Chuck Schumer

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McCain: I'm Cool With Cindy's Ad
 McCain: I'm Cool With Cindy's Ad 

McCain: I'm Cool With Cindy's Ad

Senator respects 'First Amendment rights of every member of my family'

(Newser) - John McCain's just fine with wife Cindy's stance (or revised stance? ) on Don't Ask, Don't Tell, telling Meet the Press that "I respect the First Amendment rights of every member of my family." The missus McCain backtracked on her appearance in an ad calling for the repeal...

Durbin, Schumer Jockeying for Reid's Majority Post

Senators quietly maneuvering to move in if leader goes down

(Newser) - Capitol Hill housemates Charles Schumer and Richard Durbin are likely to end up fighting over a lot more than the breakfast cereal if Harry Reid loses his re-election battle. The senators from New York and Illinois, Reid's top two deputies, are subtly building support for bids to become majority leader—...

Senators to Press British PM on Lockerbie Bomber

Lawmakers ask to meet with Cameron

(Newser) - Four US senators are probing the release of the only person convicted of involvement in the Lockerbie bombing, CNN reports. Kirsten Gillibrand, Chuck Schumer, Frank Lautenberg, and Bob Menendez released a letter today requesting a meeting with David Cameron during the British PM's visit to the US this week. Scotland...

Did BP Push to Have Lockerbie Bomber Released?

(Newser) - With BP about to begin drilling for oil in Libya's Gulf of Sidra, Sen. Frank Lautenberg has urged the British government to investigate whether BP a hand in securing the release of the Lockerbie bomber in order to help close the oil deal. Kirsten Gillibrand, Charles Schumer, and Bob Menendez...

Wall Street Dumps Dems: Donations Down 65%

Upset about financial reform, banks keep their cash

(Newser) - Democrats are feeling the wrath of a financial sector scorned. Wall Street donations to the Democrats’ two congressional campaign committees are down 65% from the 2008 election cycle, the Washington Post reports. Big donors in general are staying away, giving just $49.5 million, compared to $81.3 million in...

Run for Senate, Campbell Brown
 Run for Senate, 
 Campbell Brown 
bill Kristol

Run for Senate, Campbell Brown

CNN anchor should run against Chuck Schumer

(Newser) - Now that Campbell Brown is giving up her CNN gig , what next? Bill Kristol has an idea: Run for the Senate. "Brown is now a free woman, she's a well-spoken and impressive one, she lives in New York, and she has moderate political views," he explains at his...

Obama Hesitates, Dooms Immigration Reform
Obama Hesitates, Dooms Immigration Reform
Dana Milbank

Obama Hesitates, Dooms Immigration Reform

He 'clotheslined' Senate Democrats with his retreat

(Newser) - Immigration reform isn't going anywhere, and those pointing fingers should aim at President Obama, writes Dana Milbank. Obama vacillated, much as he did with the public option, and with the same result. He neither pushed for it not told supporters to wait. "Instead, he left a vaccum," and...

Senators to Facebook: Privacy Changes Suck

Oh, and fancy an FTC investigation?

(Newser) - It's not just tech geeks freaking out about the new Facebook changes; apparently they're causing hand-wringing in the very halls of Congress. Four Democratic senators—Chuck Schumer, Al Franken, Mark Begich and Michael Bennet—have sent an open letter to Mark Zuckerberg complaining that the changes give users less control...

Democrats Ready to Revamp Campaign Finance

A look at the draft bill

(Newser) - Democrats have completed a draft of their new campaign finance reform bill, and plan to introduce it as soon as next week. The bill, which is designed in part to blunt the effects of the Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling, would require CEOs to publicly attach their names to ads...

Democrats Shackled By Wall Street Ties

Buddying up to financial firms makes it harder to vilify them

(Newser) - Democrats are enjoying having Wall Street as a villain as they push for financial reform, but there's one nagging problem: they've gotten pretty close to Wall Street in recent years. Thanks to some maneuvering from Chuck Schumer and Rahm Emanuel, many Democrats raised a lot of money from Wall Street...

5 Airlines Agree Not to Charge Fee for Carry-On Bags

American, Delta, United, US Airways, JetBlue make a deal

(Newser) - Five major carriers agreed today not to follow the lead of a small Florida airline that plans to charge for carry-on bags. Their commitment comes just in time to keep travelers from running for the exits during the peak summer flying season, but it is doubtful that it marks a...

Holder: Terror Trials Still Possible in NYC

He also says he hopes the US captures Osama alive

(Newser) - Turns out the debate on holding terror trials in New York City isn't settled after all. Attorney General Eric Holder told a Senate panel today that "New York isn't off the table"—even though the Obama administration said as much earlier this year when Mayor Bloomberg and others...

Schumer Vows to Battle Carry-On Fee
Schumer Vows to Battle Carry-On Fee

Schumer Vows to Battle Carry-On Fee

Senator calls airline's new bag charge 'slap in the face to travelers'

(Newser) - Charles Schumer said today he's trying to get the federal government to prohibit airlines from charging a fee for carry-on baggage, calling it a "slap in the face to travelers." The Democratic senator from New York is making a personal plea to the Treasury Department to rule that...

Schumer May Try to Rewrite Filibuster Rules

Hearings could be a sign he wants Harry Reid's job

(Newser) - Chuck Schumer plans to hold a series of Senate Rules Committee hearings to examine possible reforms to the filibuster rules so frustrating Democrats. Schumer, the committee’s chair, hatched the plan with senators Tom Udall and Carl Levin. In the first hearing, Senate historians will testify as to how the...

Dems Fight High Court's Campaign Finance Ruling

New law would seek to limit flood of corporate cash

(Newser) - Democratic legislators introduced a bill yesterday designed to mitigate the impact of the landmark Supreme Court ruling that gutted decades of campaign finance reform efforts. They’re hoping to get the bill passed ASAP, so corporate money can’t dominate the 2010 election—something that many fear would favor Republicans,...

Schumer's Wall Street Donors Look for Revenge
Wall Street
Donors Look
for Revenge

Schumer's Wall Street Donors Look for Revenge

Which might explain Harold Ford's run

(Newser) - Chuck Schumer is making enemies in high places among "his wealthiest and most powerful constituents," writes Chris Smith. These Wall Street honchos have long poured money into Schumer's campaign coffers, but now they think he's not doing enough to protect them from regulation attempts. “Chuck says, ‘...

White House Wants Justice to Consider Moving Terror Trials

Change follows further criticism from NY pols in 9/11 case

(Newser) - In an about-face a day after New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg joined those opposed to trying 9/11 terror suspects in a lower Manhattan court, the White House yesterday asked the Justice Department to consider alternate venues, the New York Times reports. President Obama is said to continue to support Attorney...

States Roll Out Bans on Texting While Driving

23 states mull laws against practice already banned in 19

(Newser) - Alarmed by the dangers of driving while text messaging, legislatures in 23 states are considering outlawing the practice, which 19 states already ban. Lawmakers “often get involved because there's a high-profile accident that had to do with texting,” an expert tells USA Today . “Also, because everybody has...

Schumer: Campaign Ruling 'Undermines Democracy'
Schumer: Campaign Ruling 'Undermines Democracy'
supreme court

Schumer: Campaign Ruling 'Undermines Democracy'

Democrats, good-government groups blast Supreme Court decision

(Newser) - Democrats and campaign reformers alike are railing against today’s Supreme Court decision allowing corporations to use their money how they please in the political arena. “This decision allows Wall Street to tap its vast corporate profits to drown out the voice of the public in our democracy,”...

Own Ill Health Doesn't Keep Byrd From Voting on Reform

92-year-old Dem brought to Senate floor via wheelchair

(Newser) - His own battles with ill health haven’t kept Democrat Robert Byrd from making it to the Senate for key milestones on the long road to the health-care reform vote scheduled for tomorrow morning. The 92-year-old—wheelchair-bound and with a live-in nurse after a recent hospital stay—has only added...

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