Elizabeth Warren 2020

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Warren Unveils Audacious Student Debt Plan

She would wipe it out entirely for most

(Newser) - Elizabeth Warren is out with what might be her most controversial policy proposal yet ahead of the 2020 election: She wants to wipe out a large chunk of the student debt now held by Americans, reports HuffPost . "The time for half-measures is over," Warren writes in a blog...

Sanders: Let Felons Vote From Prison
Sanders Has News
Felons Might Like

Sanders Has News Felons Might Like

The Vermont senator says they should be allowed to vote in prison

(Newser) - Bernie Sanders wants felons to have a say, too. The Vermont senator and presidential candidate said Saturday at an Iowa town hall that people convicted of felonies should be allowed to vote from behind bars, the Des Moines Registers reports. "I think that is absolutely the direction we should...

Warren Calls for Fundamental Change to American Voting

2020 candidate says it's time to abolish the electoral college

(Newser) - Elizabeth Warren conducted a town hall meeting in Mississippi on Monday night, and one big takeaway is her call to eliminate the Electoral College. The Massachusetts senator complained that candidates often skip states such as Mississippi, her own home state, and larger ones such as California because they're not...

Elizabeth Warren Vows to Avoid Big-Money Donors

Move could raise pressure on other Democratic candidates

(Newser) - Elizabeth Warren made a move Monday to bolster her reputation as an opponent of big-money politics. In an email to supporters, the Democratic senator said her 2020 campaign for president would eschew fancy fundraising dinners, cocktail parties, and phone calls to big donors, reports CNN . She'll also skip another...

Rob Lowe in Hot Water After Elizabeth Warren 'Chief' Tweet

'Parks and Rec' actor also doesn't seem to know what an Oxford comma is

(Newser) - Elizabeth Warren officially entered the 2020 race on Saturday, and it caught the eye of Rob Lowe—whose tweet on the matter then caught a lot of eyes. "Elizabeth Warren would bring a whole new meaning to Commander in 'Chief,'" the 54-year-old Parks and Rec star...

Warren: Trump 'May Not Be a Free Person' by 2020

'It's no longer just the Mueller investigation,' she says

(Newser) - Sen. Elizabeth Warren wants to be the Democratic nominee in 2020—and she's not sure who her Republican opponent will be. She told a campaign event in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on Sunday that every day brought "a racist tweet, a hateful tweet—something really dark and ugly" from...

Warren Makes It Official
Warren Makes It Official

Warren Makes It Official

The popular Democrat decries 'middle-class squeeze'

(Newser) - Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren made her bid for the presidency official on Saturday in the working-class city of Lawrence, Mass., grounding her 2020 campaign in a populist call to fight economic inequality and build "an America that works for everyone." Warren delivered a sharp call for change at...

In Iowa, Warren Faces Question on DNA Test

Potential 2020 candidate says 'I am not a person of color'

(Newser) - There are a whopping 666 days to go until the 2020 presidential election, but potential candidate Elizabeth Warren was in Iowa this weekend and faced a question on the subject of her claim to Cherokee ancestry: "Why did you undergo the DNA testing and give Donald Trump more fodder...

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