Saharan Air Layer

2 Stories

Cloud of Sahara Dust Is Unlike Anything in 50 Years

Experts says size and concentration haven't been like this in half a century

(Newser) - A vast cloud of Sahara dust is blanketing the Caribbean as it heads to the US with a size and concentration that experts say hasn’t been seen in half a century. Air quality across most of the region fell to record “hazardous” levels and experts who nicknamed the...

How Dust From the Sahara Ends up in S. America

A giant dust cloud currently headed across the Atlantic

(Newser) - Once or twice a week in late spring and summer, gusts of wind send dust from the Sahara Desert flying across the Atlantic Ocean, in what's known as the Saharan Air Layer. But a particularly concentrated dust cloud is currently midair, en route to land in Central and South...

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