US economy

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Texas Lt. Gov.: Don't 'Sacrifice the Country' to Save Us Seniors

It's unclear just how many seniors agree with Dan Patrick on his thoughts about saving US economy

(Newser) - These are times in which we may all have to make some sacrifices, but in the Texas lieutenant governor's mind, senior citizens in the US should be ready to make the ultimate sacrifice. NBC News reports that Dan Patrick appeared on Tucker Carlson's Fox News show Monday night,...

Obama Remarks on US Economy, Trump Hits Back

'Did you hear the latest con job?'

(Newser) - Presidents Day featured the current president of the United States going on the attack against a predecessor after President Trump became agitated by a tweet from former President Obama. Per the Hill , Obama started things off Monday morning by commemorating the 11th anniversary of his signing of the American Recovery...

How Coronavirus May Help Trump's Re-Election

Axios: Global economy could rebound strongly in the summer and fall

(Newser) - One line of thought is that the coronavirus outbreak in China could take a toll on the global economy, causing "ripple effects" in the US that spell trouble for President Trump in an election year, per the Hill . But an analysis at Axios floats the idea of the opposite...

Budget Deficit Nears 'Unprecedented' Level

The CBO says it will top $1 trillion, again

(Newser) - An annual congressional report says the US budget deficit is likely to burst through the symbolic $1 trillion barrier this year despite a healthy economy, the AP reports. Tuesday's Congressional Budget Office report follows a burst of new spending last year and the repeal in December of several taxes...

At Davos, Trump Talks Up America's 'Blue-Collar Boom'

President also had a lot to say about impeachment trial

(Newser) - On the first day of President Trump's impeachment trial, Republican senators stymied Democrats' attempts to bring additional evidence and witnesses, but on the witness topic, Trump says he actually wants to see those like chief of staff Mick Mulvaney and former national security adviser John Bolton brought in to...

This Is the Shortest Holiday Shopping Season Since 2013

More intense scramble predicted

(Newser) - The mad scramble between Thanksgiving and Christmas just got six days shorter. Black Friday once again kicks off the start of the holiday shopping season. But with six fewer days than last year, it will be the shortest season since 2013 because Thanksgiving fell on the 28th—the latest possible...

Fed Cuts Rates Again, With a Big 'But'

The short-term rate is lowered to between 1.5% and 1.75%

(Newser) - The Federal Reserve cut its benchmark interest rate Wednesday for the third time this year to try to sustain the economic expansion in the face of global threats, the AP reports. But it hinted that it won't likely cut again this year. The Fed's move reduces the short-term...

New GDP Number Is One Trump Once Assailed
New GDP Number
Is Out. Here's
What It Means
the rundown

New GDP Number Is Out. Here's What It Means

Growth slips to 1.9% in 3rd quarter but beats expectations

(Newser) - The summer temps may have been record-setting hot, but the economy experienced some chills. Data out Wednesday via the Commerce Department shows GDP grew at a 1.9% rate from July through September, down from a growth rate of 2% in the second quarter. Why, what it means, and President...

Survey: US Business Hiring Falls to 7-Year Low

Fewer employers are raising pay, economists say

(Newser) - A measure of hiring by US companies has fallen to a seven-year low and fewer employers are raising pay, a business survey has found. Just one-fifth of the economists surveyed by the National Association for Business Economics said their companies or industries have hired additional workers in the past three...

Trump on Tax Cuts: &#39;We Don&#39;t Need It&#39;
Trump Flip-Flops
on Tax Cut Plan

Trump Flip-Flops on Tax Cut Plan

'We don't need it,' he says

(Newser) - A day after considering cutting taxes to promote economic growth, President Trump on Wednesday changed course and said he would abandon the idea because the nation already had "a strong economy." Trump's flip-flop came after recent market volatility and economic uncertainty, and amid a debate about whether...

What RV Shipments Say About a Possible Recession
What RV Shipments Say
About a Possible Recession
the rundown

What RV Shipments Say About a Possible Recession

They're down 2 years in a row, which happened before last 3 recessions

(Newser) - Last week saw Wall Street's worst day in 2019—and also saw President Trump telling a crowd in New Hampshire that their 401(k)s will be in far worse shape if Democrats take the White House in 2020. "I don't think we're having a recession," Trump...

Trump Slams &#39;Clueless&#39; Fed Chief, &#39;Crazy&#39; Yield Curve
Trump Blasts
'Crazy Inverted
Yield Curve'

Trump Blasts 'Crazy Inverted Yield Curve'

Economists are split on signs of a recession

(Newser) - President Trump says the American economy is doing magnificently and we are "winning, big time, against China"—but one of the things still holding the economy back is the Federal Reserve chairman he appointed. In a pair of tweets Wednesday, Trump renewed his attacks on Jerome Powell, calling...

America Got a Bigger Raise Than It Realized
America Got a Bigger
Raise Than It Knew

America Got a Bigger Raise Than It Knew

Seems US wage growth was higher than we realized

(Newser) - Feeling down about politics? The Wall Street Journal 's editorial board offers a shot in the arm: Updated economic data shows that American wages are rising more than we knew. Released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis earlier this week, the numbers reveal that worker compensation jumped 4.5%...

GDP Report Has Good News and Bad News
GDP Report Carries
a Mixed Message

GDP Report Carries a Mixed Message

Growth slows, but consumer spending takes off

(Newser) - The US economy slowed sharply in the April-June quarter even as consumers stepped up their spending, per the AP . The gross domestic product, the economy's total output of goods and services, grew at a 2.1% annual rate last quarter, down from a 3.1% gain in the first...

For Trump, It's Obviously #1. Others Predict Disaster

The economy looks great, but some see a recession coming

(Newser) - Record job growth. Historic low unemployment. Rising wages. Even the Washington Post —hardly President Trump's biggest backer—is breathless over the US economy, but some experts are wondering whether the party can last. First, the good news: Employers tacked on 263,000 new jobs in April and US...

GDP Growth Much Better Than Expected

President Trump's 3% bar is exceeded

(Newser) - The US economy grew at a solid 3.2% annual rate in the first three months of the year, up from 2.2% at the end of 2018, for a far better outcome than expected, per the AP . However, about half the gain reflected two factors not expected to last—...

Mnuchin: Everything's Fine, Banks Have Money to Lend

'Not exactly confidence inspiring'

(Newser) - Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin announced Sunday that he had called the CEOs of America's six largest banks and they had confirmed him that they had ample cash available for lending. His tweet , however, alarmed some analysts, who noted that Treasury secretaries don't call bank chiefs on a Sunday...

An 'Ominous Flattening' Could Signal Recession by End of 2019

That's per nearly half of US CFOs in Duke/CFO Global Business Outlook survey

(Newser) - President Trump has been crowing over the past few weeks about the "best" and "greatest" economy "in the history of our country," as well as the "hottest jobs market on planet Earth," but the nation's top financial officers are less optimistic. Almost half...

President Trump Gets the Growth Rate He Wanted

Q2 number exceeded the 3.7% he said he wanted to be above

(Newser) - President Trump on Thursday said he'd be happy with economic growth that exceeded 3.7%—meaning he's likely quite pleased. The US economy surged in the April-June quarter, growing at an annual rate of 4.1%. That's the fastest pace since 2014, reports the AP , driven...

Trump Breaks Tradition on GDP Figures

He says numbers will be 'unthinkable'

(Newser) - It's not traditional for presidents to comment on economic growth figures before they are released, but President Trump isn't exactly a stickler for tradition. At a rally at an Illinois steel plant on Thursday, Trump predicted that the numbers released by the Commerce Department on Friday morning would...

Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>