Angela Merkel

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EU Chiefs: Gadhafi Must Go

But they don't agree on how to make that happen

(Newser) - It’s time for Moammar Gadhafi to go, the leaders of the EU have declared following an emergency meeting in Brussels. The leaders will “examine all necessary options” to protect civilians in Libya, they say. But amid reluctance from German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the officials haven’t come to...

German Minister Quits Over Plagiarized Dissertation

'Baron Googleberg' brought down by academic scandal

(Newser) - Germany's aristocratic defense minister has resigned after being caught in a plagiarism scandal. Tens of thousands of academics wrote to the government in protest after it was discovered that Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg—now nicknamed "Baron Cut and Paste" and "zu Googleberg"—had plagiarized large chunks of...

'Heart of Egypt Beats Again'

  'Heart of Egypt Beats Again' 
reaction roundup

'Heart of Egypt Beats Again'

Reactions pour in via Twitter, media

(Newser) - The sudden ouster of Hosni Mubarak has Egypt celebrating in the streets—and in interviews, and on Twitter. The Global Post rounds up some of the best reactions. From Egypt:
  • Mohamed ElBaradei: “This is the greatest day of my life. The country has been liberated,” he told the

Germany Must Step Up in Euro Crisis
Germany Must Stop Carping, Step Up in Euro Crisis 

roger cohen

Germany Must Stop Carping, Step Up in Euro Crisis

Berlin's not getting the bigger picture, writes Roger Cohen

(Newser) - Is the euro the new League of Nations—a grand experiment that eventually gets abandoned and left to waste away? With bailouts in Greece and Ireland and threats to Portugal and Spain, the currency “can no longer take its survival for granted just because its collapse would be unthinkable,...

Leaks Bare What Envoys Really Think of Leaders

Painful insults abound in leaked cables

(Newser) - The fallout from the WikiLeaks release of US embassy cables is only just beginning, but one thing is clear: there are going to be some seriously embarrassed diplomats. Some insults to world leaders, as collected by the Telegraph:
  • Nicolas Sarkozy: The French president is an "emperor with no clothes,

Germany Hunts for Pair of Suicide Bombers

Authorities still fear impending attacks

(Newser) - From vague warning to a more detailed threat: German authorities are on the hunt for two suspected suicide bombers who are thought to have arrived in Berlin from Pakistan’s Waziristan region some 6 weeks ago, hiding out and wearing Western clothes in an effort to avoid detection. Police are...

Buffett, Bush, Merkel Among Medal of Freedom Honorees

President Obama will give medals to 15 more recipients

(Newser) - President Obama will give the Medal of Freedom to 15 more honorees early next year, including George HW Bush and Warren Buffett. The list of recipients, released today, runs the gamut from sports greats (baseball legend Stan Musial and basketball great Bill Russell) to civil rights pioneers (Sylvia Mendez, who...

Greece Finds Bomb on Way to Berlusconi, Halts All Mail

Cargo plane bearing package makes emergency landing in Bologna

(Newser) - Greece has suspended air mail and freight for 48 hours to ensure that no more exploding packages find their way to European leaders. More than 10 suspicious packages have been intercepted in recent days, including a parcel bomb sent to the office of German Chancellor Angela Merkel and a suspect...

Suspicious Package Delivered to Merkel's Office

Could be linked to Greek letter bombs

(Newser) - Hours after letter bombs exploded outside the Russian and Swiss embassies in Athens, police are investigating another suspicious package at German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s office, the AP reports. Unconfirmed reports state the Greek Economy Ministry was given as the return address on the package, which was addressed to Merkel....

Immigrants, Learn to Speak German: Merkel

She says attempts to form a harmonious multicultural society have failed

(Newser) - Talk about a downer of a speech: German Chancellor Angela Merkel recounted yesterday how, in the 1960s, "our country called the foreign workers to come to Germany and now they live in our country" ... but attempts to build "a multicultural [society] and to live side-by-side and to enjoy...

11 Women Who Rule the World

The total number shot from 9 to 11 just last week

(Newser) - Two women—Mari Kiviniemi in Finland and Julia Gillard in Australia—became heads of state last week, bringing the total number of female world leaders to 11. Vanity Fair introduces all of them; meet a few in the gallery, or for the complete slideshow, click here .

Deficit Hawks Impervious to Math, Logic
Deficit Hawks Impervious to Math, Logic
Paul Krugman

Deficit Hawks Impervious to Math, Logic

It's the '30s all over again as Germany, US cut spending

(Newser) - Paul Krugman is in Germany, and he’s sparring with deficit hawks, in this case supporters of Angela Merkel’s new austerity plan. It “feels a bit like arguing with US Iraq hawks back in 2002,” he writes in the New York Times . “They know what they...

German President Steps Down
 German President Resigns 

German President Resigns

Horst Koehler resigns after controversial military remarks

(Newser) - In a surprise move, German President Horst Koehler resigned today after being criticized for reportedly linking military deployments abroad with the country's economic interests. The resignation, effective immediately, came only a year into Koehler's second term as the largely ceremonial head of state, and creates a new headache for Chancellor...

Flights Grounded, 3 Killed in Greek Strike, Protests

Violence hits Athens just as Berlin weighs $28B loan

(Newser) - Greece was paralyzed by a 24-hour general strike that grounded all air traffic today, and 3 people died in a fire set by protesters trying to storm the parliament, MSNBC reports. Street battles were breaking out in the capital just as Angela Merkel was busy asking the German parliament to...

Merkel, Germany Turn Up Heat on Greece 'Scandal'

Meanwhile, Greeks want Germans to pay them WWII reparations

(Newser) - Angela Merkel ripped into Greece and the bank that helped it massage its budget, saying the country has “falsified statistics for years,” and that “it’s a scandal if it turned out that the same banks that brought us to the brink of the abyss helped.”...

I Saw China Wreck the Copenhagen Talks
I Saw China Wreck the Copenhagen Talks
Obama's Innocent

I Saw China Wreck the Copenhagen Talks

The West's getting the blame, but Beijing's the real villain here

(Newser) - Barack Obama is getting the blame for the limp Copenhagen deal, but Mark Lynas knows it was China that really scuttled it—because he watched it happen. Sitting in on the closed-door meetings, the Guardian writer “saw Obama fighting desperately to salvage a deal, and the Chinese delegate saying...

Belgian Named EU Prez After Blair Bid Fails

Center-right leaders want one of their own for European Council

(Newser) - Tony Blair won't be the first president of the European Council. The job went to Belgian PM Herman Van Rompuy today after British PM Gordon Brown withdrew Blair's nomination when it became clear he didn't have enough support. Blair tells the Guardian he isn’t surprised, because the “direction...

Germany Celebrates Fall of the Wall

 Germany Celebrates 
 Fall of the Wall  

Germany Celebrates Fall of the Wall

Twenty years later, unified country celebrates togetherness

(Newser) - Fireworks illuminated the rainy skies above Berlin as Germans and high-profile visitors came together today to commemorate the fall of the Berlin Wall exactly 20 years ago. President Obama unexpectedly joined the festivities—in a video greeting introduced by Hillary Clinton. "There could be no clearer rebuke of tyranny,...

Post-1989 Germany an Unexpected Success
 Post-1989 Germany 
 an Unexpected Success 


Post-1989 Germany an Unexpected Success

Successes in Europe would boggle a 1989 mind: Applebaum

(Newser) - As “the exhaustive and perfectly blameless celebrations” of the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall unfold, Anne Applebaum has a bone to pick. The festivities are “focusing on what didn’t happen rather than what did,” she writes, treating “the past two decades...

Germany Hails Anniversary of Berlin Wall's Fall
 Germany Hails 
 Anniversary of  
 Berlin Wall's Fall  
party like it's 1989

Germany Hails Anniversary of Berlin Wall's Fall

Dominoes, fireworks, music help mark 20 years

(Newser) - Hundreds of foam dominoes will fall today in Berlin, symbolizing the collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe on the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Chancellor Angela Merkel, who has called Nov. 9, 1989, "the happiest day in recent German history," will lead the festivities....

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