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Girls' Brains 'Aged' Dramatically During Lockdown
Girls' Brains
'Aged' Dramatically
During Lockdown

Girls' Brains 'Aged' Dramatically During Lockdown

Thinning of cerebral cortex reflects premature aging of 4.2 years

(Newser) - Adolescents living through COVID-19 lockdowns experienced premature brain aging, with girls especially affected, according to a new study. Researchers from the University of Washington launched the research in 2018, aiming to grasp how brain structure changed over time in 160 individuals ages 9 to 19, per NBC News . As COVID-19...

Ozempic May 'Slow Down the Aging Process'
Ozempic May 'Slow Down
the Aging Process'

Ozempic May 'Slow Down the Aging Process'

Studies suggest drug reduces risk of death from all causes, as well as inflammation

(Newser) - Semaglutide, the active ingredient of Ozempic and Wegovy, has been painted as a miracle weight-loss drug, with evidence suggesting it also reduces risk of death and serious illness in people with diabetes and kidney disease. Now, a series of studies indicate semaglutide might do more than that. The drug "...

COVID Had a Blast at the DNC
COVID Had a Blast at the DNC

COVID Had a Blast at the DNC

Multiple attendees, including delegates and reporters, say they caught COVID in Chicago

(Newser) - They came, they saw, they nominated the first Black female presidential candidate in US history—and many of them left with COVID. As NBC News reports, multiple delegates, reporters, and even Kamala Harris campaign staffers have said they left the four-day Democratic National Convention in Chicago with a positive coronavirus...

Zuckerberg: We Stifled COVID Info at White House's Request

Meta CEO alleges White House turned up heat on his teams to take down certain items on COVID

(Newser) - During the height of the pandemic, Meta scrubbed tens of millions of items on Facebook and Instagram that it said pushed misinformation on COVID-19, vaccinations, and the like, with warnings placed on nearly 200 million more pieces of content. Now, the company's CEO is saying that the Biden administration...

David Lynch: My Days of Directing Are Probably Done
David Lynch's
Days on Set
Are Done

David Lynch's Days on Set Are Done

Director has emphysema, risk of catching COVID is too great

(Newser) - "Smoking was something that I absolutely loved," says David Lynch, "but in the end, it bit me." This by way of announcing that the beloved 78-year-old director has emphysema and probably won't be doing any more directing—at least in person, reports the AV Club...

Biden's Doctor Provides Update on COVID Case

The symptoms are improving, physician says

(Newser) - President Biden still has a loose cough and hoarseness as he deals with COVID-19, his doctor reported Saturday, though the symptoms are easing. The president has now had six doses of Paxlovid, Dr. Kevin O'Connor wrote in a letter he released. He said tests showed that Biden contracted the...

Biden Tests Positive for COVID While on Campaign Trail

President has had his first dose of Paxlovid, physician says, reporting mild symptoms

(Newser) - President Biden tested positive for COVID-19 while traveling Wednesday in Las Vegas and is experiencing "mild symptoms" from the infection, the White House said. Press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Biden will fly to his home in Delaware, where he will "self-isolate and will continue to carry out all...

Fauci Describes 'Complicated' Relationship With Trump

New memoir looks back at time of 'profound divisiveness'

(Newser) - Dr. Anthony Fauci has released a memoir of his decades of public service—including his relationship with then-President Donald Trump during the COVID-19 pandemic. Some highlights from interviews about On Call: A Doctor's Journey in Public Service:
  • A "very complicated figure." Trump is a "very complicated

New COVID Mystery? Those 'Excess Deaths'
Mystery? Those
'Excess Deaths'
new study

New COVID Mystery? Those 'Excess Deaths'

Study reignites debate over COVID vaccines

(Newser) - The rate of "excess death" held steady for much of the COVID pandemic, despite vaccines, masks, and social distancing—but why? A new study on the topic is reigniting debate over pandemic measures and calling for a deeper investigation into COVID deaths, the Straits Times reports. Looking at data...

Investigation: US Military Ran Major Anti-Vax Campaign

Reuters reports the Pentagon orchestrated one in the Philippines during COVID to discredit China

(Newser) - At one point during the COVID pandemic, then-Filipino President Rodrigo Duterte was so exasperated about how few citizens were getting vaccinations that he made an unusual threat. "You choose, vaccine or I will have you jailed," he told the nation in a televised address in June 2021. What...

Fauci Denies Cover-Up on Origin of COVID

Greene was reprimanded for refusing to call him 'Dr.' during House panel hearing

(Newser) - Dr. Anthony Fauci faced a grilling from Republican lawmakers Monday in his first public testimony since he retired as head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in late 2022. At the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic hearing, Fauci denied attempting to cover up the origin...

Key COVID Vaccine Withdrawn
Key COVID Vaccine Withdrawn

Key COVID Vaccine Withdrawn

AstraZeneca says outdated Vaxzevria vaccine is no longer being made

(Newser) - One of the main coronavirus vaccines, thought to have saved millions of lives, has met its end. AstraZeneca cited a downturn in demand for its Vaxzevria vaccine, developed with the University of Oxford, on Wednesday, noting the vaccine will no longer be made or offered. It said it was withdrawing...

China Boots Scientist Who Shared COVID Data From Lab

Zhang Yongzhen later said he'd been allowed back in after sit-in

(Newser) - The first scientist to publish a sequence of the COVID-19 virus in China said he was allowed back into his lab after he spent days locked outside, sitting in protest. Zhang Yongzhen wrote in an online post early Wednesday that authorities had "tentatively agreed" to allow him and his...

How the Hunt for COVID's Origins Turned Toxic in China
How the Hunt for COVID's
Origins Turned Toxic in China

How the Hunt for COVID's Origins Turned Toxic in China

AP investigation shows how politicians in Beijing trumped scientists

(Newser) - The Chinese government froze meaningful efforts to trace the origins of the coronavirus pandemic, despite publicly declaring it supported an open scientific inquiry, an investigation by the Associated Press has found. Highlights:
  • The AP drew on thousands of pages of undisclosed emails and documents, leaked recordings, and dozens of interviews

Life Expectancy Is on the Rise Again, With Caveats

COVID and drug overdoses still pose an issue, per the CDC

(Newser) - Life expectancy in the United States is on the upswing once again, its first positive motion in two years. NPR reports on new CDC stats that show in 2022, the average came in at 77.5 years, an increase from the 76.4 years set in 2021. But both COVID...

The World Changed 4 Years Ago Today
4 Years Ago Today,
the World Changed
the rundown

4 Years Ago Today, the World Changed

WHO declared a pandemic on March 11, 2020

(Newser) - "It's pretty rare to be able to point to a single day that transformed the whole world," writes Sam Baker at Axios . But it's safe to say that March 11, 2020, qualifies. That's because, exactly four years ago on Monday, "society began to shut...

'Hypervaccinated' Man Floors Scientists
'Hypervaccinated' Man
Floors Scientists
in case you missed it

'Hypervaccinated' Man Floors Scientists

German patient was vaccinated 217 times against COVID, seemingly with no ill effects

(Newser) - Well, we know this guy definitely isn't afraid of needles. A German man has been found to have received 217 vaccinations for COVID-19, and he doesn't seem to be any worse for it. The BBC reports on the "bizarre" case of the 62-year-old out of Magdeburg, whose...

Better Get Your Order in for 4 More Free COVID Tests

After Friday, government will no longer accept orders for the latest round of free tests

(Newser) - If you haven't ordered your latest round of free COVID tests and you want them, do it today: The United States Postal Service will stop accepting orders for the at-home test kits after Friday, the Guardian reports. The Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response, a division of the US...

CDC: People With COVID Don't Need to Isolate for 5 Days

The science of the illness is unchanged, but the toll has lessened

(Newser) - Americans who test positive for COVID-19 no longer need to isolate for five days , US health officials announced Friday. The CDC changed its longstanding guidance, saying that people can return to work if they meet certain conditions. COVID-19, of course, is no longer the public health menace it was—after...

Report: CDC Plans to Cut COVID Isolation Guidelines

'Washington Post' reports that 5-day isolation period will be dropped

(Newser) - The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is preparing to loosen its COVID isolation guidelines for the first time since it cut the recommended isolation time from 10 days to five days in Dec. 2021, the Washington Post reports. The Post, citing "four agency officials and an expert familiar...

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