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Ken Burns' 'Prohibition' a Slow But Fascinating PBS Documentary: Reviewers
 Ken Burns' Prohibition 
 a Long, Tall Drink 
TV Review

Ken Burns' Prohibition a Long, Tall Drink

'A Nation of Drunkards' is the best episode: reviewers

(Newser) - Ken Burns' latest mega-documentary, Prohibition, starts a three-night run tomorrow on PBS. Reviewers are praising the 5 1/2-hour survey of America's war on booze, but warn that it's a bit slow and may reveal its best stuff in the first episode:
  • "It's a great subject with

Do Your Brain a Favor: Meditate

 Do Your Brain 
 a Favor: Meditate 
studies say

Do Your Brain a Favor: Meditate

Other coping mechanisms do more harm than good: research

(Newser) - Humankind has developed plenty of coping mechanisms over the centuries, from long walks to hard drugs. While many of these methods have endured, not all of them are in our brains’ best interests, writes Alice Walton at Forbes . Smoking and drinking, for example, can lead to a vicious cycle of...

Drunken Student Drowns Fêting Month of Sobriety

Niall Pawsey stripped down and jumped in River Thames

(Newser) - A law student drowned in the River Thames after getting drunk to celebrate a month of sobriety, a London inquest found this week. Niall Pawsey, 20, drank more than four times the legal driving limit after winning a bet to go 28 days without alcohol. Kicked out of a pub...

Medvedev: To Combat Alcoholism, Let's Drink Wine

'Alcohol abuse stem from other drinks,' he says

(Newser) - In order to combat alcoholism, Dmitry Medvedev would like Russia to push people to drink more wine. That is not a joke ... and neither is Russia's battle with alcoholism . Medvedev believes that encouraging people to put down the vodka bottle and pick up a nice chardonnay is one way...

How to Know When You've Hit .08%

The 'Wall Street Journal' discovers ... it's kind of hard to tell

(Newser) - It's that magical line that we try to avoid crossing while out on the town: a blood-alcohol concentration of .08%. And as the Wall Street Journal reports, most of us figure a few glasses of wine over dinner won't put us over the legal limit. The paper set...

Cell Phone, Smartphone Survey: Sex or Texts?
 33% of You 
 Would Ditch 
 Sex for Phones 
survey says

33% of You Would Ditch Sex for Phones

Respondents weigh a week of sacrifice

(Newser) - If you’d prefer a sexless week to a phoneless one, you’re in good company: A third of Americans agree with you, a survey finds. Some 70% of Americans would turn down alcohol for a week rather than leave their phones behind, and 55% would kick their caffeine habits,...

Could Quitting Booze Really Have Killed Winehouse?

Sadly, yes

(Newser) - It wasn't too much booze that killed Amy Winehouse, but not enough . At least, that's what her family thinks felled the singer, who they say quit alcohol cold turkey three weeks before she died. We won't know the cause of her death for at least two weeks—...

Arizona Prof's Research: Getting Students Drunk

They're paid $60 for night at the 'bar'

(Newser) - An Arizona State professor wants his students to get smashed—and he’s willing to pay them to do it. That’s because William Corbin is researching the effects of alcohol on behavior, and ASU students are his subjects. Several nights a week, he converts his lab into a bar,...

Minnesota Shutdown Cutting Off Beer, Cigarettes

Bars already can't renew liquor cards

(Newser) - If anything will turn the Minnesota public against the state’s government shutdown, this will: The booze is running out. The state requires bars and liquor shops to purchase their alcohol with a state-issued card—and hundreds weren’t able to renew theirs before the shutdown. “It’s going...

Chili's Serves Tequila to 3 Kids

Mom figured it out when 8-year-old complained about taste

(Newser) - Three kids in Colorado saw Fourth of July fireworks in a whole different light. A bartender at a Chili's restaurant accidentally served tequila to the children—ages 8, 6, and 1—before they went to a fireworks display, reports Huffington Post . Their mother ordered them a fruit smoothie to...

Daniel Radcliffe: Why I Had to Quit Drinking

Actor says he started partying way too much at age 18

(Newser) - He's only 21, but Daniel Radcliffe is off the booze for good. In an interview with British GQ as reported by the Telegraph , the actor explains that he started partying too much at age 18, during the filming of Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince. His drink of choice?...

Full Bar Coming to Ohio's Statehouse

But, sorry, no guns allowed

(Newser) - Lawmaking at the Ohio Capitol might be about to get a whole lot more exciting—it's getting a full-service bar. Starting July 11, the Capitol Café on the lower level of the Statehouse will serve beer, wine, and liquor, reports the Columbus Dispatch . Keep your weapons home, though: Even...

Lindsay Lohan Didn't Violate Probation by Drinking Alcohol: Judge
 LiLo Didn't Break  
 Probation: Judge 
no jail

LiLo Didn't Break Probation: Judge

But Lohan did show 'extremely poor judgment' by hosting party

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan headed to court in Los Angeles today for allegedly violating her probation—but it turns out she did nothing wrong, at least legally. Though she had tested positive for alcohol , her probation terms never called for alcohol testing, just testing for controlled substances. And even those tests were...

For 1st Time, US Drinks More Wine Than France

We're not back in boom times, but things are looking more rosé

(Newser) - Olympic golds pale in comparison to this national feat: The US last year consumed more wine than France. And it's just one of many full-bodied wine stats for 2010. The Los Angeles Times shares the signs that Americans are trading their recession-minded ways for a good (or, at least,...

Too Much Hand Sanitizer Can Skew Alcohol Test

It can be absorbed into the body, leading to a false reading

(Newser) - Germophobes take note: If you use a lot of hand sanitizer, you might fail an alcohol screening, reports CBS Los Angeles . People who use sanitizer multiple times times a day can absorb small amounts of alcohol into their bodies, according to a University of Florida study. Those who use sanitizer...

San Francisco: You Can Run Naked, but Not Drunk

City wants 100th anniversary of Bay to Breakers to be a sober one

(Newser) - Tomorrow marks the 100th anniversary of the Bay to Breakers, a famed 7.5-mile annual race from San Francisco Bay to the waves (aka breakers) of the Pacific Ocean—but don't spike your Gatorade with champagne just yet. The race has long been a debaucherous one, complete with people...

Demi's Daughter Busted for Booze

17-year-old Tallulah Willis allegedly caught carrying bottles from a car

(Newser) - Demi Moore and Bruce Willis’s daughter Tallulah Belle, 17, was nabbed Friday for alcohol possession, the New York Daily News reports. Police saw the teen leaving a car in Hollywood with some friends around 11pm, allegedly carrying some bottles of booze. Being a minor, she had to alert her...

Pabst, Snoop Slammed Over 'Binge in a Can'

17 states attorneys general complain about fruity new booze drink

(Newser) - Pabst Brewing and pitchman Snoop Dogg are catching flak for a drink critics call "a binge in a can." Blast, a fruit-flavored malt liquor that comes in a 23-ounce can, was launched earlier this month and 17 state attorneys general have written to Pabst urging it to reduce...

Another Toddler Served Booze
 Another Toddler Served Booze 

Another Toddler Served Booze

This time, Olive Garden is to blame

(Newser) - After learning that Applebee's served a 15-month-old boy a margarita last week, a Florida mother reveals Olive Garden served her 2-year-old son sangria last month. Jill VanHeest says she ordered orange juice for son Nikolai on March 31. When he started acting up and his eyes turned red and...

To Lower Cancer Risk, Stop Drinking So Much
 To Cut Cancer Risk, 
 Stop Drinking So Much 
study says

To Cut Cancer Risk, Stop Drinking So Much

Sticking to advised limits would prevent thousands of cases

(Newser) - Drinking leads to at least 13,000 cases of cancer in Britain each year, a study finds—and thousands could be avoided if people would stick to alcohol guidelines. That UK-centric finding comes from a study that examined the tie between diet and cancer in eight European countries. Researchers discovered...

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