contempt of Congress

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Trump Calls Executive Privilege Before Barr Contempt Vote

Fight over the unredacted version of the Mueller report rages on

(Newser) - The House Judiciary Committee gathered Wednesday morning for its vote on holding Attorney General William Barr in contempt of Congress over the DOJ's refusal to comply with a subpoena for an unredacted version of the Mueller report. Big news came just beforehand: A letter delivered Tuesday night to committee...

Talk of 'Jail on Capitol Hill' as Democrats Fight Trump

Dems mull their options as Trumps blocks investigations

(Newser) - They're talking about jailing people at the Capitol. Imposing steep fines. All sorts of extraordinary, if long-shot measures to force the White House to comply with Democratic lawmakers' request for information about President Trump stemming from the special counsel's Russia investigation, the AP reports. This is the remarkable...

Big New Debate in DC Is Over the Word &#39;Stonewall&#39;
Trump's Defiance of Congress
on Subpoenas Escalates
the rundown

Trump's Defiance of Congress on Subpoenas Escalates

This has 'constitutional crisis written all over it,' writes one pundit

(Newser) - The White House and Congress are embroiled in a growing fight over Congress' ability to force officials in the executive branch to testify. Democrats in Congress see the White House resistance as a violation of checks and balances laid out in the Constitution. But President Trump says House Democrats are...

House Panel's White House Fight Just Got More Serious

Former official defies subpoena to appear, now faces possible contempt vote

(Newser) - The chairman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee says the White House is now in "open defiance" of his panel after lawyers advised a former official to defy a subpoena related to the committee's investigation of White House security clearances, per the AP . Rep. Elijah Cummings says...

Holder: Think Vote Was About Documents? You're Naive

Attorney General says he won't step down

(Newser) - Eric Holder says the House's vote to hold him in contempt of Congress was all about politics—and that it won't drive him from office. "If anything, it made me more determined to stay and to continue to fight," the attorney general told the Washington Post...

Justice Department: No, We Won't Prosecute the Boss

Agency tells John Boehner it won't pursue criminal contempt charges

(Newser) - The House may think Eric Holder is criminally contempt , but the Justice Department thinks the House can go fly a kite. The department informed John Boehner today that it won't prosecute its boss on the contempt charges, reports the Washington Post . The letter was drafted yesterday, the same day...

House Holds Eric Holder in Contempt

He's the first attorney general to be cited

(Newser) - The House today declared that Eric Holder was in contempt of Congress for failing to turn over documents related to the Fast and Furious scandal, reports Politico . It's a first for a sitting attorney general, and the matter now goes to DC's federal attorney to determine whether to...

Boehner Is Burying Today's Contempt Vote for Holder

Steve Kornacki: No accident it takes place on ObamaCare day

(Newser) - Oh, by the way, the House of Representatives will make history later today by holding Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt. Why schedule the vote on a day when it's sure to be buried amid ObamaCare headlines? At Salon , Steve Kornacki thinks it's an intentional move by John...

Talks Fail, House GOP Moves on Holder's Contempt Vote

John Boehner says House will move forward with vote

(Newser) - The White House's last-ditch effort to avoid a contempt of Congress vote against Eric Holder has failed and John Boehner says the House will move forward with the vote, the AP reports. The Obama administration had offered to show congressional investigators some of the documents related to Fast and...

Upping the Ante, Issa Says Obama Conspired With DOJ

Congressman's letter escalates Fast & Furious battle

(Newser) - Darrell Issa is upping his attack on President Obama following the president's use of executive privilege in an attempt to bail out Eric Holder. A letter to Obama released today minces no words: "Either you or your most senior advisors were involved in managing Operation Fast & Furious...

House Panel Cites Holder for Contempt

Measure now moves to full House, probably next week

(Newser) - Darrell Issa's House panel has voted along party lines to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt, reports Politico . The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee acted after Holder refused to comply with a subpoena to hand over documents related to Fast and Furious, the gun-surveillance program that went...

Obama Invokes Executive Privilege, Bails Out Holder

Darrell Issa pushes forward with contempt hearing anyway

(Newser) - Barack Obama invoked executive privilege to justify withholding certain documents related to the Fast and Furious scandal from Congress, just minutes before the House Oversight Committee was set to hold a contempt hearing against Attorney General Eric Holder. But the committee pressed ahead with the contempt hearing anyway, Fox News...

House Schedules Contempt Vote for Eric Holder

Attorney general faces questions over 'Fast and Furious' debacle

(Newser) - A House committee looking into the flawed gun-smuggling probe known as Operation Fast and Furious will consider holding Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress next week for failing to produce some documents the panel is seeking, officials announced today. The committee has scheduled a contempt vote for June...

GOP Moves to Charge Holder With Contempt

Darrell Isa says attorney general not cooperating with Fast Furious probe

(Newser) - Darrell Issa and the House Oversight Committee he heads up have set the wheels in motion to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt, alleging that he hasn't cooperated with their investigation into the Fast and Furious fiasco . Committee officials got the green light from John Boehner after an...

Executive Privilege Goes to Court
Executive Privilege
Goes to Court

Executive Privilege Goes to Court

Ruling in lawmakers' challenge could cement power grab

(Newser) - The civil suit brought by Congress as it investigates the 2005-06 firings of US attorneys is becoming a groundbreaking constitutional tussle that could decide the true scope of executive privilege. The precedent that could be set in the ruling from a US district court is now more significant than the...

House Democrats Again Summon Rove

Committee looking into prosecution of former Alabama governor Siegelman

(Newser) - Four months after its Senate counterpart held Karl Rove in contempt for refusing to testify, the House Judiciary Committee demanded today that the ex-Bush strategist testify about potential political motives for a prosecution. A committee report found “troublesome facts” in the case of a former Alabama governor, saying the...

House Holds 2 Bush Aides in Contempt

Dems vote against Bolten, Miers, while GOP walks out

(Newser) - The House voted today to hold two Bush insiders guilty of contempt of Congress for refusing to cooperate in last year's US attorneys scandal, the AP reports. Angry  Republicans boycotted the vote and walked out in protest. Democrats censured chief of staff Josh Bolten and former Bush counsel Harriet Miers...

GOP, Bush Hammer Dems on Terror Bill

Republicans walk out in protest; Pelosi won't back off on recess

(Newser) - House Democrats are sticking to plans to begin a one-week recess starting tomorrow without renewing a terrorist surveillance bill set to expire when their vacation begins—to the dismay of President Bush and House Republicans, the Washington Post reports. Bush, set to leave for Africa, said the decision imperils national...

Dems Threaten White House With Contempt

Last warning on mum aides in probe of fired attorneys

(Newser) - Democrats have threatened a vote holding White House aides in contempt of Congress if they don't cooperate with an investigation into last year's firing of federal attorneys, the AP reports. A citation, approved this summer by a House judiciary committee, was filed yesterday. If approved by the entire House, a...

House Committee Charges Bush Aides With Contempt

Judiciary Committee votes along party lines to issue contempt citations to Harriet Miers and Joshua Bolten

(Newser) - The House Judiciary Committee voted to issue contempt citations to two of President Bush's top aides for defying subpoenas related to the US attorney firings scandal, edging Congress closer to a Constitutional showdown with the White House over its claims of executive privilege. The committee voted along party lines 22-17...

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