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Obama: 'We Fumbled the Rollout'

Offers a mea culpa while announcing that people can keep canceled policies after all

(Newser) - The advance stories were right: President Obama today indeed made good on his once-broken promise to let people who like their insurance policies keep them—at least for another year, reports the AP . "As I indicated earlier, I completely get how upsetting this can be for Americans," he...

ObamaCare Girl: Stop the Cyberbullying's Adriana: 'I didn't make it fail'

(Newser) - A mystery no more: The woman whose face once adorned the ObamaCare website is finally speaking out in an interview with ABC News . Having faced anger over the site and the ridicule of comedians and Photoshop artists, "I'm here to stand up for myself and defend myself and... Probably Won't Be Ready by Deadline

Insurers seek direct way to sign up customers

(Newser) - The Obama administration has pledged to get running smoothly by Nov. 30, but an insider tells the Washington Post that's looking like a pipe dream. For one thing, it can only deal with half the traffic it's supposed to handle—it runs into problems when 20,...

Only 50K Have Enrolled on ObamaCare Site: Sources

Falling short of 500K projection

(Newser) - The Obama administration estimated about 500,000 Americans would enroll in ObamaCare in October. The numbers have fallen short. Like 400,000 short. Two sources tell the Wall Street Journal that fewer than 50,000 people successfully enrolled in health insurance plans through last month. That doesn't...

WH Health Adviser Warned About Rollout Years Ago

As tech team takes down website each night, paper applications face delays, too

(Newser) - Memos obtained by CBS News and ABC News are offering an inside look at the White House's struggle to get ObamaCare systems up and running:
  • In 2010, a health adviser to the Obama administration wrote a warning letter to economic adviser Larry Summers, saying, "I do not believe

There's No 'iPod Presidency' in Old-Guard DC

Old organizations like HHS don't tend to be 'nimble': Megan McArdle

(Newser) - We should have known the health care website wouldn't be sleek and speedy—even if we were hoping for a tech-savvy "iPod presidency." After all, the website is the product of a Health and Human Services department that's been around for a while, and a longstanding...

Only 6 People Enrolled on Health Site's First Day

And just 248 were enrolled by second day: documents

(Newser) - Another painful morning in the press for Just six people signed up via the federal website on the first day, according to documents released by Congress last night. By the second day, only 248 had successfully enrolled, USA Today reports. On Wednesday, Kathleen Sebelius testified to Congress that...

Google Engineer Takes Leave to Help

Site reliability engineer Michael Dickerson among those recruited

(Newser) - The "tech surge" to fix includes some names from the industry's biggest players. Among them, per a Health department blog post , is Michael Dickerson, on leave from his job as a site reliability engineer at Google. He'll be "leveraging his experience stabilizing large, high...

6 ObamaCare Questions for Sebelius as She Hits Hot Seat

She testifies before Congress today

(Newser) - Kathleen Sebelius is testifying before Congress this morning in eagerly anticipated remarks about problem-plagued, but you may not hear anything new. Politico reports that her eight pages of prepared testimony are, almost verbatim, the same as the testimony offered to Congress yesterday by head of the Centers for...

Is Obama Truly in Dark on Secrets of White House?

On issue after issue, he's said to be 'in the dark': Dana Milbank

(Newser) - For a guy who's allegedly in charge of the executive branch, President Obama sure seems unaware of a lot of key issues, writes Dana Milbank in the Washington Post . There's the NSA spying on world leaders, which, according to the Wall Street Journal, Obama found out about this...

Medicare Head on ObamaCare Site: We're Sorry

Marilyn Tavenner is first in White House to testify

(Newser) - The head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the body in charge of, offered the administration's first formal apology for the site during testimony in Congress. "To the millions who have tried to use, we want to apologize to you," Marilyn...

Obama, Like Most CEOs, Just Doesn't Get Tech

Michael Wolff: They're out of touch with digital culture

(Newser) - When it comes to, President Obama is blind to a key tenet of the tech world. He tells us the product, ObamaCare, is good, but the process for getting it is broken . Truth is, "For most Americans steeped in digital behavior, the product is the process,"...

SNL Piles On
 SNL Piles On 

SNL Piles On

Site has helpful links like Kayak, so you can fly to Canada for cheap drugs

(Newser) - Saturday Night Live is the latest to rip the government's lumbering website, with Kate McKinnon appearing in last night's Cold Open as Kathleen Sebelius to give frustrated users a little troubleshooting advice. For example, "Have you tried restarting your computer? Sometimes it helps to turn... Developers Knew Site Was Doomed

Full enrollment procedure not tested until last minute

(Newser) - The problems plaguing were entirely foreseeable to those who built it: Facing high stress and what they called last-minute changes from their bosses, developers worked insane hours and pounded energy drinks for months to put together what the AP calls a "mind-numbingly complex system"—and when...

Obama Calls in Tech 'Surge' for Sickly Health Site

President will speak on's issues today

(Newser) - Noting that "the experience on has been frustrating for many Americans," the Obama administration is bringing in the "best and the brightest" from both the public and private spheres to shore up the troubled marketplace site, Health and Human Services officials say in a blog...

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