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ATMs 'As Dirty as Toilets'
ATMs as Dirty
as Public Toilets

ATMs as Dirty as Public Toilets

Study finds keypad bacteria levels similar to public toilets

(Newser) - The average ATM is so filthy that you might as well be taking your cash from under a public toilet seat, according to a British study. Researchers—funded by a company that makes antibacterial product coatings—took swabs from the keypads of ATMs in busy areas and from under the...

Thieves Flash Breasts to Pull ATM Job

Female crooks make boob out of customer

(Newser) - A couple of French female desperados flashed their breasts at a customer withdrawing funds from an ATM to distract him while they ripped him off. As his eyes were particularly drawn to one woman's chest, the other grabbed his money and ran (with her shirt down). The heist was captured...

Thumb Prints Produce Cash in Rural India

New biometric ATMs help the illiterate poor get wages faster

(Newser) - Payday in rural India now comes with the scan of a fingerprint: Brand new biometric cash machines are letting illiterate laborers collect their meager wages hassle-free. Account holders are issued an ATM card bearing their thumb print information; when they withdraw money, they follow voice commands to retrieve their wages....

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