film director

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Brad, Angie 'Giggly' at Award Show
 Brad, Angie 
 'Giggly' at Award Show 

Brad, Angie 'Giggly' at Award Show

And Pitt has finally reined in that facial hair

(Newser) - The Hurt Locker's Kathryn Bigelow walked away with the award that predicts the Oscar for best director last night, but of course the real news is that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were in attendance at the Directors Guild of America Awards—and looking rather amorous and "giggly,"...

Top Conservative Flicks of the '00s
 Top Conservative 
 Flicks of the '00s 
decade in review

Top Conservative Flicks of the '00s

Even Hollywood can make movies for the non-'lily-livered:' Nile Gardiner

(Newser) - "Hollywood may well be a bastion of liberalism, but it does continue to occasionally produce major films that advance conservative principles," Nile Gardiner writes in the Telegraph . His best of the aughts:
  1. Master and Commander, 2003: The Peter Weir flick starring Russell Crowe is "an epic tale

Mel's New Film Riles Mexican Cons, Kin

Families protest plan to transfer inmates for filming

(Newser) - Mel Gibson's latest project has infuriated the families of prisoners who may be shifted out of a Mexican prison to make way for filming. Hundreds of prisoners' relatives, fearing that transfers to other prisons will make it harder to get food to their loved ones, have been protesting outside a...

Polanski May Still Dodge US Jail Time

Court offers director a road map to freedom

(Newser) - The California court that rejected Roman Polanski's request to dismiss his case because of judicial misconduct yesterday outlined a way for the case to be resolved without the director being extradited to the US, the Los Angeles Times reports. The three-justice panel recommended that the director be sentenced in absentia,...

Calif. Court Won't Dismiss Polanski Case

Misconduct by original judge not sufficient to throw out charges

(Newser) - A California appeals court won't drop the statutory rape case against Roman Polanski on the basis of alleged judicial misconduct. A 70-page opinion issued today acknowledged the " extremely serious allegations " the fugitive director's raised about alleged misconduct by the judge who first handled the case in 1977. Polanksi...

18 Other Slowpoke Directors
18 Other Slowpoke Directors

18 Other Slowpoke Directors

James Cameron's 12-year hiatus before Avatar isn't the first

(Newser) - James Cameron went 12 years between feature films—and other directors have gone even longer, for reasons ranging from hubris to legal problems to, say, Nazi oppression. Slate looks at 18 other filmmakers who took their sweet time:
  • Sylvester Stallone, 21-year gap: Between helming Rocky IV and Rocky Balboa, Stallon

Carla Bruni to Star in Woody Allen Flick

French first lady returns director's fawning with a 'yes'

(Newser) - French first lady Carla Bruni doesn’t have any delusions about her acting ability—“Perhaps I’ll be completely hopeless”—but when Woody Allen comes a-knocking, you don’t say no. The director has asked the former model to appear in an upcoming movie after meeting her earlier...

6 Reasons Avatar Will Suck

 6 Reasons Avatar 
 Will Suck 

6 Reasons Avatar Will Suck

Does anyone else see the Jar Jar Binks similarities?

(Newser) - James Cameron’s follow-up to the hugely successful Titanic has been eagerly anticipated for more than 10 years—and when Avatar finally arrives, it will be...completely awful. Richard Rushfield explains why for Gawker :
  1. Directors’ dream projects typically fall flat: See: Spielberg’s 1941, Lucas’s The Phantom Menace.
  2. Speaking

Lauren Bacall Wins an Oscar
 Lauren Bacall 
 Wins an Oscar 

Lauren Bacall Wins an Oscar

Roger Corman, Gordon Willis, John Calley share the spotlight

(Newser) - A mere 65 years after her unforgettable screen debut, Lauren Bacall has won an Academy Award. The honorary Oscar was a high point of a ceremony last night in Los Angeles that also celebrated the careers of filmmaker Roger Corman, cinematographer Gordon Willis, and producer John Calley. "I can't...

Scorsese's Favorite Horror Flicks
 Scorsese's Favorite 
 Horror Flicks 
happy halloween

Scorsese's Favorite Horror Flicks

One of cinema's greats shares his favorite scary movies

(Newser) - Martin Scorsese wants to give you a Halloween treat: The legendary director, writing for the Daily Beast, lists his top 11 fright-fests.
  1. The Haunting: “You may not believe in ghosts but you cannot deny terror!”
  2. The Isle of the Dead: "There’s a moment in this

Polanski Victim Wants Case Dropped

Samantha Geimer asks court, media to leave her alone

(Newser) - The woman who was raped by Roman Polanski when she was 13 wants the charge against the fugitive director dropped. Polanski pleaded guilty in 1977 to unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor but fled before sentencing. He's in custody in Switzerland and Samantha Geimer, who lives in Hawaii, is under...

Cameron's Avatar May Be a Revolution

Director recalls drama of earlier films, inspiration for return to the big screen

(Newser) - People always seem to want James Cameron to fail, most notably when he embarked upon the $200 million adventure of making Titanic. Suffice it to say that the pressure is on for his $230 million 3-D epic Avatar, marking a return to the big screen after 12 years without a...

The Last Word in Roman Polanski Commentary
 The Last Word in 
 Roman Polanski 
poetic justice

The Last Word in Roman Polanski Commentary

Calvin Trillin: 'He only raped one little girl'

(Newser) - The debate raging over Roman Polanski—hairsplitting over the definitions of guilt, genius, and rape, among other pertinent terms—has been missing one thing: verse. Veteran journalist and author Calvin Trillin dons his poet hat to take up the slack, devastatingly. His latest contribution to the Nation's "Deadline Poet"...

Polanski Finishing Film Behind Bars
Polanski Finishing Film Behind Bars

Polanski Finishing Film Behind Bars

Filmmaker puts final touches on The Ghost as he fights extradition

(Newser) - Director Roman Polanski is finishing up what could be his last film from his Swiss prison cell, according to a friend. The filmmaker finished editing The Ghost, which stars Pierce Brosnan as a British prime minister accused of war crimes, the day he was arrested. Polanski, who faces extradition to...

Imprisoned Polanski 'Depressed': Lawyer

Fugitive director vows not to flee if he makes bail

(Newser) - A stint in a Zurich prison has left Roman Polanski "depressed" and "dejected," and the longtime fugitive will promise to stay in Switzerland should he be granted bail, his lawyer says. Polanski, who fled the US in 1977 after pleading guilty to raping a 13-year-old girl, "...

Polanski Made Deal to Pay Rape Victim $500K

Court papers unclear on whether Samantha Geimer received money

(Newser) - Roman Polanski struck a deal to settle a civil lawsuit and pay his rape victim $500,000 after going on the lam, but it's not clear whether she received the entire sum. Court papers relating to the 1988 suit, which was settled in 1993, indicate that the fugitive director missed...

Oh, Poor Polanski, Child Rapist
 Oh, Poor Polanski, Child Rapist 

Oh, Poor Polanski, Child Rapist

He pleaded guilty and fled. How can anyone rationalize that?

(Newser) - Kate Harding would like to remind everyone crowing about the injustice of arresting a 76-year-old man who’s put in 31 years of exile that Roman Polanski is a fugitive and, coincidentally, a child rapist. The director “gave a 13-year-old girl a Quaalude and champagne,” according to her...

Ballsy Move Helped Gervais Cast New Movie

Phillip Seymour Hoffman has a really good sense of humor

(Newser) - Ricky Gervais, perhaps best known for the original version of The Office, bids for movie stardom with The Invention of Lying, out next week. Gervais co-wrote, co-directed, and stars as the only person on earth with the ability to lie. He tells the Telegraph about the experience, and what jumps...

Salvador Cop, Gangsters Busted in Filmmaker's Murder

Alleged killers come from same gang Christian Poveda chronicled in film

(Newser) - El Salvador has arrested four gang members and a police officer for last week's murder of French photojournalist and filmmaker Christian Poveda, CNN reports. Another man who allegedly ordered the killing is already in prison, authorities say. The gangsters belong to the same Mara 18 gang that was the subject...

Spike Jonze Brings Wild Things to Life

Director fought for years for his vision of Sendak's classic

(Newser) - Spike Jonze grew up on the children's classic Where the Wild Things Are, and wanted to make a very raw, very unconventional movie of it, portraying the wild things as the scary emotions kids feel. Jonze persuaded Maurice Sendak to take a shot on his vision, but the studio was...

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