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Jeff Sessions: I Never Lied About Russia
Jeff Sessions: Don't
Call Me a Liar
the rundown

Jeff Sessions: Don't Call Me a Liar

But attorney general clarifies that he now remembers meeting at which Russia was raised

(Newser) - Attorney General Jeff Sessions testified before a House panel Tuesday, with Democrats grilling him on Russia's role in the campaign and Republicans pressing him to go after Hillary Clinton. The Russian angle has been a thorn for Sessions because he previously testified under oath that he knew of no...

McCain on His Gaffe at Comey Hearing: 'Colossal Screw-up'

Tells 'Esquire' he miscommunicated Lindsey Graham question from phone

(Newser) - John McCain is shaking his head after admitting he messed up a line of questioning during James Comey's testimony in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee. On June 8, the Arizona senator offered what the Arizona Republic called a "distracted and listless line of questioning" toward the ex-FBI...

Judge Judy Explains Why She Doesn't Negotiate With CBS

'Their back's to the wall'

(Newser) - Judge Judy's newly released testimony in a legal dispute between her network (CBS) and a talent agency is just about as awesome as you'd expect from the outspoken jurist. The dispute itself has quite a few ins and outs, with Vulture summing it up nicely: The talent agency...

Bodyguard: I Saw DJ Reach Under Swift's Skirt

He testifies on 4th day of civil trial

(Newser) - Taylor Swift's former bodyguard testified Friday that he saw a DJ reach under her skirt a moment before a photographer snapped their picture during a meet-and-greet where the singer says the radio host groped her, the AP reports. Security guard Greg Dent, who no longer works for Swift, said...

Swift: DJ 'Stayed Attached to My Bare Ass-Cheek'

Singer testifies in groping lawsuit

(Newser) - Taylor Swift testified Thursday that a former radio DJ reached under her skirt and intentionally grabbed her backside underneath her skirt during a meet-and-greet photo session before a 2013 concert in Denver, the AP reports. "He stayed attached to my bare ass-cheek as I lurched away from him,"...

At Own Trial, 'Biggest Mouth' in Pharma Finally Closes

Martin Shkreli says he decided against 'risky' move, won't testify

(Newser) - Earlier this month, prosecutors wanted Martin Shkreli to stop the "campaign of disruption" they say he'd been leading during his securities fraud trial, and they were able to get a judge to order him to stop blabbing about his case publicly. Now it looks like those sealed lips...

Comey &#39;Didn&#39;t Want to Be Left Alone With Trump&#39;
Comey 'Didn't Want to Be
Left Alone With Trump'

Comey 'Didn't Want to Be Left Alone With Trump'

Trump 'ready for a fight' as hearing approaches

(Newser) - With James Comey's much-anticipated testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee approaching, insiders say President Trump is getting ready for a fight. The former FBI chief's testimony begins Thursday morning, and Trump associates say the president is likely to be watching closely and tweeting furiously, reports the Washington Post...

Ex-CIA Chief: Russia 'Brazenly' Interfered With Our Election

John Brennan testifies before House panel

(Newser) - Former CIA chief John Brennan left no wiggle room in one aspect of his testimony before a House panel on Tuesday: "It should be clear to everyone that Russia brazenly interfered in our 2016 election process," he told the House Intelligence Committee, per the Daily Beast . But as...

Lawyer: Flynn 'Certainly Has a Story to Tell'

His offer to testify in return for immunity could be a non-starter, experts say

(Newser) - Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn has reportedly offered to talk to the FBI and congressional investigators about possible Trump campaign links to Russia in return for immunity—but they might not take him up on it. Experts tell the Washington Post and the New York Times that the idea...

Manafort to Intel Committee: I'll Testify

Ex-Trump campaign chair has volunteered to be grilled on Capitol Hill

(Newser) - There's been more than a passing interest lately in Paul Manafort, and the beleaguered ex-Trump campaign chairman now seems eager to clear the air. Per an announcement Friday by House Intelligence Committee Chair Devin Nunes, Manafort—who's raised eyebrows with whispers of his dealings with the Russians and...

Secret Witness Spills on Durst: Wife's Fears, Open Marriage

Former BFF Nick Chavin says disappeared Kathie Durst called husband 'impossible'

(Newser) - The bizarre story of Robert Durst took a new turn this week as the much-talked-about "secret witness" emerged with details on Durst's first marriage. Per NBC News , 72-year-old Nick Chavin showed up at the real estate heir's pretrial hearing for his murder case Wednesday—through a back...

South Korean Kids: Crew Insisted We Stay in Ferry

They testify in crew's trial

(Newser) - Teens aboard the doomed South Korean ferry Sewol testified today as the trial of 15 crew members continues in the April tragedy. Five of the six kids faced away from listeners as they testified, while another testified from another room via video feed, Reuters reports. The teens called for harsh...

Cop: Dad Sexted With Teen as Son Baked in Car

Justin Ross Harris makes first court appearance

(Newser) - Justin Ross Harris exchanged sexually explicit messages and nude photos with six women as his 22-month-old son baked to death in a hot car—including one 17-year-old, police detective Phil Stoddard testified today, as Harris appeared in court for a probable cause hearing. Harris' lawyer objected repeatedly during the testimony,...

CIA Officials to Testify on Benghazi

House Intelligence subcommittee to hold closed-door hearing

(Newser) - House members may soon know a lot more about what happened during the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi. CIA security officers who were on the scene are set to testify in a closed hearing before a House Intelligence subcommittee, insiders tell CNN . The officers, whose job it was...

Medicare Head on ObamaCare Site: We're Sorry

Marilyn Tavenner is first in White House to testify

(Newser) - The head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the body in charge of HealthCare.gov, offered the administration's first formal apology for the site during testimony in Congress. "To the millions who have tried to use HealthCare.gov, we want to apologize to you," Marilyn...

Teen: I Recorded Some of the Steubenville Rape

Court hears testimony, horrible text messages

(Newser) - A teenager testified in the Steubenville rape trial today that he'd personally witnessed defendant Trent Mays put his fingers inside the victim's vagina as they drove from one party to another, and even recorded it on his cellphone—though he says he deleted the video the next morning,...

After Benghazi, 55% of Posts Still Weak on Security
After Benghazi, 55% of
Posts Still Weak on Security 
new testimony

After Benghazi, 55% of Posts Still Weak on Security

158 posts may not be up to snuff: state dept. official

(Newser) - Could another Benghazi loom? A State Department official has testified that some 158 diplomatic posts "have facilities that may not fully meet current security standards." That's out of 283 total, undersecretary Pat Kennedy said yesterday. Many "were built or acquired prior to the establishment of the...

Kerry Set for Cakewalk of a Hearing

Secretary of State nominee to testify before his own committee

(Newser) - Seeking confirmation as the next secretary of state, John Kerry will testify today before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Shouldn't be a tough crowd: Kerry himself has been on the committee for 28 years, and he's led it for the past four, the AP notes. He'll be...

Clinton Chokes Up, Gets Angry at Benghazi Hearing

She says she wasn't involved in the talking points given to Susan Rice

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton briefly became emotional while testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee today, tearing up as she recalled the aftermath of the Benghazi attack. "To me this is not just a matter of policy. It's personal," Clinton said in her opening statement. Her voice broke as...

James Holmes Sits Coldly in Sad Pretrial Hearing

Officers give moving testimony about 'Dark Knight' massacre

(Newser) - James Holmes sat expressionless at a pretrial hearing today as police officers gave heart-rending testimony about the Dark Knight massacre, the Denver Post reports. Officer Aaron Blue said he held a gunshot victim in the backseat of a car going to the hospital: "Everytime she moved, she stopped breathing,...

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