next >>

Maine Man on Trial in Russian Roulette Death

Man slain in gay threesome in organic farmer's sex dungeon

(Newser) - An organic farmer is on trial for manslaughter after killing a man in a game of Russian roulette during a gay threesome in the sex dungeon of the victim's Maine home. Bespectacled Ivy League grad Bruce Lavallee-Davidson says he thought the gun wasn't loaded when he pulled the trigger against...

Rush Limbaugh Steps Into 'Negro' Fray

Says, 'It was negroes that brought Ted Kennedy his booze'

(Newser) - The word negro hasn't seen this much action in years, but Rush Limbaugh last night joined Harry Reid in resuscitating the term—with a little speaking ill of the dead thrown in for good measure. Discussing the 2008 presidential campaign on his radio show last night, Limbaugh jumped into the...

Joe Namath's Daughter Busted With 7 Oz. of Pot in Car
 Joe Namath's Daughter 
 Busted With 7 Oz. of Pot in Car 
illegal procedure

Joe Namath's Daughter Busted With 7 Oz. of Pot in Car

Olivia Namath also had an open container, charged with intent to sell

(Newser) - Famed Jets quarterback Joe Namath’s daughter was pulled over yesterday for doing 58mph in a 50mph zone, but things got a little tricky when the officer started sniffing around and smelled pot. The officer searched the car and found what the Palm Beach Post calls “a bag of...

5 Booze Trends for the 2010s
 5 Booze Trends for the 2010s 
drink up!

5 Booze Trends for the 2010s

Expect your cocktails to be herbal, matched with food, and cold

(Newser) - Absinthe and other speakeasy libations are so last decade. Now that craft cocktails are mainstream, what will the next 10 years bring to the hottest watering holes? Derek Brown of the Atlantic looks into his crystal ball:
  • Food pairings: They're not just for sommeliers anymore. "Expect to see cocktails

Too Tipsy to Drive? Check Your App
 Too Tipsy to Drive? 
 Check Your App 
new year's eve

Too Tipsy to Drive? Check Your App

Two iPhone tools estimate blood alcohol level, help find a cab

(Newser) - Going out tomorrow night to celebrate New Year’s Eve? Consider downloading two new iPhone apps first if you think you might overindulge. R-U-Buzzed and Last Call calculate the number of drinks you’ve had, your weight, and how long you’ve been drinking to determine how safe it is...

Finally, World-Class Wine From Japan

Critics applaud vino from local grape

(Newser) - For decades, critics wouldn’t give Japan’s wine industry a second sniff—but a new wine from a local grape could change all that. One firm’s koshu wine has won over taste buds from France to the US, the Guardian reports. The “crisp and pleasant” Cuvée...

Beware These Horrific Holiday Mishaps

From common slips to exploding lights and eyelids stuck in zippers

(Newser) - Work enough Christmases in the ER, and you’ll see every manner of bizarre holiday accident—some of them more than once. One UK doctor shares with the Telegraph the injuries his hospital sees "without fail" every year:
  • Exploding tree lights burn eyelids and eyeballs, so keep a safe

New Hangover Remedies
 New Hangover Remedies 

New Hangover Remedies

Gatorade just not cutting it? Try one of these.

(Newser) - If you drank too much eggnog at the office holiday party, never fear: The Frisky has six hangover cures you might not have tried yet. A sampling:
  • Sprayology: With the tagline, “Spray it in your mouth!” how can you go wrong? Plus, this $20 “party relief formula”

Spoiled Wine Used to Generate Electricity

Scientists turn wine waste into energy

(Newser) - Scientists have found a way to turn bad wine into good energy, a step, they hope, toward a new, cost-effective way to treat wastewater generated by wineries. The process, currently being tested in Napa, uses a common bacteria to turn unwanted vinegar and sugars into electricity and hydrogen. This should...

Caffeine Won't Actually Make You Sober

And combo with booze may breed dangerous overconfidence

(Newser) - Caffeine doesn't sober you up, but it does make you feel less drunk, and that combination could have dangerous consequences, a new study suggests. Researchers came to the conclusion after giving mice alcohol and caffeine, together and separately, and comparing how they navigated a tricky maze, reports Scientific American .

'Extreme Beer' Features High Alcohol, Cost
 'Extreme Beer' 
 Features High 
 Alcohol, Cost 

'Extreme Beer' Features High Alcohol, Cost

One new highbrow bottle, with 27% alcohol, costs $150

(Newser) - Beer with a high alcohol content is in the spotlight after two breweries announced supercharged creations—Boston Beer Company's Utopias, with 27% alcohol, and BrewDog's Tactical Nuclear Penguin, with 32%. Are they good for the average guzzler? Salon gets details from expert Brooks Hamaker:
  • They don’t come cheap: Utopias

Twitter = Crack, and Other Web Equivalents
 Twitter = Crack, and 
 Other Web Equivalents 

Twitter = Crack, and Other Web Equivalents

YouTube is like shots of tequila; Gmail is caffeine

(Newser) - We all have our favorite Internet time-wasters; now, Patrick Moberg gives us their equivalents in real-world vices:
  • Twitter is crack cocaine: “f---ing ANYONE is your friend. Yuppies do it on their iPhone. Cheap. Short. Fruitless.”
  • Tumblr is a bottle of wine: “A quiet night in with a

Alcohol Good for Men's Hearts
 Alcohol Good  
 for Men's Hearts 

Alcohol Good for Men's Hearts

Daily drinking reduces disease risk by more than a third, says study

(Newser) - Drink up boys, it’s good for you—or for your heart at least, says a new study. Drinking cut heart disease risk by 35% to 50% in the survey conducted in Spain. It followed 15,500 men and 26,000 women, and found that daily heavy drinking did wonders...

Alexandra Kerry Charged With DUI
 Alexandra Kerry 
 Charged With DUI 

Alexandra Kerry Charged With DUI

Alexandra Kerry booked and released, was under legal limit

(Newser) - John Kerry’s daughter was arrested this morning in California in a suspected DUI. Alexandra Kerry was pulled over at 12:40am, and refused to take a preliminary alcohol screening test after her field sobriety test, police sources tell TMZ . Though her blood alcohol level was ultimately found to be...

FDA Demands Safety Data on Energy Drinks With Alcohol

Companies have 30 days to comply

(Newser) - The FDA has taken action against companies that make alcoholic energy drinks, giving the firms 30 days to provide evidence to support their claim that caffeine and booze are a safe combination. A group of concerned scientists have said there is no evidence to support the claim that the drinks...

Beer Gets Boozier
 Beer Gets Boozier 

Beer Gets Boozier

States allow drinks up to 16% alcohol to be called beers

(Newser) - States are raising caps on the alcohol content of beer, setting limits as high as 16% by volume in moves to appease the microbrew industry. Alabama and West Virginia raised their limits this year, while Vermont and Montana adjusted theirs last year; and lobbying is under way in Iowa and...

Kiefer Racks Up $700 Bar Tab —by 1pm

Sutherland treats 30 people to drinks starting at 7am

(Newser) - Oh, to be a celebrity. Kiefer Sutherland recently racked up a $700 bar tab in just one morning—yes, morning. After wrapping up a recent 24 shoot, Sutherland and the crew hit a California bar, where he bought drinks for all 30 people in the establishment from 7am to 1pm....

What Your Beer Says About You
 What Your Beer Says About You 

What Your Beer Says About You

(Newser) - People tend to be picky about beer, so "psychographic" research firm Mindset Media conducted surveys to match brands to personality trends. Here's what researchers found, according to Ad Age :
  • Budweiser: Sensible and practical drinkers, but with an anti-authoritarian streak.
  • Bud Light: Unlike regular Budweiser fans, these imbibers are risk-takers,

Americans Skip Bar, Buy Booze at Grocery Store

Sales of beer, wine surge at convenience shops, drug stores

(Newser) - Recession-strapped Americans are hitting the bar less and less, but they’re not giving up drinking: sales of beer and wine at grocery and convenience stores have ballooned, prompting many shops to start offering alcohol. Between September 2008 and last month, the number of stores selling beer shot up by...

Drug Czar Needs to Look Beyond Worthless Laws
 Drug Czar Needs 
 to Look Beyond 
 Worthless Laws  


Drug Czar Needs to Look Beyond Worthless Laws

Enforcement doesn't work, but there is hope elsewhere

(Newser) - In a chat with new czar Gil Kerlikowske, George Will notes that the war on drugs, as it has been waged, is an utter failure. Harsh drug laws have done nothing to reduce drug-taking, he writes, and incarcerating drug users is looking more and more wasteful to strapped states. “...

Stories 461 - 480 | << Prev   Next >>