
2 Stories

Germany to Public: Help Us Find This Guy

Jan Marsalek is accused of massive fraud with former company Wirecard

(Newser) - He was once seen as a top exec at a wildly successful tech firm in Germany. Now, though, Jan Marsalek is on Interpol's most wanted list, reports Bloomberg . Authorities in Germany also are appealing to the public for help in tracking down the 40-year-old Austrian, who may or may...

First a Missing $2.1B. Now the Former CEO Is Arrested

Markus Braun, who had led Wirecard since 2002, turned himself in

(Newser) - Former Wirecard CEO Markus Braun was arrested in Germany after turning himself in late Monday, the same day the company he had led since 2002 said it was likely that a missing $2.1 billion never existed. Braun had resigned on Friday, and CNN reports that when resigning, he indicated...

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