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Authors Want Boom Lowered on Book Pirates

Book piracy balloons with growth of e-readers

(Newser) - A surge in book piracy has followed hot on the heels of the growth in ebooks, the New York Times reports. Publishers trying to stamp out unauthorized editions online say the ease with which books can now be copied online make their efforts little more than a game of "...

Amazon to Roll Out Kindle for Textbooks

(Newser) - Amazon will unveil a bigger new version of the Kindle tomorrow, designed to handle textbooks and periodicals, the Wall Street Journal reports. Amazon already has deals in place with several textbook publishers for content, and with various universities, including Princeton, Reed College, and Arizona State, to get the device into...

Why E-Books Are as Big as Gutenberg
 Why E-Books Are 
 as Big as Gutenberg 

Why E-Books Are as Big as Gutenberg

(Newser) - The e-book revolution won’t “be a simple matter of trading ink for pixels,” writes futurist Steven Johnson in the Wall Street Journal. Books have become “the dark matter of the information universe,” walled off from our new hyperlinked, Google-indexed frame of reference, but that’s...

iPhones Turn Into Kindles, With Free App

Amazon hopes to corner iPhone's eBook market

(Newser) - Amazon’s widely praised digital book reader is getting a second home on the iPhone, reports the Washington Post. Amazon is launching a free Kindle app today that has most of the Kindle functions. Though it won't have the Kindle’s ink-and-paper-like screen, the iPhone version will allow users to...

Authors Can Silence Talking Kindle: Amazon

(Newser) - Amazon has bowed to pressure from the Authors Guild and will allow authors and publishers to disable the controversial text-to-speech feature on its Kindle e-reader, the Los Angeles Times reports. Authors contend that the function essentially turns the e-book into an audio book, a contract violation. “They created a...

Kindle 2 Worth It for 'Serious Book Readers'
 Kindle 2 Worth It 
 for 'Serious Book Readers' 

Kindle 2 Worth It for 'Serious Book Readers'

(Newser) - Amazon’s new Kindle e-reader offers vast improvement over the previous model, writes Walter Mossberg in the Wall Street Journal, and “is finally a pleasure to use.” Faster page-flipping, sleeker design, tons more memory, and a digital audio feature are just some of the advances. But hardware is...

Grisham Shelves His Opposition to E-Books

Author nears deal to offer 22 bestsellers for Kindle, other readers

(Newser) - One of publishing's last major holdouts has decided it's time to kill his opposition to e-books, reports the Wall Street Journal. John Grisham is close to finalizing a deal that would make all of his 22 bestsellers—including new legal thriller The Associate—available for Amazon's Kindle reader and all...

Kindle 2 Is a Whole New Book
 Kindle 2 Is a Whole New Book 

Kindle 2 Is a Whole New Book

(Newser) - The Kindle 2 e-reader unveiled by Amazon today is great if you love computers, Tom Leonard writes in the Telegraph. "Wafer-thin," it's more "fragile bird" than book and boasts a tiny keyboard perfect for the i-Pod/Blackberry crowd. But the clear, no-glare screen and grayscale display are...

Kindle Leads Boom in E-Books
 Kindle Leads Boom in E-Books 

Kindle Leads Boom in E-Books

(Newser) - Amazon is widely rumored to be releasing a new version of its Kindle e-reader next week, and the e-book industry appears to be growing, Fortune reports. Sony is pushing its own device, Google has opened up access to millions of books online and for download to mobile devices like the...

In Tough Times, People Dust Off the Library Card

Even amid budget cuts, the institutions are expanding offerings

(Newser) - As the economy lightened wallets last year, people in search of jobs and entertainment turned to a long-lost concept called a library, reports the Washington Post, spiking DC-area circulation by 23% in the last half of 2008. And although budget cuts are hitting libraries hard, they're still finding ways to...

iPhone E-Books Can't Match Kindle's Catalog
iPhone E-Books Can't Match Kindle's Catalog

iPhone E-Books Can't Match Kindle's Catalog

Convenient apps have attractive interface, features: Mossberg

(Newser) - E-book applications for the iPhone are a source of competition for dedicated reading gizmos like Amazon’s Kindle. After testing two popular e-book apps, Walt Mossberg finds that both have attractive features, but currently can’t match the 200,000-strong catalog of digital books—especially new bestsellers—available for the...

Burn Your Kindle, Readers Need iPhone

Consumers jilt e-book readers, download titles to smartphones

(Newser) - They’ve only been around for a few years, but digital book readers may already be going the way of the Walkman. In increasing numbers, tech savvy bookworms are downloading their favorite titles onto smartphones like the iPhone for a fraction of the cost, BusinessWeek reports. For travelers, “bringing...

Recession Shreds Publishing Industry; Is Literature Next?

Until outfits learn to cope with digital challenges, it'll be a tough go for writers

(Newser) - The publishing industry has been battered in the past month, as large houses hemorrhage editors and consolidate divisions, leading some to wonder if literary publishing will ever be the same, Jason Boog writes on Salon. The list of ills is long: too-high advances paid to a dwindling number of sure...

Bestselling Books Come to the iPhone

App allows users to download titles like Twilight directly

(Newser) - Bestselling titles like Stephenie Meyer's Twilight and Philip Pullman's The Golden Compass can be downloaded directly to iPhones for the first time, Wired reports. ScrollMotion, a New York app developer, has struck a deal to download e-books from Houghton Mifflin, Simon & Schuster, and other major publishers. Other iPhone e-book...

Sold-Out Kindles Still Available—for a Price

Amazon loses out as savvy buyers trade e-book for big returns

(Newser) - Amazon.com has run out of Kindle e-book readers, sending their prices soaring on the second-hand market and on sites like eBay, reports Bloomberg. Ever since an Oprah endorsement in October cleaned out the online retailer’s stock, those with Kindles in hand have sought to secure a return on...

No More Kindles for Christmas
No More
Kindles for

No More Kindles for Christmas

Amazon's ebook reader sells out again, thanks to Oprah

(Newser) - Thanks no doubt to an endorsement from Oprah—who described Amazon.com’s Kindle as her “new favorite gadget”—the ebook reader is once again out of stock for the holidays, the Wall Street Journal reports. In fact, the $359 device won't be available again until February at...

New Reader May Top Kindle
 New Reader May Top Kindle 

New Reader May Top Kindle

Plastic Logic's version is lighter, thinner, wider

(Newser) - Move over, Kindle. A new e-book reader made by German/British firm Plastic Logic is on its way, and seems to fix many of the Amazon reader’s apparent flaws, Wired reports. PL’s as-yet-unnamed reader is 8.5 inches by 11 inches, but less than 3/10 of an inch thick...

Re-Kindling May Not Be Enough
 Re-Kindling May Not Be Enough

Re-Kindling May Not Be Enough

Version 2.0 is coming, but a megahit may still elude Amazon

(Newser) - Amazon plans to launch the next generation of its Kindle e-book player in the coming months, but an iPod-sized hit may still be out of the company's grasp, Peter Burrows writes in BusinessWeek. Much-needed improvements are on the way, but the real future for Kindle could be in using its...

Kindle Is King of the Market —But It's a Small Market

Amazon's electronic reader is up against tough demographics

(Newser) - After about 9 months on the market, how goes the Kindle? No official sales figures are out for Amazon's electronic reader, but Liz Gunnison of Portfolio tries to get a sense of things. If you were expecting it to ignite a revolution in reading, keep dreaming. Amazon has likely sold...

World's Oldest Bible Makes Web Debut Thursday

German university, British Library compile 390 pages of 4th-century parchment

(Newser) - The world's oldest nearly intact Bible—a fourth-century manuscript written in ancient Greek—will be published online later this week, Deutsche Welle reports. The Codex Sinaiticus, rediscovered in a Sinai Peninsula monastery in 1844, contains half the Jewish Old Testamant and most of the Christian New Testament. The University of...

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