cell phones

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One in 5 Teens Has Sent or Posted Racy Photos

And 1 in 3 say they've received such photos

(Newser) - A New Hampshire teen suspended from school last week for sending a racy photo via cell phone wasn’t the first, the Boston Globe reports—and won’t be the last: One in five teens has uploaded a compromising image, and nearly one in three has received a half-naked or...

Prisons Aim to Change Ban on Phone Jamming

Rampant cell use facilitates crimes committed behind bars

(Newser) - Cell phone use is a growing problem among prison inmates, but the obvious solution—signal jamming—is illegal under a 74-year-old federal law. Prisoners can easily smuggle the increasingly tiny handsets, and for the unrepentant among them, “whatever illegal activities you were doing outside, you can continue that uninterrupted,...

British Satellites May Provide Cell Phone Service on Moon

Program would give lunar residents cell phone service

(Newser) - The UK’s space agency is reviewing the feasibility of a mission to put satellites in orbit around the moon, CNET reports. The MoonLITE study plans to send four “penetrator darts” containing geophysical instruments into the moon’s crust, monitoring their findings with four accompanying satellites. The resulting data...

AT&T Layoffs Just the Beginning of Telecom Pain

Reduced consumer spending will result in cycles of layoffs and decreased capital expenditure

(Newser) - AT&T’s elimination of 12,000 jobs is just the beginning of cutbacks that will radiate throughout the telecom industry, BusinessWeek reports. As pinched consumers cut back on communication spending, job and capital-expenditure reductions will only continue. One surprising statistic shows how consumers are downsizing telecom budgets: The fastest-growing...

Finally, a Real Phone Camera
 Finally,  a Real Phone Camera 

Finally, a Real Phone Camera

Picture-perfect phone closes the shutter on camera phone rivals

(Newser) - Adding a camera to a phone isn't exactly a novel concept, but the Motozine ZN5 breaks the mold by making it a proper digital camera instead of a feeble afterthought, David Pogue writes in the New York Times. For quality, he raves, "the ZN5’s photos trump anything offered...

Surgeon Amputates Using Texted Instructions

Phone helps save Congolese teen

(Newser) - A volunteer surgeon in a Congolese war zone followed texted instructions to perform an amputation that saved a 16-year-old boy's life. The teen's badly injured and infected arm required that his collar bone and shoulder blade be immediately removed, but Dr. David Nott had never conducted such a procedure. He...

'21st Century Girls' Force Scouts to Evolve

Declining membership prompts massive revamp

(Newser) - Sporty, ambitious, and tech-savvy, the modern American girl is forcing a century-old program to change its ways, Time reports. Sagging cookie sales and plummeting membership have compelled Girl Scouts to merge councils, sell off lucrative campsites, and redefine its relevance for "21st century girls," says Mary Connell, a...

Cell Phones Bad for Soul, Warns Vatican

Technology may be bad for the soul

(Newser) - The Vatican has warned that cell phones and the internet threaten the soul, reports the Daily Telegraph. “In the age of the cell phone and internet it is more difficult than before to protect silence and nourish the interior dimension of life,” said a spokesman for the Pope....

Ark. Man Sues Mickey D's Over Wife's Nudie Pix

Workers vowed to keep lost camera phone 'safe'

(Newser) - An Arkansas man has sued McDonald's because nude photos of his wife on a cell phone he lost in one of the restaurants ended up on the Internet. When the man called the outlet, employees promised to keep the phone safe until he could collect it, reports the New York ...

Verizon Staffers Breached Obama Cell Phone Records

Company probing extent of data breach after snooping uncovered

(Newser) - Verizon has suspended all employees who accessed Barack Obama's personal cell phone records after learning that some workers snooped into the account without authorization, the Washington Post reports. Company executives, who didn't specify what kind of information had been viewed, apologized to the president-elect. Verizon is investigating and has notified...

5 Gizmos Nixed by Cellphones
 5 Gizmos Nixed by Cellphones 

5 Gizmos Nixed by Cellphones

(Newser) - Cellphones have sent five once-hot gadgets to the techno graveyard, Wired reports:
  • The PDA: Dating back to the Psion Organizer 24 years ago, PDAs enabled busy folk to schedule meetings, keep addresses, and type notes. Only when cellphones included good calendars did PDAs die off.

Gadgets Have Consumers Crying for Help

Buyers frustrated by problems with cell phones, internet access and computers

(Newser) - Digital technology plays a key role in the lives of most Americans, but it's often too complex, frustrating, and prone to failure, a study by the Pew Research Center finds. Nearly half of consumers said they regularly need help setting up a device, learning how to use it, or solving...

Your Next Cell Phone Won't Have Any of These
Your Next Cell Phone Won't Have Any of These

Your Next Cell Phone Won't Have Any of These

iPhone makes touchscreens the big thing, but voice, image recognition coming soon

(Newser) - Designers are hard at work on technologies for tomorrow’s cell phones, Priya Ganapati writes for Wired, with more functional touchscreens, developing voice recognition that learns, and typepad software with fewer typos. In 5 years, Ganapati writes, “your phone will be a smooth, sleek brick—a piece of metal...

Why the Polls May Be Wrong
 Why the Polls May Be Wrong 

Why the Polls May Be Wrong

Use of cell phones, unexpected turnout could skew results

(Newser) - Opinion polls can be wrong—just look at Thomas Dewey in 1948 or even Barack Obama, who led Hillary Clinton before the New Hampshire primary but lost anyway. Reuters outlines some factors that could be skewing current results:
  • Turnout: Polls filter the results of phone surveys through models of who

Obama Dials Up SMS Blitz
 Obama Dials Up SMS Blitz 

Obama Dials Up SMS Blitz

Cell phone push in last days of campaign

(Newser) - Over the next seven days the Obama campaign will ratchet up its ongoing text messaging blitz, which has kept supporters in the loop and likely helped to pump up numbers at the 100,000-strong rally in Denver last week. Those who have opted in will get info about polling places,...

Cell-Seeking Man Traps Arm in Train Toilet

Passengers wait 2 hours while firemen saw through pipes

(Newser) - Talk about a dropped call: a man got his arm stuck in a French train toilet yesterday trying to retrieve his cell phone, the BBC reports. The high-speed commuter train was stopped for 2 hours as firemen sawed through pipes. They carried the 26-year-old out on a stretcher, "...

Technology 'Keeps Families Connected'

Web, cell phones improve communication, survey discovers

(Newser) - Technology is bringing American families together in new ways rather than driving them apart, concludes a new study. Family members rely on cell phone calls, text messages, and emails to stay in touch several times a day, and watch YouTube videos together, using computers as a "virtual hearth,"...

Cell Phones Also Annoy Your Skin

'Mobile phone dermatitis' could explain mysterious facial rashes

(Newser) - Cell phones won’t melt your brain, but they do cause “mobile phone dermatitis,” Reuters reports. A British dermatological organization is cautioning doctors to consider allergy-causing nickel found on many phones in cases of “a rash on the cheek or ear that cannot otherwise be explained.”...

Software Blocks Calls While Driving

(Newser) - A new software technology can automatically disable cell phones moving at car speeds, augmenting laws already in place forbidding their use while driving, RealTechNews reports. The developer, Canada's Aegis Mobility, is partnering with Nationwide insurance to offer discounts to adopters. Aegis still needs carrier support but expects the software to...

Kate Busted Driving While Yakking

Nabbed chatting on cell on country road

(Newser) - Royal and apparently naughty girlfriend Kate Middleton was snapped by a photographer happily chatting on her cell phone while driving, in defiance of Britain's strict ban on using the devices behind the wheel, reports the Sun. Prince William's 26-year-old gal pal was deep in conversation as she tooled along a...

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