Chuck Schumer

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Business, Labor Approve Foreign-Worker Program

Group of 8 bipartisan senators yet to sign off, however

(Newser) - America's top labor and business groups reached an agreement last night over the final sticking point in overhauling the country's immigration laws , the Washington Post reports. Talking to Sen. Charles Schumer on a conference call, the AFL-CIO's boss and the president of the US Chamber of Commerce...

8 Senators Push Deal to Give 11M Path to Citizenship

Bipartisan offering would enact sweeping immigration overhaul

(Newser) - A group of eight key senators has crafted a sweeping immigration overhaul deal that offers a pathway to citizenship for the 11 million illegal immigrants living in the United States. Under an outline of the bipartisan plan seen by Politico , the deal tackles immigration reform in a comprehensive measure that...

Washington's Next Brawl: Senate's Budget Plan

Schumer: A 'great opportunity' for new revenues

(Newser) - So the fiscal cliff battle is over, and House Republicans look ready to approve a debt-ceiling increase through March. But taxes aren't out of the spotlight: Now, the stage is set for a tussle over Senate Democrats' budget blueprint, which Dems like Charles Schumer are calling "a great...

After Meeting, Chuck Schumer Backs Hagel

Nominee 'regrets' comment on 'Jewish lobby'

(Newser) - Amid concerns over Chuck Hagel's past comments on "the Jewish lobby," leading Jewish Democrat Chuck Schumer had a 90-minute one-on-one with the Pentagon nominee, and emerged supporting his confirmation. Schumer came to the conclusion, despite "previous concerns," and applauded Hagel's support for "Israel'...

Bloomberg's Dream Choices for Next Mayor: Schumer, Hillary?

Ed Rendell, Hillary Clinton among floated names

(Newser) - With New York City's mayoral election coming this year, eyes are on City Council speaker Christine Quinn as Michael Bloomberg's preferred successor. But the New York Times runs through a few less-likely names being tossed about with various levels of seriousness by Bloomberg's advisers. Among them: Hillary...

Graham: &#39;Hats Off to the President&#39;
 'Hats Off to 
 the President' 


Graham: 'Hats Off to the President'

Says Obama stuck to his guns, will get tax hike on rich

(Newser) - President Obama wasn't the only show on the Sunday dial today : On the eve of the fiscal cliff, Lindsey Graham was upbeat about the chances of a deal, telling Fox News they were "exceedingly good." "Hats off to the president," said Graham, according to Politico...

Obama to Host Meeting as Cliff Looms

House is set to reconvene on Sunday night, ahead of cliff deadline

(Newser) - Let the last-minute drama begin: President Obama will meet with the top congressional leaders from both parties at the White House today, reports the AP . Obama intends to outline elements that he thinks should be in any deal and could garner majority support in both chambers of Congress, but he...

Feinstein: I'm Bringing Assault Weapon Ban to Senate

Gun control dominates the day in wake of Newtown shootings

(Newser) - Gun control has roared back into the national debate, and the issue took over today's political talk shows in the wake of the Sandy Hook massacre, though David Gregory noted that all 31 pro-gun rights members of the incoming Senate declined his invitation to appear on Meet the Press....

Feinstein: No Link Between Petraeus' Fall, Benghazi

Politicians suspicious of FBI role, plan to investigate

(Newser) - The election might be over, but the talk shows must go on and in case you hadn't heard, David Petraeus had an affair and quit his job as CIA chief, causing much gnashing of teeth and many protestations of shock—shock!—on your television dial. Without further ado,...

Elizabeth Warren Goes to Washington

Will she hold fast to populist stances, or learn art of compromise?

(Newser) - Sen.-elect Elizabeth Warren is heading back to Washington, this time riding in as a member of the very institution that sent her unceremoniously packing over her anti-Wall Street rhetoric and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and the New York Times takes a look at what sort of legislator the latest...

Researchers Withdraw Tax Report After GOP Complains

It suggested cutting top tax rate doesn't help economy

(Newser) - The nonpartisan Congressional Research Service released a report in September suggesting that cutting the top tax rate didn't aid economic growth; now, amid concerns from Senate Republicans, it has withdrawn the report. The move has sparked anger among Democrats. "They didn’t like a report, and instead of...

Dems Buck Obama on Tax Cuts, Say $250K Too Low

Tax debate, election year politics, divide party

(Newser) - Critics are lining up against President Obama's push to let the Bush tax cuts expire for the top 2% of earners—and that's just in his own party. Democrats facing elections this fall are breaking with the president, arguing that Obama's proposed $250,000 threshold is too...

Boehner: ObamaCare Has to Be &#39;Ripped Out&#39;
 Has to Be 
 'Ripped Out' 


Boehner: ObamaCare Has to Be 'Ripped Out'

Dems dodge calling penalty a 'tax'

(Newser) - To call the ObamaCare penalty a tax or not was the question dominating the talk show airwaves today, with John Boehner leading the charge with the dreaded T-word. "The American people ... do not want the government telling them what kind of insurance policy they have to buy, and how...

Airline Fees That Split Up Families Just Suck
Airline Fees That Split Up Families Just Suck

Airline Fees That Split Up Families Just Suck

Even Sen. Charles Schumer threw a hat in this fight

(Newser) - From a business point of view, it makes sense to impose extra fees on airline passengers who want an aisle or window seat, admits Brad Tuttle at Time . But consider that the onerous money-making scheme is all but forcing parents to sit apart from their children during flights. "The...

Feds Shut Down 26 Chinatown Bus Lines

Don't worry: Fung Wah and Lucky Star are OK

(Newser) - They're cheap, they're convenient, and according to the federal government, many Chinatown buses were also death traps. Authorities cracked down hard on Chinatown bus operators yesterday, shutting down 26 companies that they said were part of an "unscrupulous" network of bus operators that flouted federal rules, the...

Lawmakers to Saverin: Don&#39;t Come Back
Lawmakers to Saverin: Don't Come Back

Lawmakers to Saverin: Don't Come Back

'Ex-PATRIOT' Act to punish those who try to dodge taxes

(Newser) - Facebook co-founder Eduardo Saverin's decision to renounce his US citizenship—and, conveniently, a lot of the taxes from his expected IPO windfall—has struck a nerve on Capitol Hill. Chuck Schumer and Bob Casey will today announce a new bill called the "Ex-PATRIOT Act" (a typically dopey acronym...

FCC to Kill Stolen Phones
 FCC to Kill Stolen Phones 

FCC to Kill Stolen Phones

New database will allow carriers to identify, shut down phones

(Newser) - Pretty soon, a stolen cellphone will be "as worthless as an empty wallet," Charles Schumer boasted in a statement yesterday, touting a new deal between the FCC and major cellphone carriers that will allow the carriers to shut down pilfered phones. The FCC has agreed to set up...

Schumer: Re-Examine All 'Stand Your Ground' Laws

NY senator fears laws could be increasing violence

(Newser) - New York Senator Chuck Schumer is calling on the Department of Justice to re-examine measures in all 24 states that have "Stand Your Ground" self-defense laws, reports CBS News . Calling Stand Your Ground "a whole new concept in our jurisprudence," Schumer is urging an investigation to see...

Gift Card Scam Warning Issued
 Gift Card Scam Warning Issued 

Gift Card Scam Warning Issued

Fraudsters are recording activation codes, Schumer warns

(Newser) - People buying gift cards for friends and family this Christmas should make sure that the concealing measures haven't been removed, Chuck Schumer warns. The senator from New York says fraudsters have been visiting stores where the cards are on the shelves and recording access codes in order to drain...

Call for Advocates to Protect Fliers From Strip-Searches

NY lawmakers' proposal follows humiliating searches of elderly

(Newser) - Two New York lawmakers are calling for on-site passenger advocates to help protect travelers from strip searches at airport security checkpoints. "I appreciate the Transportation Security Administration's work to keep air passengers safe, but passengers should not be humiliated and degraded during their travels," said Democratic state...

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