
Stories 261 - 280 | << Prev   Next >>

Hosni Mubarak Denies Corruption; Protesters Killed in Egypt, Yemen, Syria

 I Am Not 
more protesters killed

Mubarak: I Am Not Corrupt

As former president speaks out, more protesters are killed

(Newser) - Hosni Mubarak today gave his first public message since being ousted from the Egyptian presidency, defending himself and his family against “unjust” allegations of corruption. He agreed to cooperate with Egypt’s general prosecutor during the corruption investigation, but called the campaign against him “distortions, lies, and incitement,...

13 Protesters Killed in Syria, 2 in Yemen

Thousands also protest in Egypt's Tahrir Square

(Newser) - Friday continues to be a day of protest throughout the Arab world. The worst reported violence today came out of Syria, where witnesses say security forces opened fire with live ammunition and killed at least 13 protesters in the southern city of Daraa, reports the AP . The demonstrations mark the...

Yemen Unrest's Big Winner: Al-Qaeda

US may resume airstrikes in the country

(Newser) - The unrest in Yemen has utterly derailed all counterterrorism operations in the country, giving free rein to one of al-Qaeda’s deadliest branches, diplomats, intelligence analysts, and counterterrorism officials tell the New York Times . There has been more “chatter” about an upcoming attack, possibly against the US or Europe,...

US Shifts on Yemen, Now Wants Saleh Out

Obama administration does a 180 on critical ally against al-Qaeda

(Newser) - The US has done a quiet about-face on Yemen's President Ali Abdullah Saleh, and after months of supporting him despite widespread protests, officials now say the US believes he should leave power. The Obama administration garnered criticism for failing to publicly criticize Saleh, even as the US rushed to oust...

Yemen Sees Rival Protests as President Digs In

Pro- and anti-government demonstrators fill squares a mile apart

(Newser) - A pair of opposing demonstrations—one supporting the president, one calling for his resignation—brought tens of thousands to the streets today in Yemen. The demonstrations took place in squares about a mile apart. Government and opposition leaders reportedly met in advance, agreeing to prevent confrontation. Though the UK Foreign...

Blast at Yemen Weapons Factory Kills 78

Devastating explosion signals deepening chaos

(Newser) - The seizure of a munitions factory yesterday by Yemen militants turned tragic today when looters set off an accidental explosion, killing at least 78. With President Ali Abdullah Saleh clinging to power and battling protesters, Islamist militants are getting increasingly aggressive, reports the AP, and today's explosion only served...

Yemen Protests: President Ali Abdullah Saleh Scraps Latest Resignation Offer
 Saleh Scraps Latest 
 Resignation Offer 

yemen protests

Saleh Scraps Latest Resignation Offer

President Ali Abdullah Saleh had offered to leave by year's end

(Newser) - Yemen's president has been waffling on whether, and when, to resign—and yesterday, he scrapped his most recent offer. A week ago, President Ali Abdullah Saleh offered to step down by the end of the year, but his opponents quickly rejected that offer. Yesterday, Saleh formally withdrew it after a...

Yemeni Militants Seize Weapons Factory

Security degenerates as president battles protesters in capital

(Newser) - Islamic militants seized control of a weapons factory, a strategic mountain, and a nearby town in the southern Yemen province of Abyan today, as a political stalemate over the fate of President Ali Abdullah Saleh in the capital causes security to unravel around the country. Saleh's fate is of deep...

Yemen President Near Deal to Resign Tomorrow

But he struck a defiant tone in a TV appearance

(Newser) - Ali Abdullah Saleh and one of his renegade top generals are reportedly near a deal that would send both packing in a matter of days. Saleh has been meeting with Gen. Ali al-Ahmar, who defected and ordered troops to protect protesters this week, to discuss how the country could shift...

Why Underwear Bomber Flew to Detroit: Cheap Fares

Shows break from bin Laden's love of symbolic targets

(Newser) - With 25% of its own residents fleeing Detroit, it might seem like the would-be underwear bomber could have picked a more devastating US target than Motor City. But, as the AP has learned, airplane tickets to considered destinations Chicago or Houston were just too darn expensive, so Umar Farouk...

Yemen Unrest Threatens Hunt for Awlaki

Finding US-born radical 'not on anyone's mind': official

(Newser) - The hunt for Anwar al-Awlaki has hit a roadblock: The chances of capturing the Yemeni-American radical have grown slimmer as the unrest in Yemen escalates, reports the Washington Post . Just a few months ago, it was easy to spot Awlaki, who walked freely around a southeastern town, his uncle tells...

Yemen President Again Vows to Leave After Election

Meaning in 2012; Leaves US with no good options in al-Qaeda stronghold

(Newser) - Pressured by the defection of some of his top military commanders, Ali Abdullah Saleh has once again promised to step down—eventually. The longtime Yemeni president said today he would leave office “constitutionally” following an election at the end of this year or the beginning of 2012, the Christian ...

Army Commanders Defect in Yemen

President's key confidante switches to opposition

(Newser) - Tanks and armored vehicles have been deployed in Yemen’s capital as support for the country's president continues to erode : Three army commanders have defected to the opposition, the AP reports. The officers are members of the president’s tribe, which called for his resignation yesterday. Among them is a...

Yemen President Fires Entire Cabinet

Situation looking increasingly dire for Saleh

(Newser) - Yemen's increasingly embattled President Ali Abdullah Saleh axed his entire Cabinet today, as even members of his own tribe called for his ouster and his administration abandoned ship, reports the AP . In the wake of sniper crackdowns that killed up to 42 protesters Friday, Yemen's UN envoy Abdullah Alsaidi "...

Yemen Protests: Police Kill 31 Protesters
 Yemen Police Kill 31 Protesters 

Yemen Police Kill 31 Protesters

Today marks harshest response yet from government

(Newser) - Yemeni security forces firing from rooftops and houses shot at tens of thousands of anti-government demonstrators, killing at least 31 as the protesters entered a downtown square in the capital to demand the ouster of their autocratic president. Today's violence is the harshest response yet from President Ali Abdullah Saleh....

Police Attack Yemen Crowd, Injure 200

One killed in Hudaida incident

(Newser) - Yemen security forces opened fire on protesters in the Red Sea city of Hudaida today, using both live and rubber ammunition, along with tear gas, clubs and daggers. The city’s hospital has been filled to capacity, one doctor tells Reuters . “We received around 200 wounded, 10 were hit...

Yemen Protests: Police Fire on Protesters, Injuring 100 or More
 Police Fire on Protesters, 
 at Least 100 Injured 
yemen protests

Police Fire on Protesters, at Least 100 Injured

Violence is escalating in Yemen as monthlong protests continue

(Newser) - Police on rooftops fired live bullets and tear gas at protesters in Yemen today, wounding at least 100 people camping out near Sanaa University. The day's violence was the latest evidence that monthlong protests demanding the resignation of Yemen's longtime leader were spiraling out of control. Embattled President Ali Abdullah...

Doctors Suspect Nerve Gas Used on Yemen Protesters

Three tell Global Post that symptoms are too severe for tear gas

(Newser) - Doctors and protesters in Yemen think the government is using banned nerve gas, not regular tear gas, to quell protests, reports Global Post . Three doctors treating patients say the symptoms are suspiciously severe. “The material in this gas makes people convulse for hours," said one field doctor after...

International Women's Day: Yemen Has the Lowest Ranking in How it Treats Female Citizens
 5 Worst Countries for Women 

5 Worst Countries for Women

Yemen, Congo, Niger among lowest ranking

(Newser) - To mark International Women's Day, AoL News takes note of countries that treat their women the worst. The findings are based on a UN index that factors in categories such as jobs, education, political representation, and reproductive health. The worst offenders:
  1. Yemen: Its female citizens routinely face "violence and

Army Fires Rockets at Yemen Protest: Rebels

2 killed, 7 wounded in attack, say demonstrators

(Newser) - Yemen’s military fired rockets at rebel protesters in the northern city of Harf Sufyan today, killing two, and wounding 13, the demonstrators said in a statement. The AP reports that witnesses say soldiers in an army post opened fire with heavy machine guns, believing the protesters were trying to...

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