Jon Stewart

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Conan Blows $4.8M on Parting Sketch

 Blows $4.8M 
 on Parting Sketch 
puts Racehorse in mink snuggie

Conan Blows $4.8M on Parting Sketch

Buys Kentucky Derby winner and sticks NBC with the bill

(Newser) - Conan O'brien upped the ante last night in his war with NBC, following his $1.5 million sketch Wednesday night with one he said cost $4.8 million. He spent that amount, he said, buying Mine That Bird, the 2009 Kentucky Derby winner, putting him in a horse-sized mink snuggie,...

Sandler to Conan: NBC Fired Me, Too
 Sandler to Conan: 
 NBC Fired Me, Too 

Sandler to Conan: NBC Fired Me, Too

O'Brien-NBC deal said to be $45 million; tomorrow's his last Tonight Show

(Newser) - NBC and Conan O’Brien reached a pricey divorce early today, but that didn’t slow the Tonight Show host's relentless tirade against the network last night. A constant stream of monologue disses wasn’t enough, so O’Brien unveiled his latest revenge scheme: Waste as much of the network’...

Jon Stewart Looks Back on Obama's First Year
 Jon Stewart Looks Back 
 on Obama's First Year 

Jon Stewart Looks Back on Obama's First Year

The principal lesson from the first year? 'Negroes aren't magic'

(Newser) - Jon Stewart marked the first anniversary of Barack Obama’s presidency—or the first 364 days, 23 hours—on last night's Daily Show , offering up a complicated math equation for how Obama could have dropped 18 points in the polls in a single year. From Gitmo to health care to...

Logical Next Stop for Conan: Comedy Central
 Logical Next 
 Stop for Conan: 
 Comedy Central 

unsolicited advice

Logical Next Stop for Conan: Comedy Central

Stewart-Colbert-O'Brien lineup would be a win-win-win situation

(Newser) - Conan O'Brien is about to go back on the market—but the late night talk show market is full. "ABC has already said it's not interested in hiring him," writes Patrick Goldstein. "HBO isn't prepared to get into the late-night talk show racket. And Fox has a...

Jon Stewart to Pat Robertson: 'Shut Your Piehole'
 Jon Stewart to 
 Pat Robertson: 
 'Shut Your Piehole' 


Jon Stewart to Pat Robertson: 'Shut Your Piehole'

Limbaugh, Robertson, even Maddow irk Stewart—probably O'Reilly too

(Newser) - Jon Stewart is not happy with people using the earthquake in Haiti to advance their own agendas, and he had some words for Pat Robertson (and other offenders) last night: “Shut your piehole!” The only silver lining to the tragedy “is that whenever something this horrific...

Jon Stewart: I Should Have Nailed John Yoo

Stewart apologizes for a disappointing Daily Show interview

(Newser) - Jon Stewart has taken down a lot of people on The Daily Show —but Monday’s guest John Yoo wasn’t one of them, and last night he apologized for the disappointing interview. Yoo, author of the Bush torture memos—or, as Stewart put it, “the memo that...

Stewart Nails Glenn Beck for Promoting Gold

Fox host both fuels and profits from gold craze

(Newser) - Glenn Beck’s cozy relationship with the gold industry—he talks about the metal on his show and is a paid spokesman for Goldline—has so far stayed comfortably under the radar, but Jon Stewart took aim at it last night with a segment on the Daily Show. Does Beck's...

Fox News Lets Jon Get Under Its Skin, Again

Stewart's "go bleep yourself" to Goldberg gets O'Reilly's attention

(Newser) - Fox News commentator Bernard Goldberg is just so sad that Jon Stewart doesn’t like him anymore, and he made a point of saying so on last night’s O’Reilly Factor . Stewart slammed Goldberg the night before on the Daily Show for Goldberg's comment that liberals don’t “...

Fox Caught Fudging Footage Again
 Fox Caught Fudging 
 Footage Again 

Fox Caught Fudging Footage Again

This-just-in Palin video actually from '08 campaign

(Newser) - The incident isn’t on par with Jon Stewart catching Fox News host Sean Hannity passing off old video as new, but lefty blogger Faiz Shakir found the network doing something similar today. Noting huge crowds for Sarah Palin’s book tour, host Gregg Jarrett alerts viewers to “pictures...

Biden Yuks It Up With Stewart
 Biden Yuks It Up With Stewart 

Biden Yuks It Up With Stewart

Jon quizzes Joe on the state of the economy and more

(Newser) - Joe Biden discussed his transition to vice president, the economy, and Amtrak with Jon Stewart on The Daily Show last night. “The Republican Party has nothing but hardcore conservatives. There’s no moderates left. The Democratic Party has moderates, liberals, and conservative Democrats,” Biden said. “And Communists,...

En Route to Daily Show , a Not-So-Funny Incident
En Route to Daily Show,
a Not-So-Funny Incident

En Route to Daily Show, a Not-So-Funny Incident

3 injured in Biden motorcade wreck

(Newser) - Three people were injured tonight when New York police clearing the way for Vice President Joe Biden’s appearance on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart collided with a livery cab trying to skirt the stopped traffic. “They T-boned him,” a witness told the Post of the incident,...

Stewart Pits '06 Giuliani Vs. '09 Giuliani
 Stewart Pits 
 '06 Giuliani 
 Vs. '09 Giuliani 

Stewart Pits '06 Giuliani Vs. '09 Giuliani

Rudy just can't decide how he feels about terrorist trials

(Newser) - During last night’s Daily Show analysis of Khaled Sheikh Mohammed’s upcoming trial, Jon Stewart pointed out Rudy Giuliani’s blatant flip-flopping on the issue between 2006 and now. Though 2006 Giuliani believed that “America is dedicated to the rule of law” and “We are a free...

Apology Nice, but Show Torture
 Apology Nice, but Show Torture 
stewart to hannity

Apology Nice, but Show Torture

'It wasn't worth it,' he says, after enduring whole episode

(Newser) - Jon Stewart was really, really hoping that Sean Hannity’s apology to him would come at the beginning of his show, but no such luck. The Daily Show host had to sit through an entire episode—a torturous experience that he just so happened to videotape and feature on...

Hannity to Daily Show : Yep, We Screwed Up
Hannity to Daily Show:
Yep, We Screwed Up 

Hannity to Daily Show: Yep, We Screwed Up

Fox host calls protest footage mixup 'inadvertent'

(Newser) - Fox News host Sean Hannity admitted tonight that his staff spliced video from a Capitol Hill protest last week with footage from an earlier, much larger protest over the summer—and apologized to Comedy Central’s Daily Show and host Jon Stewart, who brought the creative editing to light. “...

Stewart Catches Hannity Faking Video Footage

'If I didn't know better, I'd think they put two different days together'

(Newser) - Sean Hannity should know by now that Jon Stewart will go to the tape. The Daily Show host caught Hannity using old footage—from Glenn Beck’s 9/12 rally, no less—to make Thursday’s anti-health care bill rally appear to have, as Michele Bachmann and Hannity claimed, 20,000...

Prop-Wielding Senators: Beware Jon Stewart

 Senators: Beware 
 Jon Stewart 

Prop-Wielding Senators: Beware Jon Stewart

Daily Show host questions validity of comparing reform to Holocaust

(Newser) - Republicans who rallied against the health care bill used everything from a picture of a Nazi concentration camp to a baby to make their point, and none of it got by Jon Stewart . When Michele Bachmann used a lei brought to her by Hawaiian constituents as a prop, saying, “...

Jon Stewart Channels Glenn Beck

 Jon Stewart 
 Glenn Beck 

Jon Stewart Channels Glenn Beck

Appendicitis attack is obviously part of a larger conspiracy, Jon says

(Newser) - Jon Stewart asked the tough questions last night: Now that Glenn Beck has lost his appendix, how are we going to stop the conspiracy to harvest the rest of his organs? The Daily Show host channeled everything Beck last night, from glasses-fiddling to chalkboard to leaps of logic. “...

Defense Dept. Opposed Anti-Rape Rule for Contractors

But lefties ripped GOP senators for nay votes

(Newser) - When 30 Republicans voted against an Al Franken amendment prohibiting defense contractors from forcing their employees to agree not to sue if they’re raped, Jon Stewart and liberals everywhere went ballistic. But those 30 Republicans weren’t alone, the Huffington Post reports; the Defense Department opposed the amendment as...

Stewart: So Much for 60 Votes
 Stewart: So Much for 60 Votes 

Stewart: So Much for 60 Votes

Daily Show rips Democrats for public option failure.

(Newser) - When Democrats took over Congress in 2006, they did… well, basically nothing. But all that was supposed to change when they got their unstoppable 60-vote "super majority," right? Jon Stewart sure thought so. “They’d be like a bear with chainsaws instead of paws!” he cried....

Real Colbert: 'I Embody the Bullshit'

Earnest Colbert calls himself unambitious, religious

(Newser) - It wasn't Stephen Colbert's on-screen persona who turned up for a recent Rolling Stone interview, but the real Stephen Colbert—a man as "preppy, earnest, and gentle" as Ned Flanders. In the interview, Colbert dishes on his style of deconstructing the news: "I take the sausage backwards, and...

Stories 401 - 420 | << Prev   Next >>