
15 Stories

Sweden Takes Another Big Step in Parental Leave

Grandparents can now get paid to take care of their grandkids

(Newser) - Sweden launched a groundbreaking new law on Monday that allows grandparents to step in and get paid parental leave while taking care of their grandchildren for up to three months of a child's first year. The development comes after the Swedish parliament approved last December the government's proposal...

Biden Acknowledges 7th Grandkid for First Time
Biden: Yes, I Have
a 7th Grandchild

Biden: Yes, I Have a 7th Grandchild

President acknowledges Navy Joan Roberts, 4, the daughter of Hunter Biden and Lunden Roberts

(Newser) - President Biden doesn't shy away from boasting about his family. "I have six grandchildren. And I'm crazy about them. And I speak to them every single day," he said at a Take Your Child to Work Day event in April. Now, we may start to hear...

Dowd to Biden: Show Some Heart, Accept Your Grandchild

Columnist says first family's refusal to embrace Hunter's 4-year-old daughter is horrible

(Newser) - President Biden often talks about how much he loves his six grandchildren. In her latest New York Times column, Maureen Dowd reminds the president that he has seven grandkids—and calls the first family's refusal to accept the seventh child as an awful decision. The 4-year-old girl is named...

You're Out of Luck in Italy, Grandpa
You're Out of Luck
in Italy, Grandpa
in case you missed it

You're Out of Luck in Italy, Grandpa

Nation's high court rules grandkids can't be forced to see their grandparents

(Newser) - Sorry, Grandpa—you don't get to visit with the grandkids unless they want to. At least that's now the case in Italy, where the nation's high court has handed down the decision that grandchildren can't be forced to see their grandparents, reports the Guardian . It's...

He Got Custody of His Young Daughter, Then Fatally Shot Her

Angel Ahearn's grandmother is now slamming Tennessee's child services

(Newser) - Six years ago, Angelique Ahearn's mother was killed in a Halloween car crash in Tennessee, and since the accident, her maternal grandmother, Monica Dunning, had fought for custody of the girl. Now Dunning is furious at the state's Department of Children's Services after Angel's father, who...

Man Sued for $650K by Own Parents for Not Having Kids

Sanjeev, Sadhana Prasad want son and his wife to pay up if there's no grandchild within a year

(Newser) - If you're newly married and and have been relentlessly pestered by your parents for grandchildren ever since the "I do's," consider yourselves lucky. In India, one young couple is now the subject of a "highly unusual" lawsuit after the man's parents became miffed they...

Bidens' Oldest Grandkid to Enjoy Rare White House Perk

Naomi Biden, 28, and Peter Neal, 24, will have WH wedding reception on Nov. 19

(Newser) - Details are scarce, but a Biden is about to celebrate their wedding in the White House. That would be Naomi Biden, Joe and Jill Biden's oldest grandchild, who'll have her nuptials hosted by the president and first lady on Nov. 19, a spokesperson for Jill Biden tells CNN...

Joe Montana, Wife Block Kidnapping Try of Grandchild

The former NFL quarterback says an unknown woman entered their Malibu home

(Newser) - Hall of Fame quarterback Joe Montana and his wife confronted a home intruder who attempted to kidnap their 9-month-old grandchild over the weekend, law enforcement officials confirmed on Sunday. According to the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, Montana told deputies that his grandchild was sleeping in a playpen on...

Cosby: 'Predator' Label Will Hurt My Reputation

Defense lawyers say it would also hurt disgraced comedian's relationship with his grandkids

(Newser) - Bill Cosby isn't about to lie down and be labeled a "sexually violent predator." In a motion filed Monday, lawyers for the convicted rapist say the label recommended by Pennsylvania's Sexual Offenders Assessment Board—which comes with a lifelong requirement to register as a sex offender,...

2 Men Alive Today Are Grandkids of Our 10th President

John Tyler's descendants have second wives to thank

(Newser) - "I think it had to do with second wives." Pretty much. CBS News is out with a good bit of historical trivia: John Tyler, who was born in 1790 when George Washington was president and became America's 10th president in 1841, has two living grandsons. As the...

Baby Makes 100 for Illinois Grandparents

Grandkids and great-grandkids, that is; Leo and Ruth Zanger 'love them all'

(Newser) - Jaxton Leo Zanger entered the world on April 8, making Leo and Ruth Zanger the happiest grandparents in the world—for the 100th time. "The good Lord has just kept sending them," Leo Zanger says, per the Quincy Herald-Whig . "We could start our own town." Jaxton...

Report: Woman Wants to Birth Dead Daughter's Baby

UK 59-year-old's daughter died of cancer, but she froze her own eggs

(Newser) - It's not unheard of for a woman to act as a surrogate mother for her own grandchild, but a 59-year-old British woman is reportedly hoping for what may be a world first: becoming a surrogate for her dead daughter, who succumbed to bowel cancer four years ago while still...

Cops: Man Kills 6 Grandkids, Daughter

Florida police say 51-year-old Don Spirit then killed himself

(Newser) - Florida police are investigating a horrific murder-suicide in which a 51-year-old man shot and killed his daughter and six grandchildren yesterday, reports CNN . The kids ranged in age from an infant to 11 years. The shootings took place in the rural town of Bell, about 35 miles west of Gainesville....

Romney to MSNBC: It's All Good

 to MSNBC: 
 It's All Good 

Romney to MSNBC: It's All Good

Accepts Melissa Harris-Perry's apology for making fun of grandkid

(Newser) - Mitt Romney decidedly turned the other cheek today, embracing an MSNBC host's apology after a furor erupted when she joked about his black grandson. "I think it's a heartfelt apology, and I think for that reason we hold no ill will whatsoever," he told Fox News ...

Egg Freezing: Mom, Dad's New Gift to Aging Daughters
Egg Freezing: Mom, Dad's New Gift to Aging Daughters
new trend

Egg Freezing: Mom, Dad's New Gift to Aging Daughters

More and more parents helping to foot the sizable bill

(Newser) - Some parents help pay for their kids' college tuition—others help foot the bill for freezing their daughters eggs? Apparently. The New York Times reports on what it paints as a growing trend: Would-be grandparents, worried about their daughter's advancing age and aware of the fact that the procedure...

15 Stories
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