North Korean nuclear weapon program

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N. Korea: Our Nukes Stay Until US Stops Its 'Blackmail'

And its 'war drills'

(Newser) - North Korea said Saturday it will never give up its nuclear weapons as long as the US and its allies continue their "blackmail and war drills" at its doorstep. The North's Korean Central News Agency took the oft-repeated stance as it reviewed its major nuclear weapons and missile...

If Things Implode in N. Korea, Here's What Happens Next

Rex Tillerson shares light details from discussions with China

(Newser) - It's the conversation that was never had—until now, apparently. The New York Times reports that US diplomats have long tried to open a discussion with China about how things would play out if Kim Jong Un's government (and his father's before that) began to implode. US...

Aussies Charge Guy With Trying to Hawk N. Korean Missile Tech

South Korean-born man was trying to raise cash on behalf of Pyongyang, cops say

(Newser) - Australia on Saturday arrested one of its own citizens and charged him with acting as an economic agent on behalf of North Korea in attempting to sell the Hermit Kingdom's missile technology, reports the New York Times . South Korean-born Chan Han Choi, 59, was "discussing the supply of...

Tillerson to North Korea: 'Let's Just ... Talk About the Weather'

He says talks can happen without preconditions

(Newser) - Secretary of State Rex Tillerson says the US is ready to talk to North Korea at any time about any subject Pyongyang wants to talk about—without preconditions. "Let's just meet and let's talk about the weather if you want and talk about whether it's going...

North Korean Defectors Reveal 'Ghost Disease' Back Home

They say people's health is suffering from radiation exposure due to country's nuclear tests

(Newser) - Horrific tales are being shared by North Korean defectors who fled their homes near the Punggye-ri nuclear testing site, with stories of sickened residents and wildlife, and even a deformed baby born without genitals and murdered soon after birth. Lee Jeong Hwa, who got out in 2010 from her home...

Hawaii Resumes Procedure Not Seen Since Cold War

You can thank Kim Jong Un

(Newser) - "If anybody told me four or five months ago we would be doing this, I would have said you are crazy." And yet the administrator for Hawaii's Emergency Management Agency says the state will resume testing Cold War-era nuclear attack sirens warning residents to "get inside,...

North Korea's Response to Terror Relisting in 5 Quotes

'Old lunatic Trump' has spurred the people to erupt in 'hate and spirit to destroy the enemy'

(Newser) - What does North Korea think of the US' Monday decision to relist it as a state sponsor of terror ? Now we know: In the country's first public statement on the subject, a rep for the Foreign Ministry tells state-run KCNA that while North Korea doesn't care "...

After Trump Visit, China Sends Top Envoy to North Korea

Xi may be seeking to reset relations

(Newser) - China dispatched its highest-level envoy to North Korea in two years on Friday in a bid to improve chilly relations, after President Trump last week urged Beijing to use its influence to convince Pyongyang to cease its nuclear weapons program. Song Tao will report on the outcomes of China's...

S. Korea: Idea of North Destroying Its Nukes Is Problematic

South Korea suggests Olympics might be a good place to start denuclearization discussions

(Newser) - Even if North Korea were on board, it would be "realistically difficult" to destroy the country's nuclear capabilities because they're so developed, according to South Korean President Moon Jae-in. It's for this reason that the international community must pressure North Korea into talks as soon as...

How to Secure N. Korea's Nukes: Ground War

Pentagon gives a blunt assessment when asked about potential conflict with Hermit Kingdom

(Newser) - The only way to locate and destroy with complete certainty all components of North Korea's nuclear program is through a ground invasion, reports the AP , according to a blunt assessment from the Pentagon in response to a letter from two Democratic congressmen asking about casualty assessments. Rear Adm. Michael...

Report: 200 Dead Near Site of North Korea's Nuke Test

Japan's TV Asahi describes 2 tunnel collapses in September at Mount Mantap

(Newser) - North Korea's latest nuclear test might've done more than just destabilize Mount Mantap . Citing unnamed sources, Japan's TV Asahi reports a tunnel under construction at the Punggye-ri nuclear site, which is housed in Mount Mantap, collapsed around Sept. 10, leaving roughly 100 workers trapped, per Reuters . A...

New North Korea Concern: 'Tired Mountain Syndrome'

Chinese scientists worry collapse of Mount Mantap could send radiation across region

(Newser) - Satellite images taken before and after North Korea's last nuclear test beneath Mount Mantap show the mountain actually lost elevation. As the Washington Post reports, the depression of a 85-acre area—followed by three subsequent earthquakes over six weeks—shows not only the force of the Sept. 3 blast,...

North Korea: Nuclear War May Break Out 'Any Moment'

Official says diplomacy not an option until missile perfected

(Newser) - North Korea had hoped for a nuclear-free world, the country's deputy United Nations ambassador claimed Monday—but because of the "extreme" threat from the US, the country has been forced to become a "full-fledged" nuclear power. Kim In Ryong, speaking to the UN's disarmament committee, warned...

US: Magnitude 3.5 Quake Detected in N. Korea

Small quake raises nuke test fears

(Newser) - A small earthquake shook North Korea early Saturday, according to South Korean officials, raising fears that the country had carried out another nuclear test amid its escalating dispute with the US. The quake happened near where North Korea has carried out other nuclear tests, which have registered as small earthquakes,...

North Korea Threatens to Sink Japan
North Korea
to Sink Japan

North Korea Threatens to Sink Japan

Pyongyang wants US reduced to 'ashes and darkness'

(Newser) - North Korea has made more of the kind of blood-curdling threats that the world found easier to shrug off before Pyongyang stepped up its nuclear program. The "Korea Asia-Pacific Peace Committee," North Korea's state agency for dealing with the outside world, issued a statement Thursday calling for...

We May Have Underestimated N. Korea's Latest Nuke Test

It might have had force of 17 atomic bombs, per 38 North assessment

(Newser) - In the immediate aftermath of North Korea's sixth nuclear test on Sept. 3, experts described the blast as six or seven times as powerful as the one that destroyed Hiroshima. That measure might not even come close. According to research site 38 North , the resulting 6.1 magnitude earthquake...

Landslides Suggest N. Korea's Latest Test Was a Monster

First satellite images back up claims it was the North's biggest test yet

(Newser) - Two developments on the North Korean front: sobering confirmation of how just how powerful the last test was, and more words of caution from Vladimir Putin. In an analysis for 38 North , three scientists say commercial satellite images taken a day after the test show several landslides around the Punggye-ri...

Look to Ukraine for N. Korea's Missile Engines: Expert

Expert analysis points to Dnipro factory as producing engines scooped up by Pyongyang

(Newser) - Many are worried over North Korea's ICBM launch last month, which analysts say indicate its weapons can now reach the US. And what may be behind this apparent success: liquid-propellant rocket engines from a Ukrainian factory linked to Russia's missile program that were then scooped up on the...

Trump Warns North Korea of 'Fire and Fury'

He speaks after report of big advance by North on nuclear capability

(Newser) - The Washington Post is out with a chilling report about North Korea's nuclear capabilities: It says Pyongyang has figured out how to make a nuclear warhead small enough to be carried by a missile. The news comes from a newly completed assessment by US intelligence officials, and it suggests...

If N. Korea Missile Test Details True, US Territory Is Within Reach

Experts fear they're getting closer to ICBM

(Newser) - North Korea has been bragging about its latest missile launch —and experts say the boasts are more than just empty bluster. The Hwasong-12 missile fired Sunday traveled nearly 500 miles before landing in the Sea of Japan near Russia, according to Pyongyang's KCNA state news agency. Analysts say...

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