human rights

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Incendiary Weapons Have Taken Horrific Toll on Civilians

Human Rights Watch calls for the closing of treaty loopholes

(Newser) - A new report released Monday documents the use of incendiary weapons and their horrific human cost on civilians over the past decade in conflict zones like Afghanistan, the Gaza Strip, and Syria, with Human Rights Watch and Harvard’s human rights clinic calling on nations to close loopholes in international...

Hong Kong Launches Snitching Hotline

Human rights activists push back on way to report alleged violations of national security law

(Newser) - The Hong Kong police really want to know if there's anyone in your neighborhood who's violating the national security law put in place earlier this year to stop secessionist, subversive, or terrorist activity. Toward that end, there's now a hotline that people can call to effectively tattle...

Scathing Report Details Atrocities in Venezuela

Experts allege crimes against humanity have been committed there since 2014

(Newser) - Independent experts commissioned by the UN’s top human-rights body have alleged the government of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has committed crimes against humanity since 2014. The experts issued a scathing, in-depth report on Wednesday that said the people responsible for crimes that include extrajudicial executions, enforced disappearances, arbitrary detentions,...

Pompeo Announces Sanctions on Huawei

Certain employees of Chinese tech companies to face visa restrictions

(Newser) - The State Department accused the world's largest telecommunications equipment manufacturer of human right abuses Wednesday, saying it would impose visa restrictions on employees of China's Huawei. The announcement came a week after the State Department accused China of human rights abuses and a day after the UK said...

Minneapolis Instituting a Big Ban After George Floyd Death

No more chokeholds to be allowed by police

(Newser) - Negotiators for the city of Minneapolis have agreed with the state to ban the use of chokeholds by police, and to require police to report and intervene any time they see an unauthorized use of force by another officer. The moves are part of a stipulation between the city and...

They Sought Safety in US, Ended Up Dead at Home
The US Deported Them.
138 Are Now Dead
new report

The US Deported Them. 138 Are Now Dead

Human Rights Watch documents cases of murdered Salvadorans

(Newser) - The report is called "Deported to Danger," and for at least 138 Salvadorans, danger is putting it too mildly. In its report released Wednesday, Human Rights Watch says that's the number of migrants and asylum seekers that were murdered after the US deported them back to El...

After Woman&#39;s Death, First Arrest Made in Age-Old Custom
Another Death Prompts First
Arrest in Age-Old Custom
the rundown

Another Death Prompts First Arrest in Age-Old Custom

Brother-in-law arrested in Nepal after woman dies in menstruation hut on cold night

(Newser) - It's called "chhaupadi," an age-old practice in Nepal in which women are forced out of the home while menstruating and into makeshift huts, even in the bitter cold. The nation outlawed the practice last year, but the custom persists. Now, however, a young woman's death has...

Trump Signs a Bill That Might Upset China

The president supports pro-democracy activists

(Newser) - President Trump on Wednesday signed two bills aimed at supporting human rights and pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong, the AP reports. Trump signed the bills, which were approved by near unanimous consent in the House and Senate, even as he expressed some concerns about complicating the effort to work out...

China Forcefully Harvests Organs From Detainees, Tribunal Finds

Independent group calls practice 'unmatched wickedness'

(Newser) - China is harvesting organs from detainees in prison camps to feed a $1 billion transplant business, an international tribunal has found. More than 1.5 million people are being held in the camps, and some of them are being killed for their organs, NBC reports. In London, the independent China...

This Poster Could Trigger 2 Years in Prison

Polish woman is arrested for putting up images

(Newser) - Polish authorities have arrested a woman for putting up posters of the Virgin Mary and Jesus surrounded by LGBT-colored flag halos, CNN reports. Elzbieta Podlesna, 51, was collared after coming home from a trip abroad with Amnesty International on Monday, at which point authorities confiscated her cellphone and laptop and...

Extremists Want Her to Die. Instead, Court Frees Her (Again)

Pakistani Supreme Court upholds acquittal of Christian accused of blasphemy, sentenced to die

(Newser) - Asia Bibi is finally free to leave Pakistan, if she hasn't already. On Tuesday, the country's Supreme Court upheld its own acquittal of Bibi—a Christian mother first arrested a decade ago on blasphemy charges and sentenced to death in 2010 —rejecting a challenge to its earlier...

China Holds Hush-Hush Trial of Rights Lawyer

Wang Quanzhang already has been held for 3 years

(Newser) - A human rights lawyer detained three years ago in China finally got his day in court Wednesday, but not even his wife knows how it went. The proceedings for Wang Quanzhang, accused of subversion, were closed to the public, reports the New York Times , and police would not even let...

Huge Dowry, Huge Uproar for Underage Bride

Man in South Sudan hands over 500 cows, plus cash and car for 17-year-old

(Newser) - Five hundred cows, two luxury cars, $10,000, two bikes, a boat, and a few cell phones made up the final price in a heated bidding war for a teenage bride in South Sudan that went viral after the auction was pointed out on Facebook. The government says it's...

Rape Victim Who Gave Birth Now Faces Prison Time

Imelda Cortez is accused of trying to have an abortion in strict no-abortion El Salvador

(Newser) - A young woman in El Salvador was sexually abused by her stepfather since the age of 12, impregnated by him at age 18, and now has a 2-year-old daughter by him. But adding to the horror of her experience, Imelda Cortez, now 20, is the one facing up to 20...

'We Don't Have a Single Friend': World Leaves Canada in the Cold

Neither the US nor UK backs Canada in Saudi spat

(Newser) - Canada's growing rift with the US has included tense trade talks and tit-for-tat remarks . Now the US is among countries leaving Canucks in the diplomatic cold over their spat with Saudi Arabia, the Guardian reports. "It's up for the government of Saudi Arabia and the Canadians to...

John Oliver Finds Out What Happens When You Rip on China

'Last Week Tonight' host criticized Xi Jiping, now faces scrubbing on country's version of Twitter

(Newser) - "China: the country responsible for huge technological advances, and yet it still can't seem to get pandas to f---" is how John Oliver opened Sunday's edition of Last Week Tonight . That was just the start of an episode filled with barbs aimed at the world's most...

'Selfish' Woman Faces Backlash From Boss for Getting Pregnant

Story out of Japan highlights 'matahara,' aka 'maternity harassment'

(Newser) - In Japan, some employers are strict on the perks of seniority—including the issue of which workers should be allowed to marry and get pregnant first. That's why, in a Feb. 28 letter to the Japanese newspaper Mainichi Shimbun , one man says his wife became "glum and anxious"...

In Philippines, 'Ludicrous' Claims From Government in Drug War

Human rights groups push back at Duterte rep's claim that they're assisting drug lords

(Newser) - Human rights groups shining a spotlight on mounting deaths in the Philippines' drug war now have the added chore of denying the government's claims they're involved. Following one of the bloodiest weeks in President Rodrigo Duterte's crackdown on drugs—13 people were killed in a single night,...

Man Who Beat 'Adulterous' Wife Escapes Jail Time

Activists slam 'revolting' court ruling in Portugal

(Newser) - Women's rights groups reacted with outrage after a Portuguese court quoted the Bible in a ruling that justified a suspended sentence for a man who attacked his "adulterous" ex-wife with a nail-spiked bat, NPR reports. The appeals court judges in Porto called adultery a "serious attack" on...

He Tried Not to Spill His Drink. Now He&#39;s in a &#39;Nightmare&#39;
He Tried Not to
Spill His Drink. Now
He's in a 'Nightmare'
in case you missed it

He Tried Not to Spill His Drink. Now He's in a 'Nightmare'

Jamie Harron, 27, accidentally brushed against a man's hip in Dubai

(Newser) - He was trying not to spill his drink. That's what a Scottish tourist says led to his arrest in Dubai for touching a man's hip, the BBC reports. Jamie Harron, 27, says he was walking with a drink in the crowded Rock Bottom Cafe when he put out...

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