raising children

10 Stories

Raising a Kid Today Costs an Eye-Popping Amount

Research by Lending Tree says it costs nearly $240K to raise children up until college

(Newser) - The cost of raising a kid up until college in the US has reached nearly $240,000, and that amount includes just the basics, according to CBS News . They broke down research from Lending Tree that found parenting costs from birth to age 18 averaged $237,482. These expenses covered...

Cost to Raise a Child Now Tops $300K

Inflation has made parenting a greater financial burden, researcher says

(Newser) - Inflation's damage is being felt not just one loaf of bread or gallon of gas at a time, but in big-picture expenses—such as the cost of raising a child. A new Brookings Institution estimate puts the total for raising a child through age 17 at $310,605. The...

Raising a Family Is Best in This US City

Overland Park, Kansas, comes in at No. 1

(Newser) - Moving to a new city can be stressful, but even more so when you have little ones to consider. In addition to making sure you find a comfortable place to live, having a family to raise also dictates you look at other factors, such as the quality of the schools,...

Jolie Talks Mommies, Killers
 Jolie Talks Mommies, Killers 

Jolie Talks Mommies, Killers

Actress gives scoop on 2 very diverse roles

(Newser) - Angelina Jolie was shocked to learn she and Brad Pitt were expecting twins but also, perhaps unnecessarily, tells Entertainment Weekly that pregnancy can be good for the sex life. She also discusses talking politics with Clint Eastwood, the challenges of getting ready to have six kids under 8, Billy Bob...

Angelina: Woman, Uninterrupted

Angelina: Woman, Uninterrupted

Vanity Fair gets in touch with Jolie's feminine sides: actress, daughter, mom

(Newser) - The every mood and move of "Brangelina" results in frantic flashbulbs and screaming headlines, but when Rich Cohen sat down with Angelina Jolie for Vanity Fair, he found a complete woman whose life perhaps imitates her art. The "ultimate avatar of fantasies," her onscreen roles have reflected...

Conn. Grade School Kills Dessert
Conn. Grade School Kills Dessert

Conn. Grade School Kills Dessert

Cafeteria replaces ice cream with fruit, to mixed reviews

(Newser) - Hoping to curb the trend toward obesity and diabetes in children, one Connecticut school has taken a drastic measure: It no longer serves sweets. The ice cream and cookies that drew huge cafeteria crowds twice a week have been replaced with fruit and yogurt, reports CBS 2 New York. The...

And Dr. Spock Breathes Sigh of Relief

Spears' parenting book delayed after daughter, 16, gets pregnant

(Newser) - Lynne Spears might have been able to explain elder daughter Britney's head-shaving incident and even finessed the no-skivvies romp, but, People reports, news that younger daughter Jamie Lynn, 16, is pregnant appears to have derailed Lynne's book on … you guessed it, parenting. A spokeswoman for her publisher says the...

Parents Believe Kids Are Too Plugged In

A third thinks children spend too much time online, but do they really?

(Newser) - American kids are spending more time than ever in front of the computer, and the trend makes some parents queasy, CNet reports. Three-quarters of Americans age 12 and up spend an average of 8.9 hours online a week, a new study finds. And the numbers will keep rising, as...

Dads Move in on Baby Market
Dads Move in
on Baby Market

Dads Move in on Baby Market

As fathers get more hands-on, baby gear is getting less female

(Newser) - As fathers continue to take a more active role in raising their children, the market for baby gear has become less mom-centric, the New York Times reports. And it's not all fishing vests with hidden diaper changing pads. Recent dad-born inventions include computerized baby timers and a nipple adapter that...

10 Best Family Towns
10 Best
Family Towns

10 Best Family Towns

From the Rockies to a Miami suburb, perfect places to raise your babies

(Newser) - These places earned Family Circle's attention with for their serenity, natural beauty, community, and culture. Living costs, commutes, and crime rates are low, but schools and museums rank high. They're all BYOB: Bring Your Own Baby.
  1. Castle Rock, Colo.
  2. Diamond Bar, Calif.
  3. Morton Grove, Ill.
  4. Cedar Park, Texas
  5. Derby, Kan.

10 Stories
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