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Zuckerberg: We Stifled COVID Info at White House's Request

Meta CEO alleges White House turned up heat on his teams to take down certain items on COVID

(Newser) - During the height of the pandemic, Meta scrubbed tens of millions of items on Facebook and Instagram that it said pushed misinformation on COVID-19, vaccinations, and the like, with warnings placed on nearly 200 million more pieces of content. Now, the company's CEO is saying that the Biden administration...

China Boots Scientist Who Shared COVID Data From Lab

Zhang Yongzhen later said he'd been allowed back in after sit-in

(Newser) - The first scientist to publish a sequence of the COVID-19 virus in China said he was allowed back into his lab after he spent days locked outside, sitting in protest. Zhang Yongzhen wrote in an online post early Wednesday that authorities had "tentatively agreed" to allow him and his...

Life Expectancy Is on the Rise Again, With Caveats

COVID and drug overdoses still pose an issue, per the CDC

(Newser) - Life expectancy in the United States is on the upswing once again, its first positive motion in two years. NPR reports on new CDC stats that show in 2022, the average came in at 77.5 years, an increase from the 76.4 years set in 2021. But both COVID...

The World Changed 4 Years Ago Today
4 Years Ago Today,
the World Changed
the rundown

4 Years Ago Today, the World Changed

WHO declared a pandemic on March 11, 2020

(Newser) - "It's pretty rare to be able to point to a single day that transformed the whole world," writes Sam Baker at Axios . But it's safe to say that March 11, 2020, qualifies. That's because, exactly four years ago on Monday, "society began to shut...

'Hypervaccinated' Man Floors Scientists
'Hypervaccinated' Man
Floors Scientists
in case you missed it

'Hypervaccinated' Man Floors Scientists

German patient was vaccinated 217 times against COVID, seemingly with no ill effects

(Newser) - Well, we know this guy definitely isn't afraid of needles. A German man has been found to have received 217 vaccinations for COVID-19, and he doesn't seem to be any worse for it. The BBC reports on the "bizarre" case of the 62-year-old out of Magdeburg, whose...

Better Get Your Order in for 4 More Free COVID Tests

After Friday, government will no longer accept orders for the latest round of free tests

(Newser) - If you haven't ordered your latest round of free COVID tests and you want them, do it today: The United States Postal Service will stop accepting orders for the at-home test kits after Friday, the Guardian reports. The Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response, a division of the US...

Report: CDC Plans to Cut COVID Isolation Guidelines

'Washington Post' reports that 5-day isolation period will be dropped

(Newser) - The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is preparing to loosen its COVID isolation guidelines for the first time since it cut the recommended isolation time from 10 days to five days in Dec. 2021, the Washington Post reports. The Post, citing "four agency officials and an expert familiar...

California's New COVID Policy Distances From CDC

State now allows those with COVID but no symptoms to go out in public

(Newser) - Just tested positive for COVID but don't have any symptoms? You're now free to move about in public as you please—at least if you're in California, where coronavirus policy has been "quietly" updated in a distancing from the CDC's own guidelines, reports NBC News...

New Development in Mystery Over Bolsonaro's Vax Status

Brazilian authorities say anti-vax former president's records showing he'd been vaxxed were falsified

(Newser) - Jair Bolsonaro has long minimized COVID-19, as well as health and safety measures taken against the virus, including vaccination. Yet confusingly, records show that the former Brazilian president received a COVID shot more than two years ago, apparently to help him circumvent travel restrictions and other rules that required he...

Documents Alter Our Understanding of Early COVID Timeline

'WSJ' reports China had largely sequenced the virus 2 weeks before it told the world it did

(Newser) - Just two weeks separated Jan. 11, 2020, and Dec. 28, 2019, but in the Wall Street Journal 's reporting, they were 14 meaningful days: ones in which China had sequenced the virus that causes COVID-19 but had not yet shared that information with the world. It reports that during...

Man Finds Out Not to Compare COVID Shots to Holocaust

German teacher is hit with $3.3K fine for 'trivialization' over COVID shots

(Newser) - A German man has been hit with a $3,300 fine after expressing some unconventional views on COVID-19 vaccines. Deutsche Welle reports that the unnamed vocational-college teacher, a 62-year-old from Berlin, heard his financial fate on Thursday from the Tiergarten Local Court, where a presiding judge slammed him for comparing...

Leftover PPE From Pandemic: 'What a Real Waste'

States are now dumping millions of masks, gowns, gloves, other protective gear due to excess supply

(Newser) - When the coronavirus pandemic took hold in an unprepared US, states scrambled for masks and other protective gear. Three years later, as the grips of the pandemic have loosened, many states are now trying to deal with an excess of that gear, ditching their supplies in droves. With expiration dates...

Boris Johnson at COVID Inquiry: 'I Should Have Twigged'

Former UK prime minister says his government 'got some things wrong' but did its best

(Newser) - Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson defended his handling of COVID-19 on Wednesday at a public inquiry into the pandemic, saying his government "got some things wrong" but did its best. Johnson began two days of questioning under oath by lawyers for the judge-led inquiry about his initial reluctance...

US Life Expectancy Jumps, but There's Another 'Bleak' Stat

Life expectancy is now 77.5 years, but that boost hasn't recouped pandemic losses

(Newser) - Fresh stats out from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offer some good news and some bad news in terms of our collective longevity. "The good news is that life expectancy increased for the first time in two years," the CDC's Elizabeth Arias, a co-author on...

Experts: Numbers on Updated COVID Shots Are 'Abysmal'

Per CDC, only 7% of adults, 2% of children have received most recent coronavirus vaccine

(Newser) - A month after federal officials recommended new versions of COVID-19 vaccines, 7% of US adults and 2% of children have gotten a shot. One expert called the rates "abysmal," per the AP . The numbers, presented Thursday at a meeting held by the CDC, come from a national survey...

Inmates Win $2K Each After Jail's Ivermectin 'Cocktail'

Arkansas prisoners received antiparasitic drug, which wasn't FDA-approved for COVID, in 2021

(Newser) - Five inmates at an Arkansas jail received a small settlement last month after being given ivermectin to treat their bouts with COVID. The Washington Post reports that the detainees involved in a lawsuit against Fayetteville's Washington County Detention Center were each awarded $2,000, in what ACLU Arkansas calls...

Penn Gave Nobel-Winner Ultimatum: Leave, or Take Pay Cut

Katalin Kariko didn't leave, keeping up her dogged research that led to COVID vaccines

(Newser) - Hungarian researcher Katalin Kariko looks pretty good on paper these days: She co-pioneered mRNA research at the University of Pennsylvania that led to COVID vaccines that helped save millions of lives worldwide during the pandemic; as of last week she has a Nobel for her trouble ; and, just as icing...

Neanderthal Genes Suspected in Severe COVID Cases
Neanderthal Genes Suspected
in Severe COVID Cases

Neanderthal Genes Suspected in Severe COVID Cases

Study looks at a hard-hit city in Italy

(Newser) - Individuals who suffer a severe COVID-19 infection may perhaps blame genes inherited from our cousins the Neanderthals. A new study focused on the northern Italian city of Bergamo, an early epicenter found to have one of the world's highest COVID-19 death rates, links a set of DNA variants, or...

Free At-Home COVID Tests Are Coming Back

Government will once again offer 4 per household

(Newser) - With COVID hospitalizations back on the rise and experts warning about a possible winter surge, the federal government is once again offering free at-home tests that people can order starting next week. Four free testing kits will be mailed per household, Politico reports. The government had previously distributed COVID tests...

Biden Wears, Then Removes Mask at White House Ceremony

President tested negative for COVID Tuesday

(Newser) - President Biden turned up in a mask for the first time in months on Tuesday, a day after his wife tested positive for COVID-19. But the president quickly ditched it during a ceremony honoring an 81-year-old Vietnam veteran, and the two unmasked octogenarians shared a hearty handshake before they parted....

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