
Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>

IRS' Dumb Move May Keep Problem From Getting Fixed

Ezra Klein: Agency must clamp down on all political groups exploiting nonprofit status

(Newser) - The IRS made an incredibly stupid mistake in singling out Tea Party groups for scrutiny last year, but the real travesty is that the agency didn't investigate more groups—Democrat and Republican alike—in similar circumstances, writes Ezra Klein at the Washington Post . The problem here is that political...

9/11 Families Fume Over Visitor Fees at NYC Memorial

'Money is the bottom line here,' says victim's mother

(Newser) - Anyone planning a trip to the 9/11 Memorial in New York City will have to pay $2 per advance ticket—and victims' families are none too happy about it, the New York Post reports. "I don’t want the American public to have to pay a dime to pay...

Obama Turns Campaign Into Nonprofit

501(c)(4) will fight for Obama policies like gun control and immigration

(Newser) - Barack Obama is forging new ground in the ever-expanding world of political money groups, by transforming his 2012 campaign apparatus into a non-profit that will advocate for his positions on issues like gun control and immigration. As a 501(c)(4), "Organizing for Action" will be able to take in unlimited...

Nonprofit May Have Misled IRS on Big Donor
Nonprofit May
Have Misled IRS
on Big Donor

Nonprofit May Have Misled IRS on Big Donor

'Grabbed my name out of a hat,' he tells ProPublica

(Newser) - When a controversial nonprofit asked the IRS for tax-exempt status, it said it needed a speedy answer or its biggest donor would yank a promised $300,000 donation. The IRS complied with quick approval, and the Western Tradition Partnership went on to wage a successful fight against campaign-finance regulations, especially...

Gingrich's Charity Funneled Money to His Businesses

It paid $220,000 to Gingrich Communications, bought cases of books

(Newser) - A nonprofit charity founded by Newt Gingrich has been advancing his political causes and making payments to his for-profit businesses that it didn’t disclose on its tax forms, according to an ABC News investigation. The charity, dubbed Renewing American Leadership, paid $220,000 over the past two years to...

Panera Scores With Pay-What- You-Want Branch

Experiment shows 'people are fundamentally good': founder

(Newser) - Last May, Panera Bread turned a St. Louis-area cafe into a nonprofit branch , where customers pay what they choose. A year later, the experiment is working out fine, the AP reports: Some 60% of customers pay the suggested price, while 20% pay more and 20% pay less. It’s the...

Google Beefs Up Services for Nonprofits

US nonprofits offered free ads, services

(Newser) - Google has launched a new and improved version of its one-stop shop for US-based nonprofit organizations. The search colossus is offering approved nonprofits free or discounted use of Google Apps, access to premium services, and grants of up to $10,000 a month in free advertising on Google AdWords, reports...

Big Biz Can Only Donate So Much to Bobby Jindal...

... but is throwing a lot at his wife's nonprofit

(Newser) - If a corporation needs to get on Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal's good side, there's a limit to how much it can donate to his campaign in order to do so. But there's no limit to how much it can donate to his wife's nonprofit. The Supriya Jindal Foundation for Louisiana's...

Do You Know Where Your Donations Are Going?
Do You Know Where Your
Donations Are Going?
nicholas kristof

Do You Know Where Your Donations Are Going?

It's the season of giving, but do your research first, writes Nicholas Kristof

(Newser) - Nicholas Kristof thinks it’s great that many people “will dig into their pockets for good causes” this holiday season—he just wants to make sure you know which causes are actually good. It’s dangerous to assume that all charities share your values and are using your money...

Supreme Court Refuses to Hear 'Citizens United' for Nonprofits

Won't consider looser donation rules on PACs

(Newser) - The Supreme Court today declined without comment a case that sought to extend Citizens United's lax spending rules to nonprofits, the Christian Science Monitor reports., a conservative advocacy group, had sued the Federal Election Commission in an attempt to loosen restrictions on political action committees, which it likens...

Nonprofits' Political Ads May Bend Rules

Watchdogs question content backed by secret donors

(Newser) - Since the Supreme Court’s January ruling on campaign finance, nonprofit groups have been allowed to run ads openly attacking specific candidates, so long as less than 50% of all spending is dedicated to these political activities. But several organizations have lately pushed that limit, the New York Times reports,...

US Nonprofits Fund Israeli Settlements in West Bank

Obama administration simultaneously fights construction

(Newser) - When President Obama meets with Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House today, he’ll probably pressure the Israeli PM to stop illegal construction in the West Bank. But even as the administration fights those settlements, the US government is giving millions in tax breaks to groups that help build them,...

Nonprofit Gym Helps Low-Income Residents Get Fit

Boston facility sells low-cost memberships in poor neighborhood

(Newser) - One Boston fitness center believes that wealth shouldn't keep people from experiencing the benefits of exercise: Healthworks operates a nonprofit women-only gym in a low-income neighborhood. Residents are excited to be able to afford gym memberships, which are based on income and max out at $30 month. Some, like Tamica...

At This Bakery, Customers Pay What They Want

Panera turns location in St. Louis into non-profit for charity

(Newser) - Panera Bread has switched one of its St. Louis stores to a non-profit business model. Customers pay what they want, menus have only suggested prices, and money goes into donation jars instead of cash registers. The store will donate any profits to community organizations, St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports. Those unable...

Facebook Alternative Raises $115K in Donations

Public hungry for more private options

(Newser) - How unhappy are people with Facebook's latest privacy infractions? So unhappy that four NYU students have raised $115,000 in 19 days for Diaspora , their non-profit alternative, even though they haven't written a single line of code yet. “That's the equivalent of a significant angel round of funding in...

Schools Win; NASA Loses

Schools Win; 
 NASA Loses  

Schools Win; NASA Loses

First look at proposed 2011 budget shows sharp break between haves and have-nots

(Newser) - President Obama delivered his proposed 2011 budget to Congress today, and the Washington Post drills down to find the winners and losers. Winners first:
  • K-12 education: The Department of Education's budget will increase by 6%, or $3 billion.
  • Research: The proposal pumps up the Energy Department's budget 7%, or $2

Nonprofits Under Pressure: Merge or Die

Boom spawned many small charities now forced to close doors

(Newser) - The recession is ravaging the nonprofit sector, forcing many to consolidate or disappear, even as demand for their services rises. Over the past 15 years, the number of registered nonprofits doubled to 1.5 million organizations. Now, as funds dwindle—private donations fell 6% throughout the sector in 2008, their...

One Non-Profit Should Index the Internet
One Non-Profit Should
Index the Internet

One Non-Profit Should Index the Internet

It would make things faster for everyone

(Newser) - The Internet would be faster for everyone if a single, non-profit entity maintained a search index, writes Tom Foremski. Privately owned search engines use enormous resources to build their proprietary indexes, and sites use tons of bandwidth to answer their queries. On Foremski's Silicon Valley Watcher , for example, search robots/spiders...

Cheney Group Raises Cash to Save US From Obama
Cheney Group Raises Cash
to Save US From Obama

Cheney Group Raises Cash to Save US From Obama

Liz project, Keep America Safe, will target 'radical' foreign policy

(Newser) - Liz Cheney’s new nonprofit launched its first online video today, kicking off fundraising for its anti-Obama campaign. Keep America Safe is dedicated to opposing what Cheney describes as Obama’s “radical” foreign policy. “Whether you’re a Republican or a Democrat, you want the nation to be...

Court Rescinds Cap on Political Spending by Nonprofits

Emily's List wins ruling on 'soft money'

(Newser) - A federal appeals court today rescinded FEC limits on “soft money,” the Washington Post reports. The federal regulations had required that funds used by a nonprofit to influence a federal election be drawn from “hard money” accounts—individual contributions of “hard money” are capped at $5,...

Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>