medical treatment

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Delhi Gang-Rape Victim May Need Organ Transplant

23-year-old now in Singapore for treatment

(Newser) - The woman who was gang-raped on a New Delhi bus has been flown to Singapore for treatment. The 23-year-old remains in 'extremely critical condition,' says a hospital rep, and she may need an organ transplant. India's government fears that continuing protests —which have already seen the...

Researchers Inch Toward Baldness Cure

Research centers on vitamin D, but remedies are years away

(Newser) - Treatments like Rogaine work best for those trying to stop further hair loss—but what about people who are already bald? Researchers worldwide are inching closer to treatments that could restore hair growth, the Wall Street Journal reports. The market is huge, with 35 million men suffering from male-pattern baldness...

Money-Driven Hospital Chain Allowed Shady Cardiac Work
 Hospital Chain 
 Found Shady 
internal investigation

For-Profit Hospital Chain Found Shady Procedures

HCA hospitals uncovered iffy cardiac work in Florida

(Newser) - Doctors performed needless and dangerous cardiac treatments for years at America's biggest for-profit hospital chain in an apparent attempt to bring in more money, the New York Times reports. Prodded by a nurse in 2010, hospital giant HCA uncovered cardiologists who couldn't justify their procedures at Florida hospitals...

Americans Make Life Easier With At-Home Dialysis

Kidney disease patients can avoid trips to medical centers

(Newser) - Dialysis treatment need not involve unpleasant trips to a medical center three or so times a week. Some Americans with kidney disease are now doing it themselves by hooking up to dialysis at home, the New York Times' The New Old Age blog reports. Barbara Boyle of Hayward, Calif., decided...

Doctors: Chill With All the MRIs, EKGs

With so much unnecessary testing, doctors try to rein in excess

(Newser) - US doctors need to scale back on 45 of the most common testing procedures and treatments—such as EKGs for physicals when there's no sign of heart trouble, MRIs for routine back pain, and antibiotics for mild sinusitis. A panel of nine medical specialty boards is to make the...

Yemen's Saleh En Route to US: Report

Hands over power, will seek medical treatment in Washington

(Newser) - Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh said Sunday he will travel to Washington for medical treatment and he asked Yemenis for forgiveness, saying it is time to hand over power in a farewell speech, state media reported. The mercurial president told Yemeni TV networks that he had formally handed power to...

US to Big Pharma: Disclose What You Pay Docs

New rules aim to increase transparency

(Newser) - Studies have found that when doctors accept payments from drug companies, it can influence their treatment decisions—so the Obama administration will soon require drug companies to disclose those payments. The New York Times reports that around 25% of doctors receive cash from drug companies for consulting, speaking engagements, and...

Your New Drug: Placebos
 Your New Drug: 

Your New Drug: Placebos

They seem to work even when patients know what they're getting

(Newser) - Placebos aren't just for research: Studies increasingly show that treatments with no active ingredients can work as well as—or even better than—"real" therapies. In one such study, some hotel employees were told they were getting good exercise at work; they lost weight, while fellow workers who...

Yemeni Prez Will Receive Medical Care in US: Officials

Aid for despised dictator will likely spark criticism

(Newser) - The debate is apparently over : Washington will allow Yemen's embattled president to visit New York for medical treatment, US officials tell the New York Times . They say the move will effectively disempower Ali Abdullah Saleh by removing him from Yemen, where demonstrators are still waging a deadly battle for...

Maggots Clean Wounds Faster Than Doctors

 Maggots Clean Wounds 
 Faster Than Doctors 
study says

Maggots Clean Wounds Faster Than Doctors

But they don't make wounds heal any better: experts

(Newser) - Maggots may work faster than any surgeon when it comes to cleaning large wounds that are slow to heal. Typically, doctors use scalpels and special enzymes to lift dead tissue from such wounds; researchers in France wanted to see if maggots could speed the process. They compared the two therapies...

Saudi King Heads to US for Medical Treatment

Abdullah said to be 'in stable condition'

(Newser) - Saudi Arabia's 86-year-old King Abdullah left home for the United States today to receive treatment for a blood clot and slipped disc. Saudi authorities have been unusually open in going public with the king's condition, apparently in an effort to prevent any speculation and reassure allies. Personal issues within the...

Oregon Tests New Approach to Health Insurance

Proven treatments are almost free, while others cost a bundle

(Newser) - A new type of insurance being tried out in Oregon has a great upside: free treatment for common maladies like diabetes or depression that have proven treatments. But if you wade into muddier or more elective treatments that critics say are overused, like knee replacement or bypass surgery, it’ll...

Haiti Relief Puts Few Dents in 'Massive' Need

Food, shelter, medicine in short supply with government invisible

(Newser) - Relief efforts in Haiti are falling far short of the need despite the best intentions of the international response to the devastating earthquake almost a month past. The nation’s government is almost absent as US soldiers struggle to deliver nothing more than rice, and no temporary shelter besides the...

After Haiti Quake, Immigration Debate Rumbles

Advocates want US to soften its stance

(Newser) - The disastrous situation in Haiti has sparked calls for the US to soften its stance on Haitian immigration, particularly in respect to severely injured children and those with family members here. Though the US will allow Haitians already in the country illegally to stay for 18 months and will fast-track...

Help Is Coming, But Hard to Know If It's Right Kind
Help Is Coming, But Hard to Know If It's Right Kind

Help Is Coming, But Hard to Know If It's Right Kind

With key first 48 elapsed, more ordinary needs take over

(Newser) - With what rescuers call the “golden 48 hours” for finding survivors in the rubble of the Haiti earthquake elapsed, the troubling question arises of whether the medical help flowing to the island will be what’s most needed. Rescue efforts have become more coordinated since the slapdash response to...

Nigerians Call on Prez to Prove He's Alive

Adua, abroad for medical treatment, mum on Xmas bomb attempt

(Newser) - Some Nigerians suspect their president, who split the country in late November, complaining of chest pains, and has not made a public appearance since, could in fact be dead. Umaru Yar’Adua has failed to weigh in on critical state decisions, and was even mum on the Christmas terror attempt...

Madoff Sent to Prison's Medical Wing

But there's no word from officials on what's wrong

(Newser) - Bernard Madoff has been transferred to the medical facility at the federal prison in North Carolina where he has been serving his 150-year sentence since July. A spokeswoman tells Bloomberg the Ponzi schemer was transferred on Dec. 18, but would not say why. Neither a federal prisons official nor Madoff’...

Scientists Aim to Help Young Schizophrenics

(Newser) - Schizophrenia experts are using a grab-bag of tools to help young people experiencing early signs of the disease, the AP reports. Hormone research, DNA studies, and brain scans are helping patients in the early "prodrome" phase, before deeper psychosis sets in. Many sufferers are trying the 8-year-old PIER ...

'Faint' Sarkozy Hospitalized After Jog

French prez 'felt faint,' undergoing medical tests

(Newser) - Nicolas Sarkozy “felt faint” during his usual morning jog today, reports the Guardian, and was admitted to the hospital where he was under observation and undergoing further tests. Elysee Palace declined to comment further, saying it would release further details this afternoon. The energetic French president is known as...

US Doctors Look to Africa for Lower-Cost Treatments

Developing nations offer cheap, effective solutions for health care

(Newser) - When an AIDS clinic at the University of Alabama wanted to boost the number of patients who returned for treatment, they didn't look to programs in the rich West for ideas. They went to Zambia, where strategies for treating patients with HIV have succeeded despite widespread poverty. With US health...

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