David Petraeus affair

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Petraeus Scandal Reveals 4-Star Generals' Swanky Lives

It's like being Jay-Z, says one expert

(Newser) - Huge mansions, private jets, drivers and security guards and gardeners and aides and chefs, presidential-size police convoys: These are the perks that come along with being a four-star general. The David Petraeus scandal shines a light on the swanky lifestyle he and other top military leaders enjoy—including benefits that,...

Women in Petraeus Scandal Had White House Visits

Separate trips illustrate perks they enjoyed thanks to general

(Newser) - The two women at the center of the David Petraeus scandal—the biographer with whom he had an extramarital affair and the socialite who received worrisome emails that led investigators to uncover the illicit relationship—visited the White House on separate and apparently unrelated occasions. Neither woman met with President...

One More Reason Petraeus Might Have Resigned

He was on the list for access to nuclear codes: Marc Ambinder

(Newser) - Marc Ambinder of the The Week reports on an intriguing and little-known factor that may have contributed to David Petraeus' quick decision to resign: It seems Petraeus was on the list of people who would have access to the nation's nuclear codes should the rest of Washington be wiped...

CIA Opens Own Inquiry Into Conduct of Petraeus
CIA Opens
Own Inquiry
Into Conduct
of Petraeus

CIA Opens Own Inquiry Into Conduct of Petraeus

Wants to be sure he didn't misuse assets

(Newser) - The CIA announced yesterday that it is opening its own investigation into the conduct of former chief David Petraeus, and sources tell the New York Times the investigation will center around whether Petraeus misused any CIA assets—from security details to private jets—to carry out his affair with Paula...

Broadwell's Computer Full of Classified Data: Insiders

Petraeus mistress, Jill Kelley lose security clearance

(Newser) - Paula Broadwell's computer was packed with classified material that should have been better safeguarded, officials tell Reuters . David Petraeus' former mistress had access to such information thanks to her position as a reserve officer in military intelligence, the sources say, noting that the amount of sensitive data calls for...

Petraeus to Testify on Libya Friday

Capitol Hill hearing will be closed to the public

(Newser) - David Petraeus will indeed testify on Capitol Hill about the Benghazi attack, reports AP . The former CIA chief will appear before the House Intelligence committee on Friday, though the hearing will be closed to the public. Petraeus visited Libya secretly last month, and lawmakers are antsy to hear his own...

'Shirtless FBI Agent' in Petraeus Affair Is Named

NYT says it's veteran agent Frederick Humphries

(Newser) - And now the cast of characters in the David Petraeus scandal is a bit more complete: The FBI agent whose investigation into emails sent to his pal Jill Kelley eventually exposed the whole sordid mess has been identified by the New York Times as 47-year-old Frederick Humphries.
  • Career highlight: He

Obama: I Don't Know of Any Classified Leaks in Petraeus Mess

President also defends Susan Rice in press conference

(Newser) - President Obama has wrapped up his first press conference since the election, with, surprise, surprise, the David Petraeus scandal and the fiscal cliff at the top of the agenda, reports the AP . But he also made headlines with a strong defense of UN ambassador Susan Rice. The full transcript is...

FBI Looking Into How Broadwell Got Classified Files

Wants to know the source of the documents seized from her home

(Newser) - The latest in the ongoing and complex David Petraeus sex scandal: The FBI is investigating how Paula Broadwell got her hands on classified files found in her home during a late-night search Monday, reports the Washington Post . Officials say there's no evidence that Petraeus was the source of the...

Petraeus Secretly Visited Libya After Benghazi Attack

Congress wants to know what he learned there

(Newser) - Resignation or not, Democrats and Republicans alike are clamoring for David Petraeus to testify at this week's congressional hearings about the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, and this could be why: Petraeus took a secret trip to Libya last month, in the wake of the Sept. 11...

Socialite in Petraeus Scandal Ran Bogus Charity

Jill Kelley is also an honorary consul of South Korea

(Newser) - The Tampa socialite at the heart of the Petraeus "love Pentagon" sex scandal was the co-founder of a cancer charity that does not appear to have been involved in any charity work, the Huffington Post finds. Jill Kelley and her surgeon husband founded the Doctor Kelley Cancer Foundation in...

ABC Denver Has Big Oops on Petraeus Bio Title

Paula Broadwell title gets an unfortunate edit

(Newser) - What's embarrassing for a Denver ABC affiliate is delightfully entertaining for the rest of us: On the 5pm news yesterday, ABC Denver aired a picture of Paula Broadwell's biography of David Petraeus, All In. Just one problem: The editor who pulled the image off the Web accidentally grabbed...

Paula Broadwell Failed Her Readers

 Paula Broadwell 
 Failed Her Readers 

Paula Broadwell Failed Her Readers

Biographers weigh in on Petraeus affair

(Newser) - Paula Broadwell's fellow biographers are predictably unhappy that the author "violated the bond of trust" between herself and her readers by having an affair with the subject of her book, David Petraeus, writes Laura Miller on Salon . Opinions from two biographers Miller spoke to:
  • James McGrath Morris: "

Top General Emailed Woman in Petraeus Scandal

Pentagon investigating John Allen's links to Jill Kelley

(Newser) - David Petraeus' sex scandal just got a lot bigger. The Pentagon has revealed that it is investigating Gen. John Allen, the top US commander in Afghanistan, for allegedly sending "inappropriate communications" to Jill Kelley, Petraeus' other other woman. The FBI referred the matter to the Pentagon on Sunday, Leon...

Petraeus, Broadwell Used al-Qaeda Trick to Hide Emails

But their approach didn't fool the FBI

(Newser) - David Petraeus and Paula Broadwell attempted to keep much of their communication secret by using a trick popular with both teens and terrorists, the AP reports: They shared an email account and saved unsent draft messages to one another, so both could log on and read them. The tactic, which...

FBI Investigating Agent Who Launched Petraeus Case

He was sidelined after becoming obsessed with case

(Newser) - David Petraeus' affair scandal is getting messier by the day: The federal agent who launched the investigation that led to the CIA director's downfall is himself being investigated by the FBI over his conduct, officials tell the Wall Street Journal . The agent is a friend of Jill Kelley, the...

Feinstein: We Still Want Petraeus to Testify on Benghazi

Former CIA director isn't off the hook, she says

(Newser) - Dianne Feinstein to David Petraeus: We still want you to testify about the Benghazi attack. The Senate Intelligence Committee chairwoman said today she will seek his testimony in hearings about the September attack that killed four Americans at the consulate in Benghazi, Libya, NBC News reports. "I have no...

So David Petraeus Had an Affair&mdash;Who Cares?
So David Petraeus Had an Affair—Who Cares?
Michael Wolff

So David Petraeus Had an Affair—Who Cares?

Michael Wolff writes that affairs are everywhere in the halls of power

(Newser) - No one is saying what everyone's thinking about David Petraeus' sex scandal, which is: "Hey, what the hell? The man had an affair," writes Michael Wolff in the Guardian . For some reason "we have to pretend that sexual scandal is, well, a scandal." In politics,...

FBI Knew of Petraeus Affair Months Ago

Officials defend failure to notify other agencies

(Newser) - High-ranking officials at the FBI and Justice Department were aware by late summer that investigators had found evidence of the extramarital affair that led to the resignation of Gen. David Petraeus , the New York Times reports. But the law enforcement officials didn't let anybody outside the FBI and Justice...

Petraeus Mistress: I Had Access to State Secrets

Paula Broadwell may have leaked classified info in speech

(Newser) - David Petraeus' biographer and mistress says she had inside information on CIA activities—a piece of which she may have revealed in a speech last month. In a panel chat this summer, she said she would "sit in on high level meetings with General Petraeus" during which she'd...

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