dental floss

5 Stories

Studies Show Flossing Likely a Waste of Time

Sorry, dentists

(Newser) - According to a new AP report, we're all in the pocket of Big Floss. Despite the American Dental Association touting the benefits of flossing since 1908 and the federal government pushing flossing since 1979, there's actually very little evidence it does anything to stop cavities or gum disease....

Never Floss? You're Not Alone

32% of US adults don't either, says CDC study

(Newser) - If you never floss your teeth, you're in good company among a third of US adults. CDC researchers looked at data on more than 9,000 Americans aged 30 and over about the number of days in which they flossed during the previous week. In news that probably won'...

27% of Adults Lie About Flossing

And your dentist knows

(Newser) - When dentists ask if we've been flossing our teeth, 27% of us lie, according to a new survey from the American Academy of Periodontology. But, as NPR notes, your dentist can tell whether you're telling the truth on this particular matter—and the two dental health professionals it...

Gum Disease May Lead to Cancer
 Gum Disease May 
 Lead to Cancer 

Gum Disease May Lead to Cancer

Stomach bacteria also linked to pancreatic cancer

(Newser) - Floss, kids—it could save your life. A new study has linked infections from Porphyrmomonas gingivalis, a bacteria associated with gum disease and poor dental hygiene, with pancreatic cancer, one of the most deadly cancers around. The study also pointed the finger at Helicobacter pylori, LiveScience reports, a stomach bacteria...

Inmates Sue Sheriff for Dental Floss

But he says it could be used as a weapon

(Newser) - Just because you're a criminal doesn't mean you should neglect your gums. Four inmates at the Palm Beach County Jail have filed a lawsuit demanding that the jail commissary stock dental floss, the South Florida Sun-Sentinel reports. They also want monetary damages for their plaque-related "pain and...

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