
2 Stories

Huffington Post Helps Left Dominate Right Online

(Newser) - In the battle for the blogosphere, left-leaning sites are clobbering their conservative counterparts, thanks mostly to the Huffington Post, David Kaplan writes for paidContent. Liberal sites attracted 6.4 million unique visitors in April, to 4.8 million for conservative sites. Of those, 5.6 million were Huffington Post hits,...

Kossaks Will Wield Real Power in '08

National Review writer oozes respect for Daily Kos

(Newser) - As Daily Kos opens its second annual YearlyKos convention in Chicago today, National Review’s Byron York takes stock of the Kossacks' accomplishments since he dubbed them the "Vast Left Wing Conspiracy" in his book two years ago. Then, they had the power to shake up the Democratic Party...

2 Stories
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