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AIDS Top Killer of Women Worldwide: UN

Women bear larger burden from HIV

(Newser) - HIV/AIDS is the top cause of death and disease among women and girls, says the UNAids program, which yesterday launched a 5-year plan to tackle the problems that put women especially at risk from the disease. Part of the problem is that up to 70% of women worldwide have been...

BBC Announcer Charged in Murder of Dying Lover

Ray Gosling confessed to mercy killing on UK television

(Newser) - British police have arrested a BBC presenter who confessed on television that he'd killed a former lover who was dying of AIDS. Ray Gosling, 70, was arrested on suspicion of murder this morning, less than two days after the airing of a TV program in which Gosling tearfully described smothering...

BBC Announcer: 'I Smothered Dying Lover'

Ray Gosling confesses to mercy killing of lover with AIDS

(Newser) - British police plan to investigate a BBC presenter's confession that he smothered a lover who was dying of AIDS. "In a hospital one hot afternoon, the doctor said, ’There’s nothing we can do’. He was in terrible, terrible pain," Ray Gosling revealed in a program on...

'Mental HIV' Stumps Chinese
 'Mental HIV' Stumps Chinese 

'Mental HIV' Stumps Chinese

Sufferers claim government is concealing epidemic

(Newser) - A surge in patients who have many of the symptoms of HIV but no trace of the virus is baffling health authorities in China. The condition is the result of a mental, not a physical, problem, doctors insist. But sufferers distrust China's medical authorities and believe the government is covering...

After 20 Years, Scientists Crack HIV Puzzle

Enzyme integrase made visible for first time

(Newser) - After 40,000 failed trials and "painstakingly slow progress," scientists have solved a puzzle that stumped AIDS researchers for more than 20 years—and their findings could help develop more effective HIV drugs. The researchers at Harvard and Imperial College London grew a crystal that for the first...

South African President Fathers 20th Child

Polygamist Jacob Zuma welcomed daughter before 3d marriage

(Newser) - South African president Jacob Zuma became a father for the 20th time when a friend's daughter gave birth to a baby girl in October. Zuma, 67, later married his third wife and is planning a wedding to a fourth woman, neither of them the baby's mother, the Times of London...

Miss Va. Is New Miss America
 Miss Va. Is New Miss America 

Miss Va. Is New Miss America

Caressa Cameron won her state's pageant on fourth try

(Newser) - A 22-year-old Virginia woman who said she once thought her only talent was singing is the nation's newest Miss America. Caressa Cameron, the first black Miss America since 2005, is a broadcast journalism student at Virginia Commonwealth University with an eye on a master's degree and becoming a news anchor....

AIDS Linked to Ancient Tiger
 AIDS Linked to Ancient Tiger 

AIDS Linked to Ancient Tiger

Feline DNA found in virus

(Newser) - Researchers have found a strand of feline DNA in the AIDS virus, leading them to believe that the virus was incubated in a tiger thousands or millions of years ago. They speculate that the tiger may have bitten a monkey, setting in motion the viral evolution that would ultimately lead...

New Zealander Injects Wife With His Own HIV

Hoped common illness would aid marriage, she'd have sex again

(Newser) - An HIV-positive New Zealander faces 14 years in prison for infecting his wife with the virus in hopes that she would start sleeping with him again. The husband allegedly pricked her with a sewing needle laced with his blood because she—who had tested negative after his diagnosis—stopped having...

South Africa Will Expand AIDS Fight

In policy shift, country will ramp up testing and drugs for babies

(Newser) - South Africa said today it will expand HIV testing and treatment for pregnant women and babies, an eagerly awaited shift in a country that has more people living with HIV than any other. Today's speech by President Jacob Zuma on World AIDS Day was viewed as a turning point for...

Accelerated Aging Tied to HIV/AIDS

Middle-aged sufferers have symptoms of HIV-negative 80-year-olds

(Newser) - The aging population of Americans with HIV/AIDS is in a much different spot than those infected before the drug cocktail was introduced in the mid-1990s. But new research reveals disturbing trends related to aging. The cause is likely either the disease or the medications, and the result is symptoms—from...

Swine Flu Crisis Is Fake —Just Like AIDS in Africa

Those dang Africans are just fishing for relief cash, says Limbaugh

(Newser) - What do H1N1 and HIV have in common? They’re both money-making schemes! At least according to Rush Limbaugh, who yesterday took a fairly reasonable critique of swine flu hysteria off the rails and into crazy town, by saying it was being purposely hyped “for many of the same...

Insurers Drop Rape Victims Who Take HIV Meds
Insurers Drop Rape Victims Who Take HIV Meds

Insurers Drop Rape Victims Who Take HIV Meds

Assaulted women locked out of health care

(Newser) - Sexual assault victims prescribed precautionary HIV/AIDS meds risk being denied health insurance—because they have a pre-existing condition. The vast majority never develop the disease, but many have lost their insurance altogether, the Huffington Post reports. Others have been denied mental health care for PTSD that arose after they were...

AIDS Vaccine Data Overstated
 AIDS Vaccine Data Overstated 

AIDS Vaccine Data Overstated

Much-hyped Thai results statistically insignificant, researchers say

(Newser) - The data from last month’s much-hyped Thai AIDS vaccine trial are actually statistically insignificant, according to a secondary analysis published today in the New England Journal of Medicine. The original results from the trial, which included more than 16,000 people, concluded that the vaccine reduced infections by a...

CDC Must Stop Advocating Circumcision
CDC Must Stop Advocating Circumcision

CDC Must Stop Advocating Circumcision

Male procedure just as backward as reviled female version

(Newser) - Virtually everyone in the Western world seems to agree that female circumcision is horrible. It greatly reduces sexual pleasure, violates individual autonomy, and provides no discernible health benefits. Well, all that is true of male circumcision, too, writes Ethan Epstein, yet the CDC is considering a plan to “promote...

Vaccine Cuts HIV Infection Rate by 1/3

Watershed US-Thai study is first to show success

(Newser) - A new vaccine tested in Thailand has protected a significant minority of subjects against HIV infection—marking the first time a vaccine has shown even partial success against the virus that causes AIDS. The 16,000-volunteer study, undertaken by the US Army, the Thai health ministry, and two drug companies,...

Showbiz Scribe Army Archerd Dead at 87

Column appeared in Variety for 52 years

(Newser) - Army Archerd, who chronicled Hollywood for 52 years as a columnist for Variety, died today of mesothelioma, the showbiz publication reports. He was 87; the cancer was thought to be related to exposure to asbestos during World War II. He was known for injecting a social consciousness into his reporting,...

AIDS Charities Blast Hitler Sex Ad

Racy commercial stigmatizes those infected with virus, critics say

(Newser) - A racy ad showing Adolf Hitler having unprotected sex is designed to scare young people about AIDS, but charities say the spot vilifies victims of the disease, the Telegraph reports. The explicit commercial, which shows a couple undressing and having intercourse, takes a creepy twist when the camera pans up...

In Brazil, You've Got Mail—and Possibly an STD

(Newser) - The Brazilian Health Ministry has created a website to let people inform partners they've got a sexually transmitted disease via an emailed virtual postcard. The official in charge of the ministry's STD and AIDs programs notes that many have a hard time telling partners they're infected—and that the emails...

Single Pill Can Halt Diarrhea's Deadly Reign

(Newser) - Diarrhea kills 1.6 million children under 5 every year—more than AIDS or malaria—and gets a fraction of the funding. But a deceptively simple new treatment may mark a breakthrough, Time reports. Zinc supplements appear to dramatically decrease diarrhea-related deaths—one afflicted village in Mali hasn’t had...

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