cell phones

Stories 401 - 420 | << Prev   Next >>

Faster iPhone Coming in '08
Faster iPhone Coming in '08

Faster iPhone Coming in '08

AT&T CEO reveals news at Silicon Valley meeting; Apple isn't commenting

(Newser) - A faster iPhone is on the way, Bloomberg reports. Apple will unveil its 3G version sometime next year, said AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson Wednesday at a meeting of the Churchill Club, a Silicon Valley business and technology forum. AT&T is the exclusive carrier for the iPhone in the...

The Exploding Phone Was A Hoax!
The Exploding Phone Was
A Hoax!

The Exploding Phone Was A Hoax!

Co-worker admits to backing over victim by accident with excavator

(Newser) - A South Korean man thought to have been killed by an exploding cell phone was actually accidentally run over by a coworker. The quarry worker, found dead yesterday morning with a melted cell phone in his pocket, was not in fact slain by his mobile. "I lied that the...

Exploding Cell Phone Blamed in Man's Death

S. Korean victim had melted battery, soot stain in device's shape

(Newser) - In what could be the second instance of an exploding cell phone killing its owner, a South Korean man was found dead with a melted battery in his pocket today. His heart and lungs were punctured, a doctor said, due to “high pressure from an explosion.” Phone maker...

Thumbs of Fury at the National Texting Competition

21-year-old champ is bested by newer blood

(Newser) - If you're over 20, you're already doomed, says intrepid Wired reporter Neil Janowitz of his attempt to compete in the National Texting Championship. Three hundred entrants competed for $25K in New York City, and the 21-year-old reigning West Coast champ was eventually defeated by newer blood—a 13-year-old.

Shake Your Phone Before It Shakes You
Shake Your Phone Before
It Shakes You

Shake Your Phone Before It Shakes You

Prototype allows no-look check for feeling messages

(Newser) - A new technology could allow cellphone users to check their messages or battery level just by shaking the phone. The phones could be made to feel and sound like they are full of liquid or balls, for instance, reports New Scientist. The software takes advantage of increasingly common motion sensing...

Verizon Opens Up Wireless Network
Verizon Opens Up Wireless Network

Verizon Opens Up Wireless Network

Carrier will allow use of any compatible cellphone

(Newser) - On the heels of Google's plans for an open-source wireless platform, Verizon Wireless has announced that it will open up its own network to any compatible phone and will allow access to third-party applications. Sprint is currently the only other major carrier using CDMA technology, and Verizon had been fiercely...

Mobile Web: Hyped, But Not Used, For Now

The cellphone Internet experience has yet to attract frequent users

(Newser) - The mobile web, or cellphone-based Internet, has been the focus of a lot of attention lately, whether its iPhone hysteria or buzz over handset hardware companies joining Google’s Open Handset Alliance. The New York Times reports that the hype hasn’t helped the existing mobile web do very well:...

Big Brother May Be Tracking Your Cell Phone

Judges are turning over tracking data from phones without probable cause

(Newser) - Federal investigators pursuing drug traffickers, fugitives and other criminal suspects often get court orders to obtain tracking data from cell phones, and they're frequently granted the orders without showing probable cause. That worries privacy advocates, especially in light of the fact that new cell phone services are providing an unprecedented...

Nokia Siemens Targets Green Base Stations

New design would cut energy use by up to 40%

(Newser) - Nokia Siemens Networks is going green, Reuters reports. The Finnish-German partnership hopes to up its market share of mobile and fixed telecom networks by offering base stations that have greater range and use up to 40% less energy by shutting down when network traffic demands are low. The company is...

Google's Grand Plan for National Cell Phone Network

Eyes major airwaves grab for phone system

(Newser) - Internet giant Google wants to reshape the wireless world, and its plans reach far beyond the cell phone software the company introduced last week. At a Federal Communications Commission auction in January, the company may make a $4.6 billion solo bid to buy airwaves to run its own national...

Divvying Up the Global Airwaves
Divvying Up
the Global Airwaves

Divvying Up the Global Airwaves

A new deal approaches for who gets to use which frequencies

(Newser) - Industry and diplomats are close to hammering out a new deal for dividing up the worldwide radio spectrum. It's a crowded field, with phone companies, TV networks, and gadget-makers jostling with militaries and governments at a month-long conference. Part of the issue: a big new slice of the airwaves is...

Your Phone Could Tell You Where to Eat

Magitti knows where you are, reads your texts and sees your calendar

(Newser) - Looking for the perfect evening? Your phone could know you well enough to do the planning. Prototype software called Magitti scans its user’s text messages and calendars, monitors his position with GPS, and then recommends nearby activities. Over time, Technology Review reports, Magitti knows its customer more closely, and...

Don't Let Reckless Brit Drive With My Kids: K-Fed

Asks court to keep sons out of unsafe car

(Newser) - A series of traffic violations may further crimp custody arrangements for singer Britney Spears if her ex-husband has his way. Kevin Federline has asked a judge to forbid the reckless Brit from driving their sons to protect their safety. In the last week she was filmed running a red light,...

T-Mobile Makes Big Bet on Google Phone

'Android' handset plans fit with firm's other risk-taking moves

(Newser) - T-Mobile plans to release a cell phone based on Google software next year, making it likely to be the first US carrier to bring out a Google-powered phone. The bigger carriers are wary as the Internet giant moves onto their turf, but T-Mobile relishes the chance to offer Google apps,...

With TV Cut Off, Pakistanis Turn to the Web

Musharraf can’t keep people offline in newly tech-savvy country

(Newser) - When Pervez Musharraf imposed emergency rule, he turned off all news outlets but his own, but couldn't stop Pakistanis from flocking to the Internet for independent news. The website of private news outfit GEO-TV was so flooded by traffic that the channel had to upgrade servers and remove non-text content...

Cell Extender Just Can't Clone Your Phone

System synchs to landline, but WSJ finds key cell features missing

(Newser) - Communications company VTech has harnessed Bluetooth technology in a device that allows users to synchronize their cell phones with a landline, with all calls coming to one home base. Wall Street Journal reviewer Katherine Boehret enjoyed the convenience of not having to hunt for a misplaced mobile, but found that...

Scribe Strike May Last Months
Scribe Strike May Last

Scribe Strike May Last Months

No talks planned as shows tabled, actors refuse to work

(Newser) - The Hollywood writers strike could last for months, says ABC News, because negotiators will have trouble dividing profits that no one can predict.  "You can't slice a pie that isn't baked yet," a consultant tells ABC, referring to new media. "It's really poor timing on the...

Google Throws Smartphone Hat Into Ring

‘Android’ software will be free, open source; profit to come from ads

(Newser) - Google dove headfirst into the world of wireless phones today, premiering a long-awaited Internet software rival for Apple and Microsoft—and revealing that the so-called Android would be free and open source. In announcing a broad alliance of mobile phone operators and chip makers, the young company showed the inroads...

CBS Mobile Pioneers Tiny TV Programs

Cell phone content marries Hollywood and Silicon Valley

(Newser) - With such offerings as a twice-daily celeb gossip show and a 24-hour version of "Big Brother," CBS Mobile has taken a lead in the burgeoning made-for-mobile content business. The new field still has plenty of kinks to work out as companies navigate complicated deals between TV networks and...

'You Got Jammed!'
'You Got Jammed!'

'You Got Jammed!'

People are snapping up devices to silence annoying chatterers. So what if they're illegal?

(Newser) - Ever find yourself cut off mid-conversation, on a bus or train, by a lost signal? Could be the work of the guy sitting next to you, the New York Times reports. An increasing number of people are snapping up pocket-sized jammers, which emit signals strong enough to knock out cell...

Stories 401 - 420 | << Prev   Next >>