
Stories 241 - 254 | << Prev 

Green Veggies May Fight Alzheimer's

Study links low folate levels, elevated dementia risk

(Newser) - Folic acid, already known to help prevent birth defects, may play a role in the development of dementia, the BBC reports. Elderly subjects with low levels of folate in their blood were three times more likely than people with normal levels to develop dementia, a South Korean study found . But...

Nursing Homes Fight Drug Addiction
Nursing Homes Fight Drug Addiction

Nursing Homes Fight Drug Addiction

Use of anti-psychotics for dementia soars; alternatives sought

(Newser) - Despite known dangers—including an increased risk of death—the use of anti-psychotic drugs to control elderly dementia patients has surged, to an estimated 30% of all nursing home residents. Under pressure to cut back, some homes are experimenting with alternatives, like letting distraught patients do what they want to...

Nursing Homes Misuse Meds to Control Patients

'Off label' antipsychotic use drives up costs, sparks concern

(Newser) - Understaffed US nursing homes are increasingly turning to antipsychotic drugs to control elderly residents, even though most display symptoms of dementia rather than the psychotic disorders the drugs are intended to treat, the Wall Street Journal reports. Such “off-label” usage defies FDA warnings that elderly patients using the drugs...

Alzheimer's Less Prevalent Than Suspected

Study finds 10% of Americans over 71 afflicted

(Newser) - A new study estimates that 2.4 million people, or 9.7% of Americans over age 71, have Alzheimer's disease, fewer than originally suspected. Unlike prior studies, which have focused on a small region or select cities, researchers assessed seniors in 42 states to arrive at the "best" estimates...

Education Staves Off Alzheimer's
Education Staves Off Alzheimer's

Education Staves Off Alzheimer's

But seems to speed progress of disease once it sets in

(Newser) - Higher levels of education help delay the onset of Alzheimer's, but once the disease takes hold, mental decline is faster among those with more schooling, researchers have found. Each year of  education is linked to a 2.5 month delay in accelerated memory loss, according to the study in Neurology....

'Conscientious' Folks Face Lower Risk of Alzheimer's

Dependability appears to reduce threat: study

(Newser) - "Conscientious" people appear to be less likely to get Alzheimer's, researchers have found. Participants whose personality tests pegged them as extremely self-disciplined, goal-oriented and dependable were 89% less likely to get Alzheimer's than those at the opposite end of the diligence spectrum, according to a new study in the...

Smoking Linked to Alzheimer's
Smoking Linked to Alzheimer's

Smoking Linked to Alzheimer's

Smoking 'rusts' blood vessels, researchers find

(Newser) - If lung cancer, emphysema, heart disease and social ostracism aren't enough, here's another good reason to stop smoking: a new study links smoking to Alzheimer's disease and dementia. The study, published in the journal Neurology, says that smoking alters the cells of arteries much the same way that metal rusts.

Estrogen Staves Off Dementia
Estrogen Staves Off Dementia

Estrogen Staves Off Dementia

Women under 50 derive benefit; hormone is 'harmful' after 65

(Newser) - Women under 50 who've had their ovaries removed double their risk of disorders like dementia and Parkinson's disease later in life if they don't undergo estrogen-replacement therapy, new research reveals. The findings may lead to more aggressive treatment for premenopausal women who don't produce estrogen naturally, Time reports.

Coffee May Stall Memory Loss in Women

Drink up, and maybe you won't forget where you set your cup down

(Newser) - The world’s most popular stimulant may slow age-related memory loss in older women, Reuters reports. Drinking three or more cups of coffee per day reduced verbal memory loss in French women aged 65 and up by 33% compared to women who drank a cup or less, researchers say. The...

Who's the (Next) Boss?
Who's the (Next) Boss?

Who's the (Next) Boss?

Steinbrenner's failing health intensifies concerns over his successor

(Newser) - George Steinbrenner has mysteriously disappeared from the public eye, and Portfolio reveals that he appears to be in the early stages of dementia. Reporter Franz Lidz made a rare visit to Steinbrenner on an invitation from a golfing buddy—and found the legendary owner pale and swollen, stuck repeating the...

Feds OK Alzheimer's Skin Patch
Feds OK Alzheimer's
Skin Patch

Feds OK Alzheimer's Skin Patch

New treatment gives patients, caregivers some peace of mind

(Newser) - A patch to treat symptoms of Alzheimer's disease cleared its final federal hurdle today, offering new hope to patients with the memory-sapping disorder—and the caretakers who worry about whether they're taking their meds. Exelon, which treats mild to moderate dementia, enters the bloodstream directly, regulating dosage and reducing the...

Drinking Slows Dementia
Drinking Slows Dementia

Drinking Slows Dementia

Add another item to list of alcohol-related miracles: It curbs cognitive decline

(Newser) - Score a victory for the nightcap: Booze may help halt dementia in the elderly, a new study suggests. The Italian research, published in the journal Neurology, concludes that a one-drink-a-day habit can slow the progression of dementia by 85% in those in people 65 and older who already show mild...

Alzheimer's Patients Dying In Prescription Scandal

Sedatives shown to double death rates

(Newser) - Sedatives commonly prescribed to Alzheimer's and dementia patients are leading to their premature death, new research reported in the Guardian concludes.  The drugs, called neuroleptics, combat the diseases' more alarming symptoms, including agitation and hallucinations. Their widespread off-label use in the U.K.—where they're licensed only for...

Is Dick Cheney's Heart the Culprit?
Is Dick Cheney's Heart the Culprit?

Is Dick Cheney's Heart the Culprit?

The VP's "darkening persona" may be linked to ticker troubles

(Newser) - Dick Cheney watchers who've puzzled over the vice president's increasingly rigid, defiant, and tone-deaf behavior are beginning to consider whether could be his heart, literally, that's the culprit. With speculation about the Cheney's "darkening persona" an obsession in the capital, Michele Cottle explores the connection between long-term cardiovascular problems...

Stories 241 - 254 | << Prev