War on Terror

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Art Classes Coming to Gitmo
 Art Classes Coming to Gitmo 

Art Classes Coming to Gitmo

Prison camp staff will offer more activities to distract detainees

(Newser) - Art class at Guantanamo Bay? Yes, it's in the works—along with geology class, Game Boys, access to newspapers, and more movie nights. The prison staff wants to keep prisoners "stimulated," Guantanamo's cultural adviser told the Miami Herald. "Once they are engaged and busy, they leave the...

5 Ordered Freed From Gitmo on Feds' Lack of Evidence

Governments' classified case insufficient to justify further detention

(Newser) - A federal judge today ordered the release of five Guantánamo Bay inmates, ruling that the US government’s evidence was not enough to justify their continued detention, the New York Times reports. The men were among the inmates who won a Supreme Court verdict in June that found they...

Defense Lawyers Let Inside Secret Gitmo Camp

First-ever visit to undisclosed locale 'helpful:' defense attorney

(Newser) - Defense lawyers were allowed for the first time into a section of the prison at Guantanamo Bay so restricted that even its location on the US base is secret. The pair of military attorneys for an alleged Sept. 11 plotter went to Camp 7 to gauge the effects of the...

Faith in Petraeus May Lead Obama Astray in Afghanistan

Could 'yes we can,' become dangerous optimism?

(Newser) - President-elect Obama’s biggest decision in the war on terror is defining the nature and extent of the military commitment in Afghanistan, Russ Hoyle writes for the Daily Beast. While the US has Gen. David Petraeus' counterinsurgency strategy in Iraq, there is no unified, coherent plan for battling the resurgent...

How the US Made Somalia a Terrorist Haven
How the US
Made Somalia a Terrorist Haven

How the US Made Somalia a Terrorist Haven

Coalition overthrown, country is now run by al-Qaeda allies

(Newser) - Iraq and Afghanistan loom largest among the fiascos undertaken in the name of a "war on terror," Martin Fletcher writes in the Times of London, but there has been a third front in that offensive: Somalia. After 15 years of anarchy, the US helped destroy the country's first...

Pakistan to Arm Local Militias
 Pakistan to Arm Local Militias 

Pakistan to Arm Local Militias

Insurgency strategy, successful for US in Iraq, boosts American confidence in ally

(Newser) - Pakistan plans to give weapons to thousands of  tribal fighters along its border with Afghanistan, the Washington Post reports—a strategy that has helped the US in Iraq. The move to link the militias—called lashkars—to anti-Taliban efforts is a boost to US confidence in Pakistan’s military efforts,...

TSA Designed Only to 'Catch Stupid Terrorists'

Weapons? Check. Liquids? Check. Terrorist propaganda? Check. Write got it all through.

(Newser) - The Transportation Security Administration’s nearly $7 billion budget is a waste, Jeffrey Goldberg reports in the Atlantic. With the help of a security expert, Goldberg has, at various times, gotten through airport security using counterfeit passes, carrying potentially dangerous objects and liquids—not to mention a Hezbollah flag and...

US Kills al-Qaeda in Iraq's No. 2

Insurgent leader specialized in recruiting

(Newser) - American troops acting on a tip killed the No. 2 leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq—a Moroccan known for his ability to recruit and motivate foreign fighters—in a raid in the northern city of Mosul, the US military said today. The man, known as Abu Qaswarah, was a charismatic...

Germany Ups Afghan Force, Debates Talking to Taliban

Negotiation with radicals seems necessary, but Karzai's not the man for the job

(Newser) - Germany’s government decided today to send 1,000 more troops to Afghanistan and to keep its forces there for 14 more months, Der Spiegel reports. But as Angela Merkel’s government recommits to the fight, the German press argues over whether a radical change in strategy—including diplomatic engagement...

Petraeus' Iraq Strategy Is Ill-Suited to Afghanistan

Counterinsurgency expert may need to learn a few new tricks to quell Taliban rebellion

(Newser) - Gen. David Petraeus faces an uphill battle in replicating the successes of the Iraq surge in Afghanistan, Michael Evans writes in the Times of London, “because the economic, social and political conditions are so different.” Afghanistan doesn’t have nearly the natural, fertile resources, and neither the US...

US Doomed in Afghanistan: British Envoy

Leaked French cable quotes diplomat opposing surge

(Newser) - The British ambassador to Afghanistan believes “the American strategy is destined to fail,” the Telegraph reports, based on a leaked memo written by a French diplomat. In the memo, the French diplomat records statements by Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles at a Sept. 1 meeting in which the British envoy...

US War on Terror Hasn't Hurt Al-Qaeda: World Poll

59% say efforts haven't damaged militants or made them stronger

(Newser) - In the eyes of many, the war on terror hasn’t damaged al-Qaeda: 29% of responders to a BBC poll conducted in 23 countries said US efforts had not affected the militant group, while 30% say al-Qaeda has actually been strengthened. Overall, 22% thought al-Qaeda had been weakened, while 34%...

Taliban Surges Back With New Battle Plan

These are not your father's theocrats

(Newser) - Today’s Taliban bears little resemblance to the incompetent barefoot mullahs the US ousted 7 years ago. In the past year, the Taliban has reinvented itself as a confident, well-armed militia with a mighty propaganda machine, the Washington Post reports. “This is not the Taliban of Emirate times,”...

Why Bush Is a Great President
 Why Bush Is a Great President 

Why Bush Is a Great President

Hindsight will vindicate expanded powers, Iraq war

(Newser) - George Bush may not be everyone’s favorite leader right now, but history will polish the wartime president’s image, writes Charles Krauthammer in the Washington Post. No one knew war was imminent when Bush entered office—but 9/11 changed that. Yet Bush has kept us safe and paved the...

Pakistan Orders Troops to Fire if US Launches Raid

Civilian leaders say they seek diplomatic solution

(Newser) - Pakistan's military has ordered its forces to open fire if US troops launch another air or ground raid across the Afghan border, an army spokesman said today. The orders come in response to a highly unusual ground attack by American commandos earlier this month, and subsequent repeated reports of US...

Bush's Biggest Mistake: Declaring Religious War
Bush's Biggest Mistake: Declaring Religious War

Bush's Biggest Mistake: Declaring Religious War

McCain, Palin may repeat incumbent's errors

(Newser) - The 9/11 attacks would’ve posed a great challenge to any president, but George Bush’s response, to invoke God and declare a Manichean quest to “rid the world of evil,” made him Osama bin Laden’s accomplice, writes James Carroll in the Boston Globe. "Bush is...

Al-Qaeda Looks Weaker, But Still Hungry to Strike

Anti-terror campaign has taken toll, but threat remains imminent

(Newser) - Seven years after 9/11, al-Qaeda's hatred of the West hasn't waned, even if some experts think the terrorist group’s capabilities are weakened, the Los Angeles Times reports. Al-Qaeda’s failure to launch any major attacks since 2005 suggests that aggressive prosecution and prevention operations have been successful. However, Osama...

Alvin Ailey Artist Forced to Dance for Israeli Cops

Black dancer with Muslim name ordered to dance to prove ID

(Newser) - A member of New York's Alvin Ailey dance troupe with a Muslim name was forced to dance for Israeli airport cops in a holding cell to prove his identity, AP reports. "It was embarrassing," said Abdur-Rahim Jackson. "The only time I'm really expected to dance is when...

Alleged Lockerbie Bomber Could Be Released
Alleged Lockerbie Bomber Could Be Released 

Alleged Lockerbie Bomber Could Be Released

Britain's refusal to release evidence pushes judges to consider letting al-Megrahi go

(Newser) - A convicted terrorist could be released from a Scottish jail soon just because the British government doesn’t want to reveal sensitive evidence against him, Radar reports. Abdel Basset al-Megrahi has been locked up since 1999 for his alleged involvement in the 1988 Pan Am 103 bombing over Lockerbie, Scotland—...

Bombing Outside US Base in Afghanistan Kills 12

Second car bomb thwarted; suicide team repelled in follow-up attacks

(Newser) - A suicide bomber killed 12 workers and wounded 22 others after detonating his vehicle outside a US military base in eastern Afghanistan yesterday, the New York Times reports. No American military personnel were injured or killed. A second suicide car-bomber tried to follow soon after but was turned back, as...

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