Connecticut school shooting

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Huffington Post Tracks 100+ Shooting Deaths in Week

Website making a point about gun violence

(Newser) - Everyone heard about the Sandy Hook rampage, but not so much about the dozens of individuals across the country who were shot to death in the following week. The Huffington Post tracked gun-related murders and accidents through Google and Nexis searches and came up with more than 100. It's...

Sorry Pundits, That Was a Smart Move by NRA
Sorry Pundits, That Was
a Smart Move by NRA

Sorry Pundits, That Was a Smart Move by NRA

Jeb Golinkin: LaPierre appeased hard-liners, limited coverage

(Newser) - Paranoid . Unhinged . Stunning . Delusional . Those were some of the words thrown around yesterday to describe the NRA's news conference . At the Week , Jeb Golinkin has another: smart. There's a reason Wayne LaPierre waited until the Friday before Christmas to give the group's response to Sandy Hook....

NRA: We Need Armed Cops in Every School

'Only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun'

(Newser) - Those waiting for the NRA to give some ground on gun legislation today got just the opposite from a defiant Wayne LaPierre: "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun," said the group's executive vice president, calling...

Obama Responds to Gun Petitions on YouTube

Meanwhile, Michelle writes tender letter to Newtown

(Newser) - For some reason, the Death Star petition didn't get this kind of treatment. But President Obama responded personally via YouTube video today to the 32 separate gun control petitions that cropped up on his "We the People" site in the wake of the Newtown school shooting, the Atlantic...

At 9:30 This Morning, Nation to Pause

Bells will toll 26 times for Newtown Victims

(Newser) - At 9:30 this morning, exactly one week after 20 children and six teachers were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School, bells will toll 26 times in memorial for the terrible tragedy, reports the Hartford Courant . Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy has called for a "Day of Mourning" today, and...

Critics Pile On National Review Writer
Critics Pile On
Writer at
National Review

Critics Pile On Writer at National Review

She said Adam Lanza could have been stopped ... by men

(Newser) - Charlotte Allen stirred up quite a hornet's nest yesterday, when she wrote in the National Review that Newtown school shooter Adam Lanza might have been thwarted, if only more men had worked at the school. (She also wished that perhaps "some of the huskier 12-year-old boys" should have...

Man Arrested at Another &#39;Sandy Hook&#39;
Man Arrested
at Another 'Sandy Hook'

Man Arrested at Another 'Sandy Hook'

He was carrying piece of wood labeled 'high-powered rifle'

(Newser) - A man who may have wanted to make a point about school safety was arrested this morning after walking into Sandy Hook Elementary School in Strasburg, Virginia, carrying a two-by-four labeled, "high-powered rifle." The school, of course, has the same name as that of the school in Connecticut...

Flying Off Shelves: Bullet-Proof Backpacks

Newtown tragedy drives school shooting anxiety

(Newser) - It's the perfect product for a nation on edge about school shootings: the bullet-proof backpack. "It's an awful thing—you would never imagine your child with this kind of stuff—but since the Newtown tragedy, our sales are more than 10 times better," says the head...

Missing From Newtown Memorials: Nancy Lanza

'26 acts of kindness' campaign just one example

(Newser) - Twenty-seven people were murdered in the Newtown shootings, but the number cited—in memorials, in the media, and by the president—is often just 26. Nancy Lanza is often left out of the victim count amid the anger, the Washington Post reports. "Why would a woman who had a...

Lanza Left Precious Few Clues Behind

Police say 'months' until investigation done

(Newser) - A barely used cell phone. A destroyed computer. No social media accounts. A final week spent alone playing video games. In the aftermath of the horrific shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, Adam Lanza left behind very little in the way of clues for investigators to piece together what made...

Mom Squashed Lanza's Dream to Join Marines

Said fact that he 'didn't like to be touched' would be a problem: friend

(Newser) - One of Nancy Lanza's "closest friends" is trying to help answer the nagging question: Who was Adam Lanza? Ellen Adriani tells the Connecticut Post that Lanza figured out what he wanted to do with his life at age 17: Join the Marines, or another branch of the military....

Scammers Horn In on Newtown Donations

Website set up in victim's name

(Newser) - Just as they did after 9/11, Katrina, and the Aurora shooting, scammers are taking advantage of people's generosity in the wake of the Newtown massacre. A website in the name of Noah Pozner, a 6-year-old killed in the attacks, sought donations and cards for his family; it also contained...

Semi-Automatic Rifles Selling Fast at Walmart

Bloomberg reports they're out of stock in some states

(Newser) - The decision by Dick's Sporting Goods to suspend sales of "modern sporting rifles"—industry vernacular for weapons similar to M-16s—might be paying off for Walmart. Bloomberg reports that the semi-automatic weapons are out of stock at many Walmarts across the country, including those in Pennsylvania, Kansas,...

2 States Consider Arming Teachers

Proposed bills in Va., Tenn. would require armed staffers at schools

(Newser) - In the wake of the Newtown school shooting , at least two states are considering not fewer guns but more guns: Virginia and Tennessee are considering arming their teachers.
  • A Virginia state delegate is proposing a bill that would require some members of school staff to carry guns, the Washington Post

Obama Promises Gun Action 'Without Delay'

Names Biden to head task force

(Newser) - President Obama took a big public step on gun control today, telling a press conference that he would act on gun control "without delay." As expected , Obama announced that Joe Biden would head up a group to explore ways to reduce gun violence, but this won't be...

US Suffers a Mass Killing Every 2 Weeks

'USA Today' analysis returns surprising stat

(Newser) - The Newtown killings have jolted the nation—and USA Today offers a stat that's bound to do the same. Its analysis of FBI records from 2006 to 2010 shows that a mass killing occurs in our nation, on average, every two weeks. It defines mass shooting as the FBI...

Mom Planned to Have Lanza Committed: Source

Joshua Flashman tells Fox News it could have caused shooter to snap

(Newser) - Investigators have yet to offer a motive for Adam Lanza's deadly rampage, but a Newtown resident offers one theory to Fox News : Lanza lost it because his mother planned to commit him against his will. Joshua Flashman, the son of a Newtown pastor, says he has been told that...

Conn. Survivor Heard Whimpers, 'Screaming' on Intercom

Shari Thornberg may have walked right past the shooter

(Newser) - Sandy Hook Elementary staffer Shari Thornberg was happily showing off photos of her son to co-workers when she heard a "weird noise" that she mistook for the janitor taking down risers in the gym. But when the intercom came on, she realized the "pop-pop-pop" sound she heard was...

Conn. Seeks Genetic Clue to Lanza's Rampage

Asperger's 'not on the menu,' medical examiner says

(Newser) - Investigators have brought in a geneticist in an effort to piece together a reason behind the Newtown school massacre, reports the Hartford Courant . Connecticut's chief medical examiner says he is still waiting for toxicology results on Adam Lanza and that he hopes the gunman's biology may offer some...

NRA Breaks Silence: 'Heartbroken' Over Rampage

Group promises 'meaningful contributions' at Friday news conference

(Newser) - The NRA went into a public blackout after the Sandy Hook shootings, but the group broke its silence today with a promise to offer "meaningful" ways to prevent future rampages. "We were shocked, saddened and heartbroken," it says in a statement, adding that it went silent out...

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