
Stories 641 - 659 | << Prev 

Weeping Heiress Sent Back to Cell
Heiress Sent Back to Cell

Weeping Heiress Sent Back to Cell

'It's not fair!' Paris calls to mom as peeved judge orders lockup

(Newser) - Paris Hilton is back in lockup after a courtroom scene worthy of a daytime soap, with the 26-year-old celebutante led from the room weeping and wailing, "Mom, Mom! It's not right!" Judge Michael Sauer, miffed that the scofflaw heiress had been sprung after just 3 days of a...

Rights Groups Pressure US
Rights Groups Pressure US

Rights Groups Pressure US

Report urges release of info on "disappeared" terror suspects

(Newser) - Six prominent human rights groups want the US to disclose the whereabouts of 39 terrorism suspects, or "ghost prisoners," believed to have been in government custody. The organizations released a report today charging that children as young as 7 have been detained, invoking the loaded term "disappeared,...

Judge Fumes as Paris Goes From Big House to Big House

Sheriff ignores order not to spring socialite

(Newser) - A livid judge ordered Paris Hilton to appear in court today, prompting speculation that the heiress may be headed back behind bars after a night of beauty rest at her Hollywood Hills mansion. Prosecutors charged that the sheriff who released her for mysterious "medical" reasons after just three days...

Still Crazy After All These Years
Still Crazy After All These Years

Still Crazy After All These Years

A new documentary catches up with the twisted romance of Burt and Linda Pugach

(Newser) - Burt and Linda Pugach are having their third 15 minutes. The first was in 1959, when Burt hired a thug to throw lye in Linda's face after she broke up with him. The second, in 1974, was when, Linda, now blind, agreed to marry Burt, just released from jail. And...

Prison Hasn't Mellowed Dr. Death
Prison Hasn't Mellowed
Dr. Death

Prison Hasn't Mellowed Dr. Death

Kevorkian's outraged at meager progress on assisted suicides

(Newser) - Jack Kevorkian, who was paroled Friday after 8 years in prison, says he won't be involved in any more suicides—except perhaps his own. "When I’m going to do it, I’m going to do it right,” he tells the New York Times. But prison hasn't blunted...

Kevorkian Set to Leave Prison Friday
Set to Leave
Prison Friday

Kevorkian Set to Leave Prison Friday

'Doctor Death' will retire from mercy killing, won't stop lobbying for legalization

(Newser) - Jack Kevorkian, the champion of mercy killing, will be released from prison June 1 after doing eight years for helping a Michigan man commit suicide. The 79-year-old retired pathologist spent a decade assisting terminally ill patients end their lives, using a homemade machine to administer the fatal drugs and then...

Botched Execution Takes 2 Hours
Botched Execution
Takes 2 Hours

Botched Execution Takes 2 Hours

Condemned killer took bathroom break during lethal injection

(Newser) - Prison staff at Southern Ohio Correctional Facility spent two hours administering lethal injection to condemned killer Christopher Newton—inserting needles ten times before finding a suitable vein to inject the deadly chemicals. Newton had been sentenced to die for killing his cellmate during an argument after a chess game.

Iraqis Seek Employment&mdash; In Prison
Iraqis Seek Employment—
In Prison

Iraqis Seek Employment— In Prison

The troop surge has produced a surge in prisoners, and new demand for guards

(Newser) - Iraq has a new growth industry: prisons. A post-surge increase in Iraqi prisoners has put guards in hot demand, and other employment is scarce. So former shopkeepers and farmers are flooding over the border to reach American training facilities in Jordan, where they learn skills like cell-searching and how to...

Afghan Prison Is as Bad as Gitmo
Afghan Prison Is as Bad as Gitmo

Afghan Prison Is as Bad as Gitmo

(Newser) - The U.S. prison at Bagram Air Force Base in Afghanistan is as bad as Guantanamo, reports Eliza Griswold in the New Republic. Prisoners are kept in barbed-wire cages, beaten, tortured, raped, and held without promise of trial. But unlike Gitmo, Bagram has no visiting congressional delegations.

Pay-to-Stay Prisons Have a Lock on Style

No price on freedom, but cash buys kinder incarceration in California jails

(Newser) - Californians convicted of minor, non-violent crimes can pony up to stay in jail cells that look more like college dormitories, the New York Times reports. For $75 to $127 a day these in-the-know inmates are separated from violent offenders and, in some cases, allowed a cell phone, laptop, or iPod.

"We Just Did It Because We Felt Like It"

Australian teenagers, curious about murder, killed their friend

(Newser) - Two 17-year-old Australian girls faced a sentencing hearing yesterday after pleading guilty to the murder of their friend Eliza Jane Davis because, as they described it, “it just felt right.” They plotted the attack the morning after a party. "We were just talking, and for some reason...

Gitmo Prisoners Go On Hunger Strike
Gitmo Prisoners Go
On Hunger Strike

Gitmo Prisoners Go On Hunger Strike

13 protest supermax conditions

(Newser) - Thirteen detainees at the Guantanamo Bay detention center are on hunger strike, protesting conditions at a maximum-security block known as Camp Six, where 160 inmates are locked in their 8-by-10-foot cells for at least 22 hours a day. It's the first major strike since early 2006, when Gitmo commanders started...

Slasher Gets Life For Horror-ific Attack

Deranged Freddy Krueger wannabe cuts up friend with homemade glove

(Newser) - A slasher fan will be locked up in Britain after attacking his buddy with a homemade Freddy Krueger glove. Prosecutors extracted from Jason (!) Moore, a Leicester stonemason, that he’d seen Nightmare on Elm Street more than 20 times (itself somewhat horrifying) before he slashed his friend (passed...

225 Days Later, Blogger Walks
225 Days Later,
Blogger Walks

225 Days Later, Blogger Walks

Joshua Wolf freed after turning over protest video to feds

(Newser) - Joshua Wolf, the blogger who set a record for time served by an American journalist for withholding information, was freed from a federal prison yesterday after 224 days. Wolf was released after he posted footage of a 2005 anarchist protest on his Web site and gave a copy to reporters,...

Supreme Court Rejects Appeals From Gitmo Detainees

Win for Bush policy on terror suspects

(Newser) - The Supreme Court declined to hear the case of detainees at Guantanamo who challenged the constitutionality of  their confinement, the Washington Post  reports. The rejected appeal  questioned the validity of the military commissions law passed last year, and the legality of being held for more than five years with being...

Judge Throws Out Rumsfeld Torture Suit

Abuse and humiliation regretted, but officials are immune

(Newser) - Donald Rumsfeld can't be held personally responsible for the alleged mistreatment of prisoners held in overseas military prisons on his watch. Calling the case “lamentable,” U.S. District Judge Thomas Hogan nevertheless dismissed a suit against the former defense secretary on behalf of nine former prisoners in Iraq...

Gates Pushed to Close Guantanamo
Gates Pushed
to Close Guantanamo

Gates Pushed to Close Guantanamo

New defense secretary butted heads with Cheney, Gonzales

(Newser) - Newly appointed Defense Secretary Robert Gates pushed hard for shutting down the controversial detention center at Guantanamo Bay, but  was blocked by Cheney and Gonzales, until Bush pulled the plug on the argument.  Gates at least succeeded in halting a $100 million expansion of the prison he felt had...

Italians Ransom Journalist for 5 Taliban Prisoners

Widely criticized deal is first swap for a hostage in Iraq or Afghanistan

(Newser) - The Italian government bought the freedom of a kidnapped Italian journalist by arranging the release of five Taliban militants from an Afghan prison. The New York Times says it’s the first time prisoners have been openly exchanged in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan., and the move was widely...

Artest Could Face Jail Time in Domestic dispute

Sacramento Kings forward Ron Artest was charged with four misdemeanors Tuesday.

(Newser) - Sacramento Kings forward Ron Artest was charged Tuesday, March 20, with four misdemeanors stemming from an altercation with his wife earlier this month. The famously temperamental NBA player could spend time behind bars if found guilty on any of the four charges, which include battery and corporal injury to a...

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