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'Tough' New Car Designed for Sale ... in Africa

Mobius Two can fit eight people and haul large cargo

(Newser) - Africa, meet the $6,000 car. Mobius Motors plans to sell Africa a new vehicle, the Mobius Two, even though the entire continent has just a $15 billion market (about $485 billion lower than America's). But the Mobius Two could revolutionize the economy in a land where hundreds of...

Planned Undersea Tunnel Divides Germans, Danish

$7.2B, 12.5-mile endeavor would be Europe's largest infrastructure project

(Newser) - Denmark is preparing for the largest infrastructure project in Europe: a 12.5-mile tunnel to Germany under the Baltic Sea. But the $7.2 billion project, which would be among the world's longest immersed tunnels, has sparked tensions with Germans who are dubious about its usefulness, Der Spiegel reports....

New Luxe Ride: Tricked-Out Vans

New York's richest opt for giant cargo vehicles

(Newser) - Conspicuous consumption isn’t exactly in vogue right now, so the 1% in New York are opting out of their limos and into slightly more discreet cargo vans. Of course, these are vans that are tricked out with big-screen TVs, couches, mobile offices, and half-million-dollar price tags, the New York ...

US Needs to Plow $2T Into Infrastructure

 US Needs to Plow $2T 
 Into Infrastructure 
study says

US Needs to Plow $2T Into Infrastructure

America has fallen behind Brazil, China, India

(Newser) - If the United States wants to get its infrastructure up to date, it’s going to need to throw $2 trillion at it. The US is falling behind much of the world when it comes to improving and expanding its transportation network, and now lags behind Brazil, China, and India,...

Forget Trucks; Let's Shove Food Cross-Country in Tubes
Forget Trucks; Let's Shove Food Cross-Country in Tubes

Forget Trucks; Let's Shove Food Cross-Country in Tubes

UK group proposes 'transport Internet'

(Newser) - In the future, we won’t truck our food across the country—we’ll shoot it through underground tubes at more than 60 miles an hour. Or at least, that’s the dream of Foodtubes, a UK-based group of academics, engineers, and project planners. It may sound like science fiction,...

Ohio, Wisconsin Spurn $1.2B to Build Train Lines

Stimulus funds will go to other states

(Newser) - The US is redistributing $1.2 billion in federal stimulus money that had been headed to Ohio and Wisconsin, after both states' Republican governors-elect called for an end to proposed train projects, arguing they were unnecessary and would cost millions to operate. “Wisconsin taxpayers were victorious today in defeating...

Relax: 3 Thanksgiving Travel Myths

It's not as busy as you think

(Newser) - If you’re traveling this Thanksgiving, you’re likely bracing yourself for major delays on the road, rails, or in the sky. But take courage: your worries may be unfounded—or at least exaggerated. NPR provides some turkey-related travel myths:
  1. It’s the busiest time of year to travel.

Meet the First Car Made by a 3-D Printer

Urbee combines eco-friendliness with innovative look

(Newser) - Saving the planet just got a lot better-looking: The hybrid Urbee is the first-ever car made using 3-D printers. The firms Stratasys and Kor Ecologic created the vehicle, whose whole exterior is printed by additive manufacturing—printing layer on top of layer until, essentially, a car appears—a method that...

Schwarzenegger and Pals: Our Infrastructure Is Embarrassing

Bloomberg, Rendell, and Governator all want us to improve transportation

(Newser) - Arnold Schwarzenneger, Ed Rendell, and Michael Bloomberg teamed up on an op-ed piece in Politico today, arguing that the nation needs to invest heavily in transportation. “Our nation’s infrastructure has been neglected for too long,” the trio writes. They tout the many construction projects and state-of-the-art high-speed...

Combative Obama Attacks GOP

 Combative Obama 
 Attacks GOP 
labor day speech

Combative Obama Attacks GOP

And rolls out infrastructure program in same breath

(Newser) - As expected , Barack Obama rolled out a $50 billion infrastructure program designed to create jobs at a Labor Day speech in Milwaukee—and coupled it with a blunt campaign-season assault on Republicans. "These guys refuse to give up on the economic philosophy they peddled for most of the...

Obama to Sink $50B Into Rails, Roads, Runways

Will unveil infrastructure spending plan today in Milwaukee

(Newser) - Looking to jumpstart the economy, President Obama will use his Labor Day to announce an ambitious $50 billion spending plan aimed at the country's infrastructure: Roads, rails, and runways. The cost would be spread out over six years, notes the AP, but carries significant immediate spending that the White House...

Olympic Snub Has Silver Lining for Chicago

Good ideas and sober assessments made during bid should go forward

(Newser) - Chicago failed in its bid to land the Olympics, but look on the bright side, the Tribune urges: If the city builds on the bright ideas and redevelopment plans designed to sway the IOC, it can have all the benefits with none of the hassle. “Bidding for an Olympiad...

Cabbies Ask for Vomit Penalty
 Cabbies Ask for Vomit Penalty 

Cabbies Ask for Vomit Penalty

Chicago drivers want messy drunks to pay $50

(Newser) - Chicago cab drivers want drunk passengers who vomit in their cars to pay a $50 fine. Drivers today asked the city for the penalty along with an overall rate increase of 22%. Chicago cabbies are among the lowest paid in the country, with wages averaging $4.38 an hour over...

Dow Climbs 80 as Stocks Hit 2009 Highs
 Dow Climbs 80 as 
 Stocks Hit 2009 Highs 

Dow Climbs 80 as Stocks Hit 2009 Highs

September correction has yet to strike

(Newser) - Stock indices hit highs for 2009 today, alleviating fears that September would bring a major correction after the summer's rally, the Wall Street Journal reports. Energy stocks led the S&P 500, while the Dow Jones Transportation Average—considered a general indicator of national economic sentiment—rose 2.35%. Procter...

Lessons From a Cuban Roadtrip
 Lessons From 
 a Cuban Roadtrip 

Lessons From a Cuban Roadtrip

(Newser) - NPR reporter Jason Beaubien didn’t plan to drive across Cuba, but it did provide an apt look at the many problems the island faces. The “Spanish phrase ‘No hay,’ meaning ‘there's no fill-in-the-blank,’ was a constant refrain on this trip,” he reports. The...

Doomed United Is Textbook of Biz Don'ts

(Newser) - United Airlines’ dismal service and financial stature may soon send it to Chapter 11, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a “teachable moment,” Shaun Rein writes in Forbes. Herewith, three lessons:
  • Loyal customers return: "Consumers are more price sensitive in this economy, and they are

Stimulus Shortchanges Cities
 Stimulus Shortchanges Cities 

Stimulus Shortchanges Cities

(Newser) - Two-thirds of the country lives in big cities, but less than half of the federal stimulus’ transportation money is going to fix their often crumbling roads, the New York Times reports. States were allowed to decide for themselves how stimulus money was spent, and state lawmakers have a long history...

Rail Travel Pollutes as Much as Flying: Study

(Newser) - Train riders might not actually have that much to lord over their jet-setting rivals as far as pollution goes, Scientific American reports. A new study shows that although planes emit three times more greenhouse gasses per passenger per mile than trains, the industrial emissions necessary to rail infrastructure makes the...

London Subway Workers Set to Strike Tomorrow

(Newser) - After failing to reach an agreement with management, London Underground workers will go on a two-day strike starting tomorrow evening, Reuters reports. The dispute over worker safety could affect millions of commuters and tourists. London transportation authorities say they will add extra buses and ferries to accommodate the disruption.

Obama Seeks $27B to Clamp Down on Border

Budget focuses on halting flow of guns, illegal immigrants

(Newser) - In the budget he’ll hand to Congress tomorrow, President Obama is seeking $27 billion for border and transportation security as he focuses on immigration enforcement and battling the flow of US arms to Mexico. The 8% increase over this year’s budget allows for an expansion of border teams,...

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